199 DKK
In Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena the doors speak. Not with words, but with the grandiose knockers that adorn them. In Spanish colonial times, the knockers announced your job and your social status with the design and detail.
499 DKK
In CastleScape, the king has ordered the construction of a new castle. Those who build it will be blessed with wealth, power and fame for the rest of their days. This is where you come in. You are one of the few, the clever, and the devious, who aims to scheme and expand power by any means necessary - use care though; the King will visit the Castle and inspect your work!
249 DKK
It's your job to turn that around and attract new visitors to the museum while expanding the museum's collection of exciting objects.
399 DKK
Dodo Dash Dette er et selvstændigt spil i universets med Dodos Riding Dinos. Her får du flere figurer og flere baner, der både integreres med det originale spil eller spilles for sig selv. Denne udvidelse byder på en ny måde at interagere med din Dodo på som et projektil. I dette racerspil kaster spillere projektiler…
499 DKK
In Dodos Riding Dinos, you're competing against up to 5 other players, to be the first around the track. But this game is not only a dice-game of who is the luckiest, in this game all tricks counts; hurt your opponents, put up traps or push your opponents off the track.
Be the fastest, boldest and bravest Dodo on Dodino Island and win your place on the Egg Throne.
999 DKK
Endless Winter: Paleoamericans takes place in North America, around 10,000 BCE, so many many years ago. Players guide the development of their tribes across several generations - from nomadic hunter-gatherers to prosperous tribal societies.
399 DKK
In Forest Guardians you're playing as a ranger in the forests of Taiwan. You will work on reforestation, rescue wildlife, and respond to any threats to the forest.
149 DKK
The game Frontline Defence is a mini-game, which builds on the same theme as Ocean Crisis. This game is however more simple and faster. In this dice game, it's again about collaborating to collect waste together.
199 DKK – 999 DKK
Do you want to please someone you love? Then don't worry, you've also got the opportunity to get a giftcard at us!
499 DKK
In Hamlet, the players work together to transform their Hamlet into a bustling small town. In this tile placement game, players construct buildings that everyone can use to create materials, refine resources, earn money and make important deliveries to construct Hamlet's great landmark - the Church.
249 DKK
In Hit the Silk, you and a group of other criminals have managed to hijack a plane to take your stolen goods safely away. With this, you had to settle your debt to the less than forgiving casino owner. The plane is now in trouble and quickly losing altitude. You need to use parachutes to land safely with the stolen goods so you can settle your debt, but hold on tight... there aren't enough parachutes for you all!
239 DKK
Isle of Trains: All Aboard Velkommen til Isle of Trains, hvor du er konduktør og konstruktør af et af øens lokomotiver. Du bygger tog og læsser en række varer for at fuldføre kontrakter på tværs af øen og leverer også passagerer til deres destinationer. Velkommen til Isle of Trains, hvor du er konduktør og konstruktør…
749 DKK
In Keep the Heroes Out, you play with the other players as a team, trying to keep the "heroes" from stealing your hard-earned treasures. Use your cards to move, activate abilities, defend as well as attack the "heroes", in an attempt to avoid them getting too close to your precious treasures.
499 DKK
You play as a Kiwi flock and your goal is to outmaneuver your opponents, gain dominance and victories in the various sections of the island. Kiwi Chow Down is played over four seasons, with each season having different ways to earn points. Each season has three rounds and you can either build, move or feed depending on the cards you have on hand and the strategy you choose.
199 DKK
Mechanical Beast is a tile laying/manipulation puzzle, where you play as an exploration party of engineers who, together with your android helper, must explore the belly of a giant robot to find its control room and deactivate it.
199 DKK
In Mindbug, you summon hybrid creatures and send them to battle against your opponent – but when you summon a creature, the opponent may use one of their Mindbugs to take control of it. Outwit your opponent in a fascinating tactical duel in which having the best cards and playing them at the wrong time can be deadly for yourself.
195 DKK – 450 DKK
In Mindbug, you summon hybrid creatures and send them to battle against your opponent – but when you summon a creature, the opponent may use one of their Mindbugs to take control of it. Outwit your opponent in a fascinating tactical duel in which having the best cards and playing them at the wrong time can be deadly for yourself.
279 DKK
In Mitropia, your tribe has been summoned to God's fields and you need to show up. You play as one of the five tribes, with each tribe having unique abilities. Do you have the skills to beat the other players?
999 DKK
In Mosaic: A Story of Civilization, you are the ruler of a civilization, and you must guide yourself through its construction, right from the start. Your job is to make the right choices, which makes you and your civilization the best and most powerful civilization of them all. It is your choices that affect the reputation and honor of your civilization. Do you have what it takes to make the necessary choices and make your civilization the most influential civilization in history, or does your civilization go into oblivion?
299 DKK
In Ocean Crisis, you must cooperate to try saving the world's oceans from being overflooded with rubbish and destroyed by pollution. The players must work together to clean up rubbish and prevent it from disappearing into the water and destroying wildlife.
279 DKK
Odin har udlovet Valhalla til det rockband, som kan give den bedste koncert nogensinde! Fire Vikinge-bands forstår at lave en fed koncert, men de har ingen fans. Rejs rundt til fire forskellige øer, opnå flere og flere fans ved at spille fede koncerter og opfyld kontrakter af forskellig sværhedsgrad. Alt dette for at opnå ærespoint, som kan give dig og dit rockband sejren og retten til Valhalla.
