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Dodos Riding Dinos
20 min.
Review of Dodos Riding Dinos
Kæmp mod andre spillere og sørg for at forhindr dem i at rykke frem på banen, samtidigt med at du selv forsøger at komme frem. De er nemlig også ude efter dig. Er du den første der passerer målstregen og vinder ræset i Dodos Riding Dinos?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
- A track is chosen and this game board is placed on the table.
- Each player chooses their Dodo card and the corresponding miniature.
- The person who is fastest in real life gets the starting player marker.
- Select the outer or inner lane. Starting with the last player and then in a counter-clockwise direction, place the miniature figures in the track as follows:
- The last two place their figures on the first hex behind the finish line.
- The next two place their figures on the second hex behind the finish line.
- The rest of the players place their figures on the third hex behind the finish line.
- Movement cards are shuffled and each player gets 6 cards, while the rest are placed in a deck.
- Place dice and projectiles so everyone can reach them.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A turn takes place in two phases. A scheming phase and a running phase, after which the round ends and a new one begins, unless a player has passed the finish line.
Scheming phase:
All players pick a movement card that they want to use and place it on the table. Simultaneously, they turn it over so everyone can see it. If there are two or more aggressive cards (red cards), the players who chose those cards are now enraged for the rest of the turn. This means that the effects of the aggressive cards are canceled.
Running phase:
After the planning phase, the running phase starts. The first player is the starting player and then goes clockwise.
- Move forward by the number of hex shown on the card.
- All players may play one reaction card, which is discarded afterwards.
- If your effect was not canceled, it is resolved.
- Discard your card by placing it in the discard pile.
- Any player with no cards in hand must go back 3 hexes and draw 5 new cards.
When all players have taken their turn, the round ends. When a round ends, there may be effects which are triggered. The leading player moves 1 hex forward. All other players draw 1 card. Players with no cards in hand move back 3 hexes and draw 5 cards. The firstplayer marker is passed to the left.
The first to cross the finish line wins, if more than one player crosses in the same round, the player who is furthest ahead wins. If they are tied, the player with the most cards in hand wins.
There are different variants of the game. You can play Solo, there is a Cup variant and you can play 8 in 4 teams. These variants have slightly different rules.
💭 My opinion 💭
A fun game! Great theme. Fun idea. It's like playing Super Mario or Crash Team Racing as a board game. A lot of elements of take-that. No two games are the same. You have a lot of options for choosing a track, as there are 4 different tracks. It's fun to have to use projectiles, as it can be difficult to get anything out of them at all (read: hit the opponent). You can also risk hitting yourself, and then you'll only end up hurting yourself.
The game is in English, and there is little text on the cards, so it prevents the younger segment from playing. But I'm sure you could 'house-rule' the game and play with open cards or something else, because then I think the younger players would also find it fun.
This was a short summary of Dodos Riding Dinos and a bit about the rules.
The game is available in a lot of different languages. Here is the english Rules – Dodos Riding Dinos
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Dodos Riding Dinos
Their kickstarter page can be found here Kickstarterpage
Disclaimer: We sell the game, so you can read much more about the game right here. Dodos Riding Dinos – Papan Games
There will also be an expansion Dodo Dash, which we will also have in stock. You can read more about that right here.
Dodo Dash – Papan Games

30-60 min.
Review of Swatch
Can you stand the pressure of competing against other artists in Swatch and create the most impressive color scheme that will impress the bosses at Mix Inc, the company behind the hottest color schemes in the design industry? Your task as an artist is to mix and match different colors and be the first to complete your color scheme.
Do you have what it takes to collect the necessary colors and win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
1. Find all 24 Swatch cards and divide them into 6 stacks, numbered from 1-6 as indicated on the cards. Shuffle each stack separately and place them in numerical order, from left to right, in a row at the top of the game area.
2. Shuffle all the Action cards together to form the Action stack and place it face down under the Swatch stacks. Leave space next to it for a discard pile.
3. Divide 15 cards from the top of the action stack and place them face up in 3 rows of 5 cards each, under the stack. Make sure to leave space between each row to place your Artists.
4. Each player chooses a color and takes an Artist token of that color (or two in a 2-player game) and a reference card. The area in front of each player is called their palette.
5. Shuffle the schemecards and deal 3 face down to each player. Each player chooses a card and returns any unused schemecards to the box without showing them to other players. Do not reveal your scheme to other players.
6. Separate all markers by type and place them in piles within reach of all players to form the supply.
7. The player who last painted something becomes the starting player, or choose one at random.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game is played over a number of rounds, with each player taking 1 turn (2 in a 2-player game) in each round. The game continues until one player wins the game.
In the first round, the game begins with the starting player and it then continues in a clockwise direction. In subsequent rounds, the turn order is determined by the order of the player's artists, which are placed above the active row, starting with the player whose artist is on the left, and proceeding from left to right.
The active row:
In each round, there is an active row from which players will choose their cards (see below). In the first round this is the top row, in the second round it is the middle row, and in the third round it is the bottom row. In the 4th round, the top row becomes the active row and the cycle repeats.
On each turn:
The player must draw a card from the action pile, if it is empty, the discard pile is shuffled and after that drawn.
In each turn, the player must choose a card from the active row and the player may play an action card from their hand. In total a maximum of two moves and a minimum of one move. The order is up to the player. If you are the last player of the round, you may also place your artist on the row below the active row.
When a card from the active row is selected, the player has two options - take the card into their hand or use the card's ability and then discard the card.
When an action card is played, the player must be able to perform the action in full.
If a player has more than 5 cards in their hand at the end of their turn, cards are discarded until the player has 5 cards.
There are 3 types of action cards - Add, Swap and Mix.
When adding, markers may be taken as shown on the card.
When swapping, you may swap as shown on the card. Either with another player or from the supply.
When mixing, you can change red, green or blue to cyan, magenta and yellow. Only one color can be mixed for each card.
At any time during your turn, you may make a Swatch. Select a Swatch card from the top and pay with the colors listed on the card. Place the Swatch card in front of you face up.
Your Scheme card, which you chose at the start, will show which three Swatch cards you need to collect to win. Once the first player has completed their Scheme card, they must make sure they have no more color markers left, and only then does the game end and they win.
If multiple players manage to win, the final winner is the player with the fewest cards in hand.
There is also a solo mode, which has slightly different rules, but I won't go into those here.
💭 My opinion 💭
An interesting little compact game with a fair amount of game play to offer. A nice abstract game that is not too hard to learn. Interesting mechanics with who has the next turn. There can be advantages in being the next player. Some cards are a little better than others otherwise nice balance between the game. Time wise not too long drawn out.
All in all, a nice little game that can easily be taken on the go - though probably a little difficult to play in a small space.
This was a short summary of Swatch and a bit about the rules.
The game is available in a lot of different languages. Here is the english Rules – Swatch
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Swatch
Their kickstarter page can be found here Kickstarterpage
Disclaimer: We sell the game and you can find it right here Swatch – Papan Games

