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Mechanical Beast

Mechanical Beast er et ’tile/manipulation’ puslespil, hvor du spiller som en udforskningsgruppe af ingeniører, der sammen med din Android-hjælper skal udforske maven på en kæmpe robot for at finde dets kontrolrum og deaktivere det.

Mechanical Beast er et ’tile/manipulation’ puslespil, hvor du spiller som en udforskningsgruppe af ingeniører, der sammen med din Android-hjælper skal udforske maven på en kæmpe robot for at finde dets kontrolrum og deaktivere det.

Antal spillere
20-40 min.
199 kr. - på lager

Tilføj til kurv

I løbet af den første del af spillet vil labyrinten vokse, mens du udforsker, indtil du finder slukkeknappen. Resten af ​​spillet kollapser rummene omkring dig, og du skal hurtigt komme til udgangen, før robotten låser sig, og fanger dig for altid inde i dens tarme. Du kan ændre indretningen af ​​rummene ved hjælp af de tandhjul, du finder indenfor, for at hjælpe dig med at finde en udgang.
Du vinder ved at få alle, inklusive de mennesker, du finder fanget i, og din betroede android, ud af udyret.

Spillet kan spilles solo, co-op eller i mod hinanden med op til 4 spillere.

I løbet af den første del af spillet vil labyrinten vokse, mens du udforsker, indtil du finder slukkeknappen. Resten af ​​spillet kollapser rummene omkring dig, og du skal hurtigt komme til udgangen, før robotten låser sig, og fanger dig for altid inde i dens tarme. Du kan ændre indretningen af ​​rummene ved hjælp af de tandhjul, du finder indenfor, for at hjælpe dig med at finde en udgang.
Du vinder ved at få alle, inklusive de mennesker, du finder fanget i, og din betroede android, ud af udyret.

Spillet kan spilles solo, co-op eller i mod hinanden med op til 4 spillere.

72 x rum brikker
25 x mini meeples (5 i hver farve)
9 x meeples (8 ingeniører og 1 android)
4 x referencekort
1 x briktårn

For us at Board’s Eye View, Mechanical Beast is at its best as a solo game. It works, of course, as a fully cooperative game but it can be frustrating when another player takes an action (particularly a gear action) that others consider suboptimal. This can make the game overly susceptible to ‘alpha player’ syndrome, where one bossy player ends up trying to dictate everyone else’s actions. If you find that’s a problem, then the rules offer the option of playing a semi-cooperative mode, where you still have to meet the collective victory conditions but the win goes to the player that rescues the most people meeples. Alternatively, Mechanical Beast can be played as a competitive game: there is no android but each player has two engineers and they are in a race to get both to an exit after the Control Room has been found. This involves very different dynamics to the solo and cooperative modes, adding to the play value of this clever box of tricks.Board’s Eye View (Link)

Vægt: 1 kg.

<em>You could easily play this game two or three times in a row in an hour. The setup is that straight forward.</em><br><br><strong>Liege of Games</strong>

You could easily play this game two or three times in a row in an hour. The setup is that straight forward.

Liege of Games

<em>It's quite challenging. I prefer the cooparative mode, but there's competetive as well. </em><br><br><strong>GameEnthus</strong>

It’s quite challenging. I prefer the cooparative mode, but there’s competetive as well.


<em>This game has a whimsical title but the game itself is full of carefully calculated moves.</em><br><br><strong>SushiBallGames</strong>

This game has a whimsical title but the game itself is full of carefully calculated moves.


<em>You could easily play this game two or three times in a row in an hour. The setup is that straight forward.</em><br><br><strong>Liege of Games</strong>

You could easily play this game two or three times in a row in an hour. The setup is that straight forward.

Liege of Games

<em>It's quite challenging. I prefer the cooparative mode, but there's competetive as well. </em><br><br><strong>GameEnthus</strong>

It’s quite challenging. I prefer the cooparative mode, but there’s competetive as well.


<em>This game has a whimsical title but the game itself is full of carefully calculated moves.</em><br><br><strong>SushiBallGames</strong>

This game has a whimsical title but the game itself is full of carefully calculated moves.
