67 €
7 in stock
The Fog
Escape from Paradise
Deluxe edition
The Fog: Escape from Paradise er et konkurrencepræget og medrivende spil, hvor spillerne spiller som vogtere på en ø, der er overtaget af farlig tåge. Målet er at redde så mange landsbyboere som muligt ved at koordinere deres vej mod redningsbåde inden tågen når dem. Spillet byder på taktisk dybde, interaktiv dynamik og stor variation takket være de mange forskellige bevægelsesmuligheder og den varierende opsætning.
The Fog: Escape from Paradise er et konkurrencepræget og medrivende spil, hvor spillerne spiller som vogtere på en ø, der er overtaget af farlig tåge. Målet er at redde så mange landsbyboere som muligt ved at koordinere deres vej mod redningsbåde inden tågen når dem. Spillet byder på taktisk dybde, interaktiv dynamik og stor variation takket være de mange forskellige bevægelsesmuligheder og den varierende opsætning.
45-120 min.

The Fog is an exciting and challenging game with a playing time of 45 to 120 minutes that can be played by 1 to 6 people. Set on an island, the villagers panic as they try to reach their boats on the shore to escape the dangerous fog that is rapidly approaching and taking over the island.
In the game, you take on the role of guardian and try to coordinate the islanders' difficult path to their boats to save as many as possible. You must use the available movement points to run, swap, push, shove, squeeze, jump and cross to move the islanders towards the rescue boats. In a hectic and panicked situation on the beach, stay calm and make sure the islanders reach their boats before the fog reaches them.
In the game, your performance will be rewarded or penalized with save points. The guardian with the most save points wins the game against The Fog and the other players.
The Fog Escape from Paradise er et spændende og udfordrende spil med en spilletid på 45 til 120 minutter, som kan spilles af 1 til 6 personer. Handlingen udspiller sig på en ø, hvor landsbyboerne i panik forsøger at nå deres både på kysten for at undslippe den farlige tåge, der hurtigt nærmer sig og overtager øen.
In the game, you take on the role of guardian and try to coordinate the islanders' difficult path to their boats to save as many as possible. You must use the available movement points to run, swap, push, shove, squeeze, jump and cross to move the islanders towards the rescue boats. In a hectic and panicked situation on the beach, stay calm and make sure the islanders reach their boats before the fog reaches them.
In the game, your performance will be rewarded or penalized with save points. The guardian with the most save points wins the game against The Fog and the other players.
Our version of The Fog game is the Leader Pledge, which includes everything you see in the images, as well as a wide range of stretch goals achieved in the Kickstarter campaign. You can read more about the campaign here: Kickstarter – The Fog
At first sight it seemed to be pretty complex with all the different movement possibilities, but it took only a couple of turns to get familiar with these and the game played very quick and smooth further on. – Wouter (Tabletopping) (Link)
The game is well put together, and the rules are simple and clear, but the game is more difficult than it seems. Choosing and moving the villagers requires tactical insight into the game and making the right choices about how to move the villagers towards the right boat. – deSpellenduif (Link)
Pictures used are from Start2Game, which you can find here: (Link)
Weight: 2 kg.