10-30 min.
Review af Sabobatage
In the game Sabobatage, you have to collect ingredients to mix your own boba drink. There are different ways to mix, but you have to collect enough ingredients to make 5 drinks. But be aware the other players are also looking for ingredients and they have the opportunity to steal and sabotage you!
Do you have what it takes to collect enough ingredients and win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Shuffle the cards and give each player 5 cards.
For 2-4 players the goal is to make 5 drinks, for 5 players the goal is 4 drinks, you can also choose fewer drinks if you want to play a shorter game. Each player has 7 spaces for drinks in front of them.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
In each turn there are 3 phases. Draw Phase, Special Draw Phase and Action Phase.
In the draw phase, 2 cards are drawn from the deck.
If the player has 2 or more completed drinks, the player may draw 3 cards instead.
In the Action Phase, the player may play up to 3 cards, unless otherwise stated on the cards.
The 3 cards can be used to make drinks, play cards that can help, protect your cards or sabotage other players.
You may not swap your ingredients that are used to make drinks.
If at the end of your turn you have more than 7 cards in your hand, you must discard so that you only have 7 again.
This is how the game continues until the first player has made 5 drinks.
Types of cards
Ingredient cards: There are 3 different varieties of ingredients, teas, flavors and toppings.
For tea, there is green and black tea which are the universal bases.
Flavors include fruit or milk, these must be compatible with their toppings.
For toppings there is a wide variety of toppings and these have special effects when used. The effect happens when the card is played or moved to another player.
Action cards:
There are a number of different action cards that can help you or sabotage your opponent.
Types of drinks:
There are two types of drinks. One set requires 3 ingredients, tea, flavor and topping, while the other set requires milk and taro. There is a "wild ingredient" card that can be used for everything except a taro.
To mix drinks, there are some rules to follow. Milk can only be mixed with boba, pudding and red bean. Passion fruit, honey, peach can be mixed with boba, aloe and lychee. See also the menu.
💭 My opinion 💭
A fun theme, and a fun little game. It has a lot of take-that elements, so if you're not into that, this is not the game for you. The game isn't hard to learn and doesn't have a lot of tactical depth, but that's what you'd expect from a small party game.
All in all, a nice little game for a quick fix of gaming. There is also an expansion that I have yet to play.
This was a short summary of Sabobatage and a bit about the rules.
The game is available in a lot of different languages. Here is the english Rules – Sabobatage
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Sabobatage
Their kickstarter page can be found here Kickstarterpage
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at Sabobatage shop (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Small Railroad Empires
30-60 min.
Review of Small Railroad Empires
In Small Railroad Empires, you take control of a railroad empire and it's your job to transport goods, build railways and get trains running from factories in the countryside into cities to earn prestige points.
You need to connect the factories to the cities that demand a given commodity - the further you transport it, the more points you'll earn.
Do you have what it takes to create the most prestigious train empire in Small Railroad Empires?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player gets a game board, a colour, and the corresponding trains, train tracks and markers. A marker is placed on $5, a train track is placed on both spots with the padlock.
The variable cards of the game board make it possible for two games not to be the same. The boards are placed with the marked dots as close together as possible. For 2 players 3 boards are used, for 3 and 4 players 4 boards are used.
Place goods on the factories.
The purple achievement cards are shuffled and 5 are drawn and placed next to the game board for all to see.
The orange secret contract cards are shuffled and each player gets 1.
The train cards are shuffled and each player gets 3. Then 3 more cards are drawn and placed at the bottom of the prestige card, this is the train market. Loan cards are placed close to the prestige card.
The player who was last on a train starts by placing a train track on a factory and counter clockwise the other players do the same. The can't be placed more on the same. The player who last placed his train track starts.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player's turn consists of 4 phases. 1. Build tracks (mandatory), 2. Deliver goods (optional), 3. Claim achievements (optional, and only if eligible), 4. Buy a train (optional)
1. Build tracks - In each turn skal the player must build 2 train tracks, thereby expanding his network of tracks. Depending on the terrain the tracks are built on, the cost of the tracks varies. Tracks must be placed adjecent to your own tracks or train meeple. You can pay $2 extra and place your tracks at a factory. Multiple tracks cannot be placed in the same location. There can only be two different colored tracks in each space.
2. Deliver Goods - If you have linked a factory that produces goods to a city that demands those goods, you may deliver one piece of goods to that city. The goods may travel through other factories and cities, but only along your own tracks and trains. You may only make one delivery per turn. You cannot make a delivery to a city that already has one of your train pieces. If there are several possible routes, choose the shortest one. The length of the route is calculated and money and prestige points are awarded accordingly. A train card must be used.
3. Claim achievements - You can claim achievements if you have met the conditions. Each achievement has two sections. The top section can only be claimed once per farm and only by one player. The lower section can only be claimed if the upper section has been used. A player cannot claim an achievements more than once. If you are the first, you get +2 prestige points.
4. Buy a train - Trains cost between $0 and $2. Once a train card is purchased, all cards are moved to the left and a new one is drawn and placed at $2. If there are 3 identical train cards, 3 new ones are drawn. You can have a maximum of 3 train cards in your hand. If you have 3, you may not buy new ones and train cards cannot be discarded.
Other important rules:
Three spaces on the prestige tracker are marked with 3 cogs. The first time a player reaches this square, all factories produce new goods.
On the secret contracts that the players have, you can score bonus prestige if it is fulfilled.
If you can't pay, you can take out a loan. You get $3 and it costs 1 prestige. Loans cannot be repaid.
You can ride with passengers represented by hats. If you connect two cities, you get +1 prestige points at the end. If you link three cities, you get 3 points.
💭 My opinion 💭
A really nice little game that doesn't take up much of the box, but has many different options for setting up the track. If you're into pick-up-and-deliver games, this is one you might want to try out. The rules of the game are not complicated, and it is not a game that is hard to learn. Figuring out the best way to earn prestige points can be tricky, but even if different paths are chosen, the game is still a relatively close game, with multiple ways to win.
The game can be played in a short time and is relatively quick to set up. It's not a game you should expect much tactical challenge from. A family game where most people can join in. In addition to the base game, there are a few expansions that allow the game board to be, for example, the US or Europe. I haven't tried playing with that yet though.
All in all a really nice little family game.
That's a brief overview of the game Small Railroad Empires and a bit about the rules.
The game is available in a lot of different languages. Here is the english Rules – Small Railroad Empires
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Small Railroad Empires
Their kickstarter page can be found here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Small Railroad Empires – Papan Games

