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Hit The Silk!

I Hit the Silk har du sammen med en gruppe af andre kriminelle formået at kapre et fly, der skal bringe jeres tyvekoster sikkert væk. Med dette skulle I afregne jeres gæld til den knap så tilgivende kasinoejer. Flyet er nu i problemer og mister hurtigt højden. I er nødt til at bruge faldskærme til, at lande sikkert med tyvekosterne, så i kan afregne jeres gæld, men hold godt fast… der er ikke nok faldskærme til jer alle!

Antal spillere
20-45 min.
249 kr. - Ikke på lager

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Det var altid sikker, at dette var et dristigt kup. Alt gik efter planen, indtil piloten greb en pistol fra boksen, åbnede nødudgangsdøren og skød 3 skud ind i motoren, inden han sprang ud med sin egen faldskærm og en ekstra i reserve.

Du skal sikre tyvekosterne, men nu er der en faldskærm mindre på flyet, der er på vej ned. Hurtigt. Hvem kan du stole på? Hvem har kontanterne? Hvor er sliskerne? Kan du styre nerverne før du kaster dig ud med faldskærmen?

Hit the Silk! er et spil af spænding og forræderi. Det er en meget social, semi-kooperativ oplevelse med bluffing, forhandling, socialt deduktion og et par “take-that” elementer, der tvinger dig til at revurdere din strategi.

Spillet starter med at flyet er højt oppe i luften. For hver handling der tages, falder flyet med 500ft (nogen gange mere). Før flyet styrter, skal spillerne i flertal blive enige om at springe ud med faldskærm.

Flyets højde er vist med højdemåleren, som også indikere hvornår der skal stemmes – Er det tid til at springe ud? Ved 1.000ft er det obligatorisk at springe ud, for lavere end dette er umuligt at overleve springet.

Spillet indeholder:
1 x Højdemåler og nål (“Den tyndeste del af samlingsdelen skal være nederst”)
1 x Spilleplade
1 x Fly-markør
1 x På din tur-kort
1 x Spilleregler
2 x Gift-markører
2 x Landingssekvens-terninger
3 x Håndjern-markører
51 x Udstyr og handlingskort
18 x Flannelkort
+ stretch goals

Vores udgave indeholder altid ekstra-modulet “Extra cargo”.

Hit the Silk is social game of deal making, back-stabbing and luck. Every game I played was full of lively conversation and laughs.

What Hit the Silk does right is immediately engaging you in the theme. The stakes are high and you’re right in the middle of the action. In addition, the player board looks fantastic and function great. Rotating the altimeter dial really contributes to the theme and builds urgency through play. Unfilteredgamer – (Link)

There is a lot of mayhem, amusement and take that packed into the deck of cards. Expect poison, handcuffs, kung-fu chops, knife fights, antidotes and plenty of thievery!

Escape Plan Board Games really know how to imbue theme into a game. In Hit the Silk! you feel every stab in the back, grumble at every hindrance bestowed upon you and laugh at other player’s misfortune. You really do want to jump from the plane with a parachute AND enough money. Being left on the plane while everyone else jumps is like being picked last for a team game as a kid – no one wants that! – Boardgamereivew.co.uk (Link)

Vægt: 1,5 kg.

<em>Looks great, feels great, overall nice components, just like their last game. The artwork creates the theme very nicely.</em><br><br><strong>Hairy Game Lords</strong>

Looks great, feels great, overall nice components, just like their last game. The artwork creates the theme very nicely.

Hairy Game Lords

<em>A lot of tricky tactics during the game, because you're not necessarily always wanting to work together, but you kind of have to at the same time.</em><br><br><strong>Unfiltered Gamer</strong>

A lot of tricky tactics during the game, because you’re not necessarily always wanting to work together, but you kind of have to at the same time.

Unfiltered Gamer

<em>Fun and interesting, the fact that you can handcuff yourself to others, poison eachother, find the antidote - A lot of stress in a good way. Just a lot of fun!</em><br><br><strong>Sam, Love 2 Hate</strong>

Fun and interesting, the fact that you can handcuff yourself to others, poison eachother, find the antidote – A lot of stress in a good way. Just a lot of fun!

Sam, Love 2 Hate