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The Great Race 2
Wild West & Far East
In The Great Race 2 or The Great Race: Wild West and Far East, we are once again back in the 1930s and behind the wheel of the halftrack. This time you are now able to to race through America or Asia.
In The Great Race 2 or The Great Race: Wild West and Far East, we are once again back in the 1930s and behind the wheel of the halftrack. This time you are now able to to race through America or Asia.
45-80 min.

In the early 1930s, in a time of challenges and a world that always admires the adventurous. The pioneers of the automobile pushed back the limits of what was possible, using specialized halfracks to cross Africa and South America. Now they will tackle larger spaces, from East/West.
Imagine the largest continents, Asia and its 13.000 km without roads or paths, and the United States, with its immense plains and varied landscapes. These are the new playgrounds for the crews that rush to take up the challenge.
Americans, Germans, and Chinese teams are formed, selecting their greatest drivers, adventures, cartographers, mechanics, and rangers to cross the great outdoors. And a new very different team joings the struggle. They will have to show courage and resourcefulness just to stay in the race, and extra efforts to succed. But now there new ways to gain fame (and points). Winnning means more than just crossing the finish line first!
"If you want to advance into the infinite, explore the finite in all directions" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In the early 1930s, in a time of challenges and a world that always admires the adventurous. The pioneers of the automobile pushed back the limits of what was possible, using specialized halfracks to cross Africa and South America. Now they will tackle larger spaces, from East/West.
Imagine the largest continents, Asia and its 13.000 km without roads or paths, and the United States, with its immense plains and varied landscapes. These are the new playgrounds for the crews that rush to take up the challenge.
Americans, Germans, and Chinese teams are formed, selecting their greatest drivers, adventures, cartographers, mechanics, and rangers to cross the great outdoors. And a new very different team joings the struggle. They will have to show courage and resourcefulness just to stay in the race, and extra efforts to succed. But now there new ways to gain fame (and points). Winnning means more than just crossing the finish line first!
"If you want to advance into the infinite, explore the finite in all directions" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Our version always includes the expansion 'Expansion 2'
1 x dobbeltsidet spillebræt
4 x hold Amerika, Tyskland, Kina og De Sofistikerede
8 x moduler
1 x samarbejds-kampagne-mode
1 x solo-mode
Expansion 2:
Roll of Honour modulet
Zoology modulet
Geology modulet
Ethnology modulet
Beyond the limits modulet
Rusland crewet
Stretch goals:
5 ekstra village tiles til USA
5 ekstra village tiles til Asien
Ressource kort Siphoner
Ressource kort Ransom
Ressource kort Customs
Ressource kort til Geology modul
Tracker kort
Opportunist kort til Honor roll modul
Legendary City of Shambhala i Asien
Amerikansk journey booklet
Asian expedition booklet
Legendary city of Cahokia i USA
Legendary City Masvingo i Afrika
Expert tiles
Ruins tiles
Legendary City tile til Beyond the limits
The legendary city of El Dorado kort
Træmarkører til alle hold
Stickers til opbevaringsbokse
Regler som sheets til moduler
Express rules
See picture here
Are you interested in the full pack you should buy The Great Race 1, which includes The Great Race 1 and the expansion 'Explansion 1'.
Vægt: 5 kg.