Copenhagen: Roll & Write
20-40 min.
Review of Copenhagen: Roll & Write
Copenhagen Roll & Write is a roll-and-write game designed by Asger Harding Granerud and Daniel Skjold Pedersen and published by Queen Games in 2020. The game is set in the colorful city of Copenhagen, and players take turns rolling dice and filling in spaces on their personal score sheet in an attempt to score the most points by creating colorful patterns and completing various goals. The game is easy to learn and quick to play, making it a great option for casual gamers and families.
Do you have what it takes to win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Give each player a score pad and a pencil.
Place the facade block in the center of the table.
The youngest player goes first and marks their score pad with an X.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A turn consists of three phases. In each turn, the player rolls all the dice, chooses and draws a shape, and the other players choose to cross off an action.
Rolling dice and choosing a shape. The five dice are rolled, and a shape can be chosen based on the number of matching colored dice. For example, if you roll 3 red dice, you can choose a shape with 3 or fewer red spaces. If a shape in the column with an X is chosen, it must be crossed off with an X and cannot be chosen again during the game.
A white color can be used instead of any other color.
Drawing the shape. The shape can be rotated but not mirrored. It must be drawn on the player's score sheet, as far down as possible. There cannot be any empty spaces below the shape. When the shape is drawn, all spaces except one are marked with an O, and the last space is marked with an X. This affects scoring.
Other players choose actions. All other players must choose an unused die and mark an X in the corresponding color action space. If an X is marked over a plus or a star, that bonus is available from the next round. If a whole row is filled, the player gets 2 points. When a bonus is used, it is crossed off.
The game ends when a player has scored 12 or more points. Players compare their scores, and the winner is the one with the most points. In the event of a tie, the player with the fewest empty spaces wins.
💭 My opinion 💭
It is a simple and easy game that anyone can play. The game has a beautiful and colorful design that makes it very appealing to play. The goal is to score the most points by creating colorful patterns and completing various goals. The game does not have a lot of strategic depth, but it is a fun and entertaining gaming experience that can be played in a short amount of time. At the same time, the game also has a good balance between luck and strategy, which makes it exciting to play.
One of the biggest advantages of the game is that it can be played in a short amount of time, and you can easily play a few rounds in just 15-20 minutes. This makes the game suitable for shorter gaming sessions and to take on the go.
That was a brief overview of the game Copenhagen Roll and Write and a bit about the rules.
The game is available in a lot of different languages. Here is the english Rules – Copenhagen: Roll & Write
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Copenhagen: Roll & Write
Their kickstarter page can be found here Kickstarterpage
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

30-45 min.
Review of Cascadia
Cascadia is a game designed by Randy Flynn and published by Flatout Games in 2021. The game is set in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, where players compete to create the most diverse and successful ecosystem.
Do you have what it takes to win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
1. Put all the wildlife tokens in the bag and shake them well.
2. The number of players determines the number of habitat tiles to be used. Always 20 tiles per player plus 3 extra. For 2 players, 43 tiles. For 3 players, 63 tiles, etc. Choose these tiles at random. Do not look at the tiles you include or leave out. For setup in Solo mode, please see page 10.
Shuffle these tiles and place them face up (in any number of piles) within reach of all players. Put any excluded habitat tiles back in the box, as they will not be used in this game.
3. Randomly select 1 wildlife score card for each of the five wildlife, then place these five cards in the center of the playing area for all players to see. Put the other wildlife score cards back in the box. (For your first game, it is recommended to use the wildlife score cards shown - these are the cards with the 'A' in the bottom right corner).
4. Randomly distribute a starting habitat tile to each player and place it face up in front of them. Put the other tiles back in the box as they will not be used in this game.
5. Reveal 4 habitat tiles from the pile and place them face up in the middle of the playing area within easy reach of all players.
6. Draw 4 wildlife token from the bag and pair them in order with each of the 4 habitat tiles to form 4 combinations of 1 wildlife token and 1 habitat tiles.
7. Place the nature tokens within reach of all players.
8. The player who most recently saw one of the wildlife in the game will be the first player.
(Or you may select the first player randomly)
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On your turn, you must make two moves. 1. draw sets of wildlife and habitat tiles. 2. place the tiles for your own landscape.
At the start of your turn, there are 4 combinations of wildlife and habitat tiles that you can choose from. If there are 4 identical wildlife tiles, new tiles must be drawn. If there are 3 identical wildlife tiles, it is up to the player to draw new ones.
The player can choose to use a nature token to draw tiles of his choice.
The habitat tile is then placed in your own landscape. It must be adjacent to at least two other habitat tiles or adjacent to the starting tile. It cannot be placed on top of another tile and the tiles cannot be moved around.
The wildlife token is placed on a habitat tile of your choice, where it is legal for it to "live". The wildlife token must match the icon on the habitat tile in order to be placed there. If there is nowhere to put it, put it back in the bag.
After that, it's the next player's turn. The game ends when there are no more habitat tiles in the piles. All players get exactly 20 turns.
There are four groups to score points in. Wildlife Scoring Cards, Habitat Groups, Largest Habitat Group and Nature Tokens.
1. Wildlife Scoring Cards - Based on the details of each wildlife scoring card, points are scored. Ranging from most elks in a line, to most bears in groups.
2. Habitat Groups - For each type of Habitat, 1 point is scored for each tile in the largest group.
3. Largest Habitat Groups - For each type of habitat, the player with the largest group is decided. Depending on the number of players scores. In games with two players the score is 2 points. If equal about the largest scores 1 point each.
In games with 3/4 players 3 points are scored to the player with the largest habitat, 1 point to the player with the second largest. If two players are tied for the largest, 2 points each are scored. If 3/4 players are tied for the largest, scores 1 point each. If players are tied for second largest, no points are scored.
4. Nature Tokens - Each nature token scores 1 point.
The winner is the one with the most points. In case of a tie, the player with the most nature tokens wins.
💭 My opinion 💭
Cascadia is also an incredibly beautiful game. The graphics are inspired by the region and reflect its beautiful scenery and diverse wildlife in an impressive way. Together with the game's mechanics and gameplay, it creates an amazing gaming experience.
Cascadia has relatively easy rules, yet enough depth to attract experienced players. It is this balancing act between creating the most diverse and successful ecosystem that gives Cascadia its strategic depth. The game requires players to think about their moves and plan their strategy carefully.
All in all, Cascadia is a nice mix of accessible gameplay and strategic depth that makes it a joy to play. It's a game perfect for a cosy game night with friends or family.
That's a brief overview of the game Cascadia and a bit about the rules.
The game is available in a lot of different languages. Here is the english Rules – Cascadia
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Cascadia
Their kickstarter page can be found here Kickstarterpage
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

