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I Swatch tager du rollen som en kunstner, der skal mixe og matche forskellige farver i en konkurrence om at sammensætte det mest imponerede farveskema og imponere cheferne hos Mix Inc., firmaet ansvarlig for de hotteste farveskemaer i designindustrien. Kan du under pres konkurrere mod de andre kunstnere og være den første til at fuldføre dit farveskema?

I Swatch tager du rollen som en kunstner, der skal mixe og matche forskellige farver i en konkurrence om at sammensætte det mest imponerede farveskema og imponere cheferne hos Mix Inc., firmaet ansvarlig for de hotteste farveskemaer i designindustrien. Kan du under pres konkurrere mod de andre kunstnere og være den første til at fuldføre dit farveskema?

Antal spillere
20-60 min.
199 kr. - på lager

Tilføj til kurv

I Swatch tager du rollen som en kunstner, der skal mixe og matche forskellige farver i en konkurrence om at sammensætte det mest imponerede farveskema og imponere cheferne hos Mix Inc. Firmaet ansvarlig for de hotteste farveskemaer i designindustrien.

Kan du under pres konkurrere mod de andre kunstnere og være den første til at fuldføre dit farveskema?

Dette flotte abstrakte spil har simple regler, der er til trods for at de er lette at lære, stadig byder på taktisk dybde og taktiske udfordringer. Der er rigtig mange forskellige kombinationer der kan laves, når du skal lave dit farveskema. Over 800 forskellige muligheder.

Udover at spillet kan spilles af op til 4 spillere, er det også muligt at spille solo.

I Swatch tager du rollen som en kunstner, der skal mixe og matche forskellige farver i en konkurrence om at sammensætte det mest imponerede farveskema og imponere cheferne hos Mix Inc. Firmaet ansvarlig for de hotteste farveskemaer i designindustrien.

Kan du under pres konkurrere mod de andre kunstnere og være den første til at fuldføre dit farveskema?

Dette flotte abstrakte spil har simple regler, der er til trods for at de er lette at lære, stadig byder på taktisk dybde og taktiske udfordringer. Der er rigtig mange forskellige kombinationer der kan laves, når du skal lave dit farveskema. Over 800 forskellige muligheder.

Udover at spillet kan spilles af op til 4 spillere, er det også muligt at spille solo.

2 x Farve-terninger
4 x Meeples
12 x Solokort
14 x Farveskemakort 
24 x Swatch-kort 
60 x Action-kort
120 x Farve-markører (20 i hver farve)

Til vores udgave følger også den lille ekstra Kickstarter-exclusive udvidelse med Metallic, som indeholder:
1 x Go for gold
1 x Silver Linings

Regler på engelsk medfølger.

There’s a lot of thought here from designer Scott James. Here’s a game with a simple concept, simple execution, but with a lot of subtle layers that only come from someone sitting there and playtesting a game again and again and again. Swatch isn’t a game where four players will sit round the same table rushing to finish with a lack of interaction that you see in so many other similar games.  – We’re Not Wizards (Link)

I really enjoy it when a game has a clear objective. With the scheme cards, there’s always something you’re aiming for. Some schemes allow for a bit more flexibility than others though. In some cases, once you pick up your first swatch you’re locked in, whereas with others you can be flexible right up until you pick your third and final swatch. Trying to pick up on someone else’s scheme might offer an opportunity to hate draft, but we’ve not found that much player interaction comes into play. More often than not, the best card in the line-up is quite clear, and it will be chosen by the person who has first pick. – The Game Shelf (Link)

Vægt: 1 kg.

<em>If you're into games like Splendor, Century: Spice Roads and abstract games similar to those, this is a game for you. This isn't a particualr heavy game. Lovely filler-game</em><br><br><strong>All Around The Board</strong>

If you’re into games like Splendor, Century: Spice Roads and abstract games similar to those, this is a game for you. This isn’t a particualr heavy game. Lovely filler-game

All Around The Board

<em>I like the theme. I really enjoyed how they to mix this style of play where you mix different colors. To have a game that allows you to mix colors like this is kinda cute.</em><br><br><strong>Aspie Gamer Girl</strong>

I like the theme. I really enjoyed how they to mix this style of play where you mix different colors. To have a game that allows you to mix colors like this is kinda cute.

Aspie Gamer Girl

<em>Swatch really encourages formulating a rough strategy and wants you to plan ahead. Its randomness is completely overshadowed by the playerinteraction.</em><br><br><strong>Tabletop Games Blog</strong>

Swatch really encourages formulating a rough strategy and wants you to plan ahead. Its randomness is completely overshadowed by the playerinteraction.

Tabletop Games Blog

<em>If you're into games like Splendor, Century: Spice Roads and abstract games similar to those, this is a game for you. This isn't a particualr heavy game. Lovely filler-game</em><br><br><strong>All Around The Board</strong>

If you’re into games like Splendor, Century: Spice Roads and abstract games similar to those, this is a game for you. This isn’t a particualr heavy game. Lovely filler-game

All Around The Board

<em>I like the theme. I really enjoyed how they to mix this style of play where you mix different colors. To have a game that allows you to mix colors like this is kinda cute.</em><br><br><strong>Aspie Gamer Girl</strong>

I like the theme. I really enjoyed how they to mix this style of play where you mix different colors. To have a game that allows you to mix colors like this is kinda cute.

Aspie Gamer Girl

<em>Swatch really encourages formulating a rough strategy and wants you to plan ahead. Its randomness is completely overshadowed by the playerinteraction.</em><br><br><strong>Tabletop Games Blog</strong>

Swatch really encourages formulating a rough strategy and wants you to plan ahead. Its randomness is completely overshadowed by the playerinteraction.

Tabletop Games Blog