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Ocean Crisis

I Ocean Crisis skal I sammen forsøge at rede verdens have fra at blive overfyldt med skrald og ødelagt af forurening. Spillerne skal i samarbejde ryde skrald op og forhindre det, i at forsvinde ud i vandet og ødelægge dyreliv.

Antal spillere
30-60 min.
299 kr. - Ikke på lager

I Ocean Crisis skal I sammen forsøge at rede verdens have fra at blive overfyldt med skrald og ødelagt af forurening. Spillerne skal i samarbejde ryde skrald op og forhindre det at forsvinde ud i vandet, og ødelægge dyreliv.

Spillet der kan spilles af som oftest 2-5 spillere, handler om at samarbejde. I spillet er spillerne sammen som Ocean Defense Team (Havets Forsvarer) på mission i at ryde skrald fra stranden, forske og udvikle nye øko-evner, og sammen forhindre dannelsen af Great Pacific Garbage Patch aka The Garbage Island.

Udover hovedformålet med at samle de massive mængder skrald ind, støder spillerne også på andre mindre redningsmissioner og scenarier. Hver med deres unikke mekanismer og historier. Spillet kan også spilles solo, eller af helt op til 10 spillere. Spillets normale regler, er beregnet til en aldersgruppe der starter på 8 år, men spiller man med de forsimplede regler, kan alderen være fra 6 år.

Kan I samle det bedste hold til at forhindre verdens have fra, at blive overfyldt med skrald?

Spillet indeholder:
1 x Spilleplade
1 x Havstrømsplade
1 x Pose
2 x Træ terninger
3 x Missionskort
3 x Scenariekort
4 x Træ-brikker
16 x Spillekort
20 x Defense Team brikker
102 x Spil-brikker

Reglerne medfølger på Engelsk. Regler på Fransk, Tysk og Kinesisk er tilgængelig som pdf.

I believe Ocean Crisis achieves exactly what it sets out to do: being an fun, easy to play game with a great message!
I can see this working great with kids due to the simple rules, cutesy artwork and components. However, it also works for “grown ups” as was evident by the losses I suffered against that river of garbage. One should not discount this as a kids game, it’s a family coop that anyone can play and enjoy.
There is a bit of randomness going on and despite your best efforts things can go down the drain, but I do not think it’s a big enough issue to dissuade me from playing this game.
Ocean Crisis is a good pick for those that enjoy the theme and are looking for an easy to learn and play coop. – Play It Yourself (Link)

Vægt: 1,5 kg.

<em>This is a theme that I cannot tell you how much it spoke to me. When you live near an ocean you come to understand and appreciate just how beautiful it is.</em><br><br><strong>SoloMode Games</strong>

This is a theme that I cannot tell you how much it spoke to me. When you live near an ocean you come to understand and appreciate just how beautiful it is.

SoloMode Games

<em>I like the game's theme, there's a lot of cool scenarios, who doesn't like dolphins and sharks. It's neat that there's a lot of extra content in box besides the base game.</em><br><br><strong>Tom Vassel</strong>

I like the game’s theme, there’s a lot of cool scenarios, who doesn’t like dolphins and sharks. It’s neat that there’s a lot of extra content in box besides the base game.

Tom Vassel

<em>It's a really solid cooperative game, where you got this different configuration of workers depending on the player count. Deinitely enjoyed our time with it.</em><br><br><strong>Slickerdips</strong>

It’s a really solid cooperative game, where you got this different configuration of workers depending on the player count. Deinitely enjoyed our time with it.