30 min.
Review af Momiji
In Momiji, players compete to try and meet the objectives by collecting the most valuable autumn leaves from the imperial garden of ancient Japan.
Do you have what it takes to win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The setup for Momiji is relatively simple. Depending on the number of players, a specific number of leaf types are used. With 4 players all 6 leaftypes are used, with 3 players 5 types are used and with 2 players 4 types are used. The leaf cards that are not used are put back in the box.
The cards are shuffled and each player is dealt 6 cards. The deck is placed on the table and 4 cards are drawn from it and placed face up next to the deck. The numbers on the cards must be visible, so it is recommended to place them slightly apart.
Each leaftype consists of five cards with 0, four cards with 1, three cards with 2 and two cards with 3.
The objevtive tokens related to the leaf types that are not included are removed. Then, tokens equal to the number of players +2 are taken. Place them face up for all to see and reach.
The Torii token, are drawn with a number equal to the number of players +2. They are placed on the table. The rest are put back in the box.
The landscape cards are shuffled and 3 are drawn. Clockwise, each player draws one card. This is done until all players have 3 cards. In the first games it is recommended to use the cards with the flower icon for example.
The starting player gets 4 of the acorn pieces. The others get 5.
The starting player is the person who last picked up a leaf from the ground.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The rounds are clockwise from the first player.
During your turn, you perform only one of the three main actions:
A - Collect leaf cards from the general stack;
B - Play leaf cards in your personal area;
C - Activate an objective token.
During their turn, players can also perform these optional actions:
Use a landscape ability;
Discard 2 cards from their hand to get 1 acorn token.
You may perform either or both, but only once during your turn.
At the end of their turn, players can have a maximum of 8 leaf cards
in their hand. The excess cards must be discarded. All players can check the discardpile at any time.
A - Collect leaf cards
A player takes an entire column of leaf cards from the general deck and places it in his hand. Before taking the cards, you may want to return 1 acorn piece to the general pile to draw 4 new cards from the deck. Add them to the existing columns in the general stacks sorted by type. Then continue with the normal action of collecting leaves.
Exception: if a particular leaf column already contains 6 cards, discard that type of card as soon as it is revealed. The leaf display in the middle of the table may never be empty. If there are no left columns in the center of the table at the end of a "Collect leaf cards" action, draw and sort 4 new leaf cards at no cost.
B - Play cards in your personal area
Leaf cards are played in front of each player, in their personal areas, in different piles according to their type and starting from number "0". They must be placed on top of each other: you will not be able to see the numbers on the cards underneath. On each pile you can place a card with the same number as the card underneath, or a card with the number immediately following. For example, you cannot play a "2" on a "0".
However, it is not possible to play a card above a "3": this shows the Japanese Torii symbol, a reminder that the deck is closed. Each time a leaf pile is closed with a "3", a Torii piece is placed on that pile.
There can only be one pile for each type of leaf. You cannot move the piles around. To play cards for your personal area, you can choose one of these actions:
Play 2 or more leaf cards of different types and activate their acorn bonus.
Play 1 or 2 of the same type of card (no acorn bonus).
Once the cards are placed, the order cannot be changed. No looking in each opponent's or own piles of cards.
The acorn bonus is given to the player when two acorn icons on the leaf cards are next to each other. It is possible to get more bonuses.
C - Activate an objective tile
By using 3 acorn tokens, players can activate an available objective token.
(See the list of objective tokens to know their meaning).
The player places the activated objective token in their personal area, visible to all players and they become the owner. Anyone can attempt to meet an activated objective token during the game, even if they are not the owner. At the end of the game, the fulfilled objective tokens are worth a certain number of victory points (see Final scoring section).
Landscape card
On your turn, you can activate a landscape ability by placing an acorn token on your card. Each ability can only be used once during the game. (See the list of landscape tiles for their meaning.)
The game ends as soon as the leaf card pile is exhausted or when there are no Torii tokensleft in the middle of the table. Each player, including the one who triggered the end of the game, plays one last turn.
For each deck of cards, the highest visible number multiplied by the number of cards in that deck is scored.
Each acorn token scores the point shown on the token.
Each objective token awards 10 points to the winner of the token if the player also owns the token, or 3 points if the owner is someone else. If there is a tie at the objective token, the same number of points is scored.
The player with the most points is the winner of the game, if there is a tie, the player with the most cards in hand wins.
There are a number of additional modules such as Squirrel, Golden Leaves and The Ancient Garden which are not reviewed in this overview. In addition to this, there are also scenarios and solo edition.
💭 My opinion 💭
Momiji is a beautifully designed game that offers a unique and challenging gaming experience. The game is a combination of card-handling, set-collecting and open-drawing, where players must collect cards for their own personal pile, and manage to create the largest piles of leaves.
The artwork and components are top notch and really capture the essence of the theme. The game offers a lot of replayability as different landscape cards can be chosen, all of which are different. There are also expansion modules that allow the game to take on extra dimensions.
The game is not too long and the rules are easy to understand, so it is accessible to players of all levels. The only downside is that the game can be a bit luck-based, as cards are drawn randomly, so if you can't get new cards, you're forced to pick what's there.
All in all, Momiji is a great game that is both beautiful and engaging.
This was a short summary of Momiji and a bit about the rules.
The game is available in a lot of different languages. Here is the english Rules – Momiji
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Momiji
Their kickstarter page can be found here Kickstarterpage
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

