
4 in stock


In Curators you will be taking the role as curator, for a less affluent but respected museum.

It's your job to turn that around and attract new visitors to the museum while expanding the museum's collection of exciting objects.

In Curators you will be taking the role as curator, for a less affluent but respected museum.

It's your job to turn that around and attract new visitors to the museum while expanding the museum's collection of exciting objects.

Player count
45-75 min.
33€ - in stock

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In Curators you will be taking the role as curator, for a less affluent but respected museum.

It's your job to turn that around and attract new visitors to the museum while expanding the museum's collection of exciting objects.

Together with the employees, you must try to expand the museum and expand the collection. However, you are not the only museum competing to attract new visitors and expand. Against up to 3 other players, you have try to keep them from getting bigger. As a curator, do you have the ability to assign your employees effectively to create interesting exhibitions and thus win your museum an award as Museum of the Year? 

In Curators you will be taking the role as curator, for a less affluent but respected museum.

It's your job to turn that around and attract new visitors to the museum while expanding the museum's collection of exciting objects.

Together with the employees, you must try to expand the museum and expand the collection. However, you are not the only museum competing to attract new visitors and expand. Against up to 3 other players, you have try to keep them from getting bigger. As a curator, do you have the ability to assign your employees effectively to create interesting exhibitions and thus win your museum an award as Museum of the Year? 

1 x Start marker
1 x Finish marker
1 x Auctionhouse tile
4 x Museum entrance tiles
4 x Reference cards
6 x Advanced rules cards

20 x Employee markers
26 x Contract cards
26 x Museum tiles
36 x Visitor tiles
55 x Money tiles
78 x Object tiles

1 x Scoreboard
1 x Vasa Museum
1 x Extended solo campaign
1 x National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico

The rules included are in English, German and French. The rules will be available in Swedish, Italian, Polish and Spanish as PDF.

Curators is a very challenging game combining multiple mechanisms in a well balanced way. Gameplay might look rather complex for new players, but the rulebook is well writen and very clear making it a perfect introduction game in this slightly heavier genre. The interaction level is rather low, except when other players take the wings or objects that could serve you well. So most of the time you’ll be focussing on your own museum and your succes will therefore largely depend on the tactical decisions you make. This might be the perfect game for you if you’re looking for a heavier game with a rather short play time. We’ve enjoyed it a lot! – Start2game (Link)

Personally, that’s what I like most about Curators. Where some Euros are a marathon full of hurdles that can leave players mentally exhausted, this one’s a casual Sunday stroll through a gallery of classic mechanisms. It’s quick and light, easy to learn and play, yet the unique allocation system offers enough opportunities for interesting decision-making to keep players coming back. It’s a perfect introduction to Euros for casual gamers and a refreshing palate-cleanser for those accustomed to heavier games. It doesn’t entirely break new ground, but Curators offers a highly polished experience that earns its place in any game collection. – Meeple Mountain (Link)

Weight: 2 kg.

<em>We really enjoyed Curators. Very sharp game, very quick. As a 2-player game we played it in about half an hour. A very puzzly exercise of trying to lay out you tetris-like tiles.</em><br><br><strong>Rahdo</strong>

We really enjoyed Curators. Very sharp game, very quick. As a 2-player game we played it in about half an hour. A very puzzly exercise of trying to lay out you tetris-like tiles.


<em>I also appreciate the fresh theme. It's not always you get to look over a museum and aim to display renowned artifacts like a t-rex skeleton or a mummy, so that was fun.</em><br><br><strong>Ella Loves Boardgames</strong>

I also appreciate the fresh theme. It’s not always you get to look over a museum and aim to display renowned artifacts like a t-rex skeleton or a mummy, so that was fun.

Ella Loves Boardgames

<em>The cardboard components are really good quality and the rule book is well done. So overall I have no complaints about the components. The game is really easy to play.</em><br><br><strong>The Dice Tower - Graeme Anderson</strong>

The cardboard components are really good quality and the rule book is well done. So overall I have no complaints about the components. The game is really easy to play.

The Dice Tower – Graeme Anderson

<em>We really enjoyed Curators. Very sharp game, very quick. As a 2-player game we played it in about half an hour. A very puzzly exercise of trying to lay out you tetris-like tiles.</em><br><br><strong>Rahdo</strong>

We really enjoyed Curators. Very sharp game, very quick. As a 2-player game we played it in about half an hour. A very puzzly exercise of trying to lay out you tetris-like tiles.


<em>I also appreciate the fresh theme. It's not always you get to look over a museum and aim to display renowned artifacts like a t-rex skeleton or a mummy, so that was fun.</em><br><br><strong>Ella Loves Boardgames</strong>

I also appreciate the fresh theme. It’s not always you get to look over a museum and aim to display renowned artifacts like a t-rex skeleton or a mummy, so that was fun.

Ella Loves Boardgames

<em>The cardboard components are really good quality and the rule book is well done. So overall I have no complaints about the components. The game is really easy to play.</em><br><br><strong>The Dice Tower - Graeme Anderson</strong>

The cardboard components are really good quality and the rule book is well done. So overall I have no complaints about the components. The game is really easy to play.

The Dice Tower – Graeme Anderson