149 DKK
Regroup Chicken Army I Regroup Chicken Army skal du organisere din hær af kyllingekrigere eller kyllingetroldmænd for at kæmpe med de andre spilleres hære. Kun én kyllingehær vil gå sejrsrigt ud af kampen! På hver tur vælger du et kort og placerer det over et andet kort på dit gitter, og i søgen efter en…
299 DKK
Based on a real road trip that took Jonny and George along the Silk Road, the idea for this game arose, with the suiting name Route East.
In the game, you have the opportunity to experience the same attractions that the two did. Your goal is to get to Shanghai, and your journey starts in Istanbul. But be prepared that your trip won't be easy. The other players are also trying to get to Shanghai, and only one can be the winner of Route East!
10 DKK
Based on a real road trip that took Jonny and George along the Silk Road, the idea for this game arose, with the suiting name Route East.
In the game, you have the opportunity to experience the same attractions that the two did. Your goal is to get to Shanghai, and your journey starts in Istanbul. But be prepared that your trip won't be easy. The other players are also trying to get to Shanghai, and only one can be the winner of Route East!
239 DKK – 379 DKK
I Small Railroad Empires skal du bygge jernbaner, købe og sende toge fyldt med gods til byerne, opnå præstationer og bliv det mest prestigefyldte jernbane imperium. Du spiller som ejeren af et af de nye togselskaber, der stræber efter at bygge en enorm infrastruktur som kan forbinde de blomstrende industrier på landet med de sprudlende byer – og ikke mindst, tjene en masse penge undervejs.
299 DKK
In Solani you have to populate the night sky with beautiful constellations assembled from....
349 DKK
Star TycoonCEO-edition I Star Tycoon vil spillerne påtage sig rollen som en interstellar virksomhed med det mål at udkonkurrere deres forretningsrivaler ved sidste runde. Hver spiller optjener sejrspoint ved at gøre krav på sæt af planeter og udvikle dem med produktionsfaciliteter og andre bygninger. En vigtig del i Star Tycoon er Galactic Exchange, der er…
Har du, ligesom os, stået og ærgret dig over at dit nye spil ikke havde stofposer med? Tøv ej, vi har lige det du har brug for! “We have got your bag!”
Har du, ligesom os, stået og ærgret dig over at dit nye spil ikke havde stofposer med? Tøv ej, vi har lige det du har brug for! “We have got your bag!”
Har du, ligesom os, stået og ærgret dig over at dit nye spil ikke havde stofposer med? Tøv ej, vi har lige det du har brug for! “We have got your bag!”
Har du, ligesom os, stået og ærgret dig over at dit nye spil ikke havde stofposer med? Tøv ej, vi har lige det du har brug for! “We have got your bag!”
Har du, ligesom os, stået og ærgret dig over at dit nye spil ikke havde stofposer med? Tøv ej, vi har lige det du har brug for! “We have got your bag!”
249 DKK
In Stop the Train you are a passenger on a train heading to Paris. But on board is a bomb and it's up to you to work together to stop the train in time before the bomb explodes the whole train and everyone onboard.
199 DKK
I Swatch tager du rollen som en kunstner, der skal mixe og matche forskellige farver i en konkurrence om at sammensætte det mest imponerede farveskema og imponere cheferne hos Mix Inc., firmaet ansvarlig for de hotteste farveskemaer i designindustrien. Kan du under pres konkurrere mod de andre kunstnere og være den første til at fuldføre dit farveskema?
499 DKK
Taverns & Dragons The king is coming to town and wants to feast at the tavern that offers the most tempting feast. Send your minions into the cursed forests to gather the rarest ingredients for your recipes. Magic mushrooms, wild plants, dragon eggs... nothing is too dangerous for the king! Sharpen your knives and heat up your pans!...
499 DKK
The FogEscape from ParadiseDeluxe edition The Fog: Escape from Paradise er et konkurrencepræget og medrivende spil, hvor spillerne spiller som vogtere på en ø, der er overtaget af farlig tåge. Målet er at redde så mange landsbyboere som muligt ved at koordinere deres vej mod redningsbåde inden tågen når dem. Spillet byder på taktisk dybde,…
299 DKK
The girl reached into the wood ash and grabbed a palmful, and as she blew it from her palm, the ashes swirled and churned as they moved skyward, lighting up the once dark skies. The Girl Who Made The Stars is a tile-laying puzzle game for 1-4 players based on a San African myth about the creation of the milky way and the stars.
499 DKK
In The Great Race, we're back in the 1930s. Sitting behind the wheel of your half-track, you will be enjoying the wildest adventure. You will drive through the African jungle and up to the Andes, from impassable deserts to the highest mountains in the world.
499 DKK
In The Great Race 2 or The Great Race: Wild West and Far East, we are once again back in the 1930s and behind the wheel of the halftrack. This time you are now able to to race through America or Asia.
299 DKK
In Vivid Memories, you’ll take turns collecting fragments of childhood memories, weaving a tapestry of colored threads in your mind. Throughout your journey, you’ll store important moments in your memory bank gaining new abilities to help you score.