45 min.
Review of Kanagawa
In the game, players compete to create the most beautiful paintings by drafting cards that represent various elements of the painting: composition, colors, and brushstrokes. Players must balance the elements they draft to create a cohesive, aesthetically pleasing painting.
Do you have what it takes to win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Shuffle the deck of cards and place it face down on the table. Draw a number of cards from the top of the deck equal to the number of players in the game, plus one, and place them face up on the table to form the marketplace. The remaining cards will be the draw deck for the game.
Each player takes a canvas board and places it in front of them. Each player also takes a set of wooden components, which represent the ink and brush markers they will use to mark their canvas board.
Each player starts with a certain number of ink and brush markers, depending on the number of players in the game. Each player will also receive a set of cards, which will be their starting hand.
Select one of the sensei cards and place it face up on the table. The sensei card will give a special rule or objective for the game.
Decide on a starting player, and you are ready to begin the game.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Each round, players will draw cards from a common deck and use them to add elements to their painting, such as composition, colors, and brush strokes. They can also use certain cards to copy elements from other players' paintings.
Each card has a cost, and players have to pay this cost to add the card to their painting. Players can gain or lose points based on the balance and harmony of the elements in their painting, and the game ends when the deck is depleted or a player completes their painting. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.
The game also includes advanced rules for experienced players and a solo mode, which can change the way the game is played.
💭 My opinion 💭
The game features stunning artwork and high-quality components. The game also includes a solo mode and an advanced variant for experienced players.
Overall, Kanagawa is a unique and beautiful game that offers a unique and interesting gameplay experience. The theme is well integrated and the game is easy to learn and play. The game is well balanced and the scoring system is clever and adds a lot of replayability. I recommend it for fans of art, strategy and abstract games.
This was a short summary of the game Kanagawa and a bit about the rules.
The game is available in a lot of different languages. Here is the english Rules – Kanagawa
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Kanagawa
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Kabuto Sumo
15-20 min.
Review of Kabuto Sumo
In Kabuto Sumo, as the name suggests, you play sumo wrestler. But this isn't just any sumo wrestling match. Here, rhinoceros beetles, known in Japanese as Kabutomushi, battle it out to be the last survivor. The mechanics of the game are like the good old money pushers at amusement parks. You push a piece onto all the other pieces in the Sumo ring, and what falls out you get to keep.
Do you have the cunning to push the right pieces and knock out your opponent to win Kabuto Sumo?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
If the Sumo ring is not assembled, it is assembled. It is set up.
Each player chooses a wrestler card, and finds the extra pieces that belong to that specific wrestler. They may come into use later. The player's wrestler piece is placed on the sumo ring, and round discs are placed depending on the number of players.
2 players: 3 large, 8 medium, 14 small discs.
3 players: 3 large, 10 medium, 12 small discs.
4 players: 3 large, 6 medium, 14 small discs.
Each player gets:
2 players: 1 medium, 2 small discs.
3 players: 1 medium, 2 small. Player 3 gets 2 medium discs.
4 players: each team gets 1 medium and 2 small discs.
The youngest player starts or is chosen at random.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
In a straight line, a player's disc or piece is pushed down the ramp and into the sumo ring. There is no need to push towards the centre. When the disc is completely inside the ring, the pushing stops. Anything that goes over the edge is the player's. Signature moves can be made before or after the push.
If you play as a team, you take turns.
If you run out of disks and can't do anything, you've lost. In a three-player game, the other two continue. The first player to push the other player out of the ring is the winner.
💭 My opinion 💭
A nice little easy game. There's not a lot of tactics, other than pushing and hoping for the best. You shouldn't expect the great strategic wonder in this game. If you like a fast game that shouldn't take more than 15 minutes per game, this is the game. It's not a game you'll want to play over and over again, there's simply not enough "game" in it for that. That being said, it is unique and a fun little theme. With the expansions there are many wrestlers to choose from.
This was a short summary of Kabuto Sumo and a bit about the rules.
The game comes with English rules. Rules – Kabuto Sumo
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – Kabuto Sumo
You can check out their Kickstarter here: Kickstarterpage
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

New York Zoo

30-60 min.
Review of New York Zoo
In New York Zoo, as the name of the game suggests, you will try to build and create your own zoo in New York. This is done by retrieving various animals and enclosures from a single game board, with all other players also doing the same.
The first player to completely fill their zoo with enclosures and attractions wins the game.
Do you have what it takes to win the game New York Zoo?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place the common game board in the middle of the table and around it place the enclosures (the polygonal shapes) in stacks of 3 as drawn on the game board. Each shade of green color is different size.
The attractions are placed in piles so that all players can reach them.
The elephant is placed on the red dot on the game board.
Each player gets a Zoo game board, at the bottom left corner is written how many players this Zoo is for. At the top is shown which animals the player starts with.
The animals are placed so that everyone can reach them.
The player with player 1 marked on their game board is the starting player.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A turn consists of 3 phases. Move the elephant, take an action where the elephant lands and animal breeding if applicable.
1. Move the elephant according to the drawing at the top of your game board. For 2 and 4 players, move the elephant 1-4 spaces clockwise. For 3 and 5 players, move the elephant 1-3 spaces.
Når den flyttes tælles felter som de blå cirkler med dyr og felter med figurer, de brune cirkler med dyr tælles ikke eller tomme figurfelter. Elefanten kan ikke stoppe på et figurfelt, hvis figuren ikke kan placeres i spillerens Zoo.
2. Take an action where the elephant stops. This action is either to take one or more animals (blue circle) or to take the topmost figure.
Enten tages begge de dyr der vises, eller tages en af dem. Derefter placeres de på en tom plads i din zoo. Hver indhegning kan kun have en slags dyr. Hvis en indhegning fyldes ud, fjernes alle dyrene fra den og du må trække en attraktion og placere den i din zoo.
Du må også beholde ét af dyrene, hvis du har plads i en af husene. Vælger du at stoppe på et figurfelt, må du tage den øverste figur og placere det i din zoo.
Når din zoo er helt udfyldt, har du vundet spillet. Du kan kun tage denne handling, hvis du kan sætte et eller to dyr i indhegningen.
3. Animal gain happens if you have passed a brown circle with animals. This is the animal that breeds. If you have 2 of the same kind of animal in your enclosure, you may add one extra animal. You may do this in two enclosures if possible.
There are rules for 2 players and a solo variant.
💭 My opinion 💭
A nice lightweight game where you have to try to place your tiles correctly and be the first to fill your entire zoo. The main and hardest thing you have to do is figure out which tiles to bet on and what kind of animals to have. Do you want large or small tiles? Should you have many different animals or bet on a few? If you're into games like Patchwork and Isle of Cats, where in both games you also have to try and place tiles, this game could also be one you should try out.
A game takes about 30-60 minutes, can be played by up to 5 players, from age +10.
This was a short summary of New York Zoo and a bit about the rules.
The game comes with English rules. Rules – New York Zoo
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc. Boardgamegeek – New York Zoo
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Tavern Tales

Review of Tavern Tales
In Tavern Tales, you've come home to the Travellers' Tavern for some warm gingerbrew after a perilous trip into the cave. You're now ready to share your tales of heroism with the local rabble. Fulfill your perilous cave tales as you and your companions compare mighty deeds in this strategic game of bragging rights and one-upmanship.
Who will be the most famous hero of epic legends?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
There are additional rules for advanced players, these can be found at the back of the rulebook. There is also a modified version for 2 players.
The 5 depth cards are placed in the middle of the table, face up, as shown in the rulebook. If it is the first game, the circular spaces are not used.
Shuffle the feature cards and place 3 cards under each depth card, face up.
De 6 elite heltekort fjernes, hvis det er første spil, og resten af heltekortene blandes. Giv 6 kort til hver spiller, hver spiller vælger 4 og kasserer 2.
Each player receives a prestige tracker and a matching token. In the first game, the special ability side is turned face down.
The player who last told a lie starts otherwise a random one is chosen. This player takes the 'active player' token.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
In clockwise order, players take turns. When it's your turn, either Think'n'Drink or Stake a Claim.
In Think'n'Drink, you must collect your thoughts by drawing 3 cards from the hero pile. If it is empty, they are shuffled again.
Discard a card from your hand to the discardpile, it doesn't have to be one of the ones you just drew.
Discard additional cards from your hand if you are above the limit. It is 4 if you have less than 15 prestige points, and 3 if you have 16 prestige points or more.
You may not Think'n'Drink if you are already above the limit at the start of the round.
At Stake your Claim you have to spin your story and earn prestige points. This is done by placing one hero card from your hand in front of you, face up.
Select a depth that matches one of the depth indicators on your herocard, and identify which feature card you want to claim. These feat cards represent the heroic deeds you claim to have performed with the hero at that location. Some heroes can choose from 2 depths, but other heroes can choose 2 feat cards from one depth.
After claiming one or more feat cards, it's time to have showdowns against each other, also called "one-upmanship". Here the other players, starting with players to the left of the active player, must choose whether to pass or to disagree with the claim and "one-up" the active player.
To "one-up", a player must play a herocard that matches the depth. It does not matter what kind of hero is played as long as it matches the depth card. This means that it is now this player who claims to have done the heroic deeds.
The fresh new story is now the one to be "one-upped" or passed. This is done until all players have reported passes, and there is therefore only one player whose story is the correct one. This player gets the feat card. All hero cards that have been used are placed in the discard pile.
When you win a feature card, you also score prestige points. When you win the first card in a collection, you get the number of points on the far left of the card, when you win the second card in the same collection, you get the next number, and so on.
Some feat cards give prestige points regardless of how many cards you have previously collected.
After scoring, new feat cards are placed under the depth cards so that there are again 3. If there are no more feat cards, nothing is done.
The game continues until a player hits 30 points or more, regardless of whose turn it is. That player is the winner.
There are a number of extra things you can add to the game, such as elite heroes who have special abilities, rooms that provide extra rules and special drinks that provide unique special effects.
💭 My opinion 💭
Tavern Tales is a game that builds on the Dungeon Drop series, where you have to imagine that you have been on a trip in the Dungeon Drop cave, and have now returned to the surface and into the local Tavern. This is where you have to tell the locals what happened in the cave.
A nice little game, with the same great artwork as Dungeon Drop. A fun idea with them hanging together and the story continuing. The game itself is not particularly difficult, at least not if don't include the extra stuff. If you do include them, and I think you should once you've tried playing a game, I think the game becomes more enjoyable.
With the extras, it provides some extra strategy and challenge that isn't really found in the standard game.
You have some opportunities to tease each other by "one-upping" each other, or claiming cards you might not need. It can certainly tease the others, but also ruin a lot for yourself.
All in all, a pretty decent game that suits the family who just needs a relatively easy game that won't take too long to play. The game can be played ages 8+ by 2-5 players and takes about 20-30 minutes.
This was a short summary of Tavern Tales and a bit about the rules.
The game comes with English rules.
Regler – Tavern Tales
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Tavern Tales
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Oh My Gold!

Review of Oh My Gold!
In Oh My Gold, you must try to collect treasure chests and find loot that can give you the most points. This is done with the help of dice.
Do you have what it takes to collect the right treasure chests and win Oh My Gold?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player takes a ship of their choice, which is placed in front of the player. The treasure cards are shuffled and a pile is made in the middle of the table. The top three cards are placed key-side up.
Dice are found.
The youngest player starts.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a turn, the player must roll all four dice, if the player is not satisfied with the roll, the dice may be rolled once more. The dice are then placed on top of the treasure chests. Only if you can fill all the key spaces on a treasure chest you may get it.
The more key spaces are filled in, the better the contents of the treasure chest.
Once this is done, the player takes the treasure chest, turns it over, and places it where everyone can see the contents.
To get the contents of the treasure chest onto the ship, match the contents with dice symbols. Once this is done, the treasure must be placed under the ship. Each diamond and coin is worth one point each.
The sword symbol is wild and substitutes for all other symbols.
There must always be three treasure cards on the table for the next player.
The game ends when the last player opens the last treasure chest, then one more turn is played.
The player with the most points wins.
💭 My opinion 💭
A cute little game for the little ones. A game that is all about luck, as you have no chance to influence the roll of the dice, except that you can roll again.
As there are not so many rules, it is very easy to learn.
The game is for ages 5 and up, and can be played in about 10 minutes by 2-4 players.
This was a short summary of Oh My Gold and a bit about the rules.
The game comes with English rules.
Regler – Oh My Gold!
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Oh My Gold!
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Leo
Leo the lion needs a haircut because his mane has grown too big. He has to get through the jungle before the barber closes at 8.
In this game, you must try to remember where the different animals and colours are in order to avoid losing time. Because if you can remember which colour Leo ends up on, nothing will happen.
Do you have what it takes to lead Leo through the jungle and to the barber before it closes?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place the tiles in a long snake, with the barber at one end and Leo's place at the other. Prepare Leo's face without the mane and place the meeple on the bed. Prepare the clock.
Shuffle the movement cards face down and deal all the cards one at a time to the players until all the cards are distributed. In a 3-player game, two players have an extra card.
The player with the shortest hair sets the clock in front of him and sets the hand to 8 o'clock - the player with the longest hair begins.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game moves clockwise, when it's your turn you play an optional card from your hand and place it face up in front of you. You then move Leo the number of spaces shown on the card. The piece is turned over, and then the following happens:
If the colour of the tile does NOT match the colour of the card, Leo loses time and the clock moves to what is written on the tile.
If the colour of the tile matches the colour of the card, Leo loses no time.
If the tile shows a sign, nothing happens.
After this has been checked, Leos meeple is placed on the tile, which is face up.
As soon as the clock shows 8 o'clock again, the barber is closed. If you didn't get Leo through the jungle, a new day begins.
Leo is put back to the start, Leo's mane grows, the clock is set back to 8 o'clock, all the movement cards are shuffled again and given to the players.
The turned tiles are returned to the jungle side, so it is important to remember where you have been.
The game ends when either Leo reaches the barber before the end of the day, then you have won. Or if Leo's mane is fully grown on the fifth day and you don't get to the barber before the day is done, you lose.
💭 My opinion 💭
A great little game for the youngest children, teaching them to remember and work together. Cute illustrations with animals. There is no text on the cards, only numbers. There are a few extra optional actions that can make the game a bit more difficult.
There's not a lot in the game, but it's also a game aimed at the younger audience, and I think it hits that mark very well. It's a really nice collaborative game.
This was a short summary of Leo and a bit about the rules.
The game comes with Danish rules. These rules are in English
Regler – Leo
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Leo
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Isle of Cats: Explore & Draw

Review of Isle of Cats: Explore & Draw
In Isle of Cats: Explore & Draw, you must once again try to rescue the cats onto the ship. This game, however, is simpler and much smaller than its big brother/sister Isle of Cats. In this game you choose cats from a common pool of cards, which you draw onto your ship.
Do you have what it takes to draw cats in the right places to score the most points in Isle of Cats: Explore & Draw?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player gets a ship, a reference card, a lesson plan and markers.
Cat cards are shuffled. Lesson cards are shuffled.
The ship figure is placed on square 7 of the round card.
Cat cards and lesson cards are placed in a 4 x 3 grid. (See rules)
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
At the start of each round, prepare by making a new 4 x 3 grid.
In each round, players must choose a column of 3 cards and draw them on their ship. Players may choose the same columns.
Players may choose special abilities listed on the ship card. This can be choosing 1 extra card, choosing a row instead of a column etc.
When all players have completed their actions, the cards are cleared and the ship figure is moved one space.
The game is played over 7 rounds, after which points are scored. The player with the most points is the winner.
💭 My opinion 💭
A simple version of Isle of Cats, a really nice game if you just need to get your fix of this type of game where you have to place different tiles. A so called polyomino game where you have geometric shapes that have to be placed in one way or another.
I think that the publisher manages to make a simple version of the game, where this game has many of the same things together in a smaller and less complex version, which you're just able to take with you on holiday, for example. There is not just one way to win and therefore not just one path to victory. However, I think, just like in the big game, that many of the lesson cards you come across during the game can seem quite useless, and also why I personally don't choose that many of them myself. It may well be that this is a bad strategy. It's also almost impossible to avoid getting negative points from rats or unfilled rooms, but in this game, it's also possible to choose cats the size of 1 or 2, and therefore it's actually a little bit easier to fill even the smallest squares that are just missing.
If you think that this game should have more or be longer, I can only recommend that you instead throw yourself on the big Isle of Cats.
This was a short summary of Isle of Cats: Explore & Draw and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Isle of Cats: Explore & Draw
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Isle of Cats: Explore & Draw
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Mitropia
In the game Mitropia, your tribe is chosen to fight on the battlefield against other tribes. Your mission is to wipe out the other players' warriors and ultimately their tribal leader.
Do you have what it takes to win this strategic game and get the victory in Mitropia?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player chooses or is assigned a character who has unique abilities. The player is then given a colour and the corresponding tiles. The one large piece is the leader, the others are warriors.
Depending on the number of players, terrain tiles and maps are drawn. In the case of 2 players, terrain tiles with S and cards with I are used. For 3 players, M terrain tiles and II cards are added. And so on. See the rules on how to build the game board.
Pattern cards and action cards are shuffled separately. Each player gets 3 pattern cards and 2 action cards (3 if you are Trojan). The two piles are then shuffled together and placed in a pile.
The starting player is chosen at random.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Before you can start, you need to place your tribal leader.
They cannot be placed on mountains or worm holes. They must be placed at least two rows inside. They may not be placed 2 squares from another tribal leader. There must be two empty spaces between them. (One space if you are only 2 players).
The last step to complete before each round starts is for each player to choose a pattern card that will be valid for that round. Players must place their warriors based on this pattern. Warriors can be placed on normal terrain and wormholes, but not on mountains.
On a trip there are 4 options.
Place a warrior on the game board based on your standard pattern card.
Place a warrior on the game board from a pattern card in your hand.
Move or place warriors based on an action card.
Pass if you can't or won't do anything.
A warrior on the board can be captured by the other players if it is surrounded by other players. Several warriors can be captured at the same time if they are together. If just one other player has a warrior that is helping to encircle, the captured warriors are shared equally. If there is a surplus, the player who captured the last warrior gets it.
During the game you can have a maximum of 5 cards in your hand. If you have less than 5 cards in your hand at the end of your turn, you must draw an extra card. If you have 5 cards, you may exchange one card. If you are a Trojan, you may have 6 cards.
The game ends when either all players pass, there are no more legal moves, or one of the players' tribal leaders is captured.
💭 My opinion 💭
A really nice very strategic game that has a lot of take-that, and a bit of luck. Luck can be minimized if you play one of the other editions of the game, though. It can happen that several players get together and play against one of the others, that way a game can quickly become all against one, but then it also becomes a short game. But that doesn't happen if everyone plays their own game. The point is to get the most points, and these points you get by having the other warriors captured, the number of warriors on the board, the number of squares you have occupied, etc.
A game that has similarities to the old game Go, but this one has more things in it. The game can be played by 2-5 players and takes anywhere from 15-90 minutes. and is recommended for ages +12.
This was a short summary of Mitropia and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Mitropia
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Mitropia
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Mitropia – Papan Games

Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena

30-45 min.
Review of Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena
Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena is based on the well-known and beautiful doorkonckers found on the many colourful doors of the city of Cartagena in the country of Colombia. Many years ago, the different doorknockers indicated the job and status of the owner.
In the game, you have to assemble a grid of colourful doors and beautiful doorknockers, and in doing so, manage to rack up the most points.
Do you have what it takes to get the most points and win Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place 12 coins in a pile, unused coins are put back in the box.
Shuffle the door cards and deal each player 5 cards. These cards are kept secret from the opponent.
Each player gets a vaultcard, which is placed in the bottom left corner and is supposed to be the first card of a 4 x 3 grid block that you have to build.
Each player chooses one card, which is placed under the vault card, and may now optionally discard any number of cards in exchange for the same number of coins. One discarded card is worth one coin, etc.
Assemble and place the dock board and place the stack of door cards next to it. Place 5 cards in the 5 marked areas.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a turn you have to do two actions.
The first of the two is to take 2 coins and put them in your imaginary wallet.
Next is to buy a door. The price of the door depends on its location on the dock board. The first two are free, and then the price goes up. If you choose one that costs money, you pay into the general coin pile, and coins can come from both your wallet and your bank vault.
Now move all the cards to the left and place a new card in the rightmost spot.
After you have selected a door, place a door from your hand in your grid. When you place your door, the abilities on that door and the doors next to that card in your grid are activated. You may activate the abilities in any order you wish. Therefore a maximum of 3 abilitiees can be activated.
I dit gitter, som er 4 bred og 3 høj, skal du udfylde de resterende 11 felter. Når du placerer en dør, må du ikke lægge den ved siden af, over eller under, en dør i samme farve. Du må ikke placere et kort, således at der kommer til at være tomt til venstre eller under dette dørkort. Dit første dørkort skal placeres over eller til højre for dit kistekort.
If at the end of your turn you have more than seven cards in your hand, you must discard so that you again have a maximum of seven cards.
Player continues like this until the pile of coins is empty, a player fills his entire grid or the dock board cannot be filled with cards.
The player who triggered the end finishes his turn, and then all other players get one last turn.
At the end of the game, points are scored based on how many coins you have in the bank, how much influence you have in the different professions, etc. The player with the most points is the winner.
💭 My opinion 💭
A really cool little game that can be a big mouthful the first time you play it. There's a lot to get your head around. Like what abilities the different cards have, how to place the cards, when the abilities are activated etc. But once you get the hang of it, the game is quite entertaining albeit a strategic and thought provoking affair.
You can often find yourself in situations where you can't quite figure out which card is best to buy and which card gives the most points. You also have to be careful not to end up with a lot of cards of the same colour, because you can't use them.
Et hurtigt spil, der tager omkring 30 minutter, kan spilles af 1-4 spillere og anbefales i alderen +14, selvom jeg nu godt tror, at det kan være lidt yngre. Spillet har flot grafik, der skal vise de flotte dørhammere i Cartagena. Til trods for at spillet er simpelt, har det også en vis dybde.
This was a short summary of Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena – Papan Games

Ragnarok Star

35-45 min.
Review of Ragnarok Star
In Ragnarok Star you take the role of a Viking band who have been promised a place in Valhalla, but only if they can put on the coolest concert and attract a lot of fans.
But you are not alone. Against other players, you must try to attract fans, young and old, who will come and hear you play. You're competing for the same fans, so you need to be bold and find the sneakiest way to lure fans to your concert.
Do you have what it takes to win Ragnarok Star and earn your place in Valhalla?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
At the start of each round, you must complete three steps before the round can start.
Take two fans of each kind and place them on the game board as follows:
Randomly place 3 fans of different colours on one island.
Place 2 fans of the last colour on the two neighbouring islands.
Place the remaining fans on the islands with the fewest fans.
You should now have one island with 3 fans, two islands with 2 fans and one island with 1 fan.
Placér isbjerget, så det blokerer havnen på øen med 3 fans. Placér det andet isbjerg så det forbinder de to øer i modsatte side af spillepladen. Spilleren med det længste hår må tage det tredje isbjerg, og er nu Ismesteren i starten af spillet.
Each player draws 3 contract cards and chooses one of these to place face down. The rest are returned to the deck. Each contract, gives the opportunity to earn points if they are fulfilled.
Once this is done, you are now ready to start the round.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
1. Uden at vise de andre spillere sin plade, skal spillerne skrive rækkefølgen ned for hver musiker. Tallene 1-5 skrives ud for hver musiker i den rækkefølge som spilleren ønsker.
Remember: For navigation actions, one of the four destinations must be filled in. Each number can only be used once. Each musician can only have one number.
2. Når det er gjort, tages det øverste kort fra både unge og gamle fans, og der placeres fans som indikeret på kortene. Ikonet med x mand, betyder at der skal tilføjes samme antal fans som der er spillere.
3. Alle spillere laver nu deres handlinger samtidigt, altså alle spillere laver handling 1, derefter 2 osv. Nogle handlinger, kan betyde, at spillere vil have de samme fans, og derfor anbefales det at melde klart ud.
4. I slutningen af hver runde gør vejret, at isbjergene flytter sig eller forsvinder. Ismesteren må fjerne 1 af de 2 isbjerge, give dette til en anden spiller efter eget valg, og derefter placere det tredje isbjerg.
This is how a round is played, and the game continues until 7 rounds have been played, with no more fan cards available.
During the game, it is possible to collect fans who are placed on your personal game board, and this is how you score points, among other things.
There is both an Angry Fans expansion and a Divalkyrie expansion, which I haven't played with yet, but which adds extra to the game.
💭 My opinion 💭
A nice little game that doesn't have very difficult rules and can be played by most people. The graphics of the game are very nice and there are a lot of references to music groups, names of songs etc. in the game. A lightweight game that should be taken for what it is. Don't expect this game to be played with great tactical considerations.
However, there are some tactics involved in getting the right fans, positioning the iceberg so that it might tease the opponent. It is also possible to steal fans from others. If you are not into programming games, then this game is not for you. But that's also what will make you experience moments like "oh no, that wasn't supposed to happen" and "well okay, then it happened". If you're a fan of rock music, then you almost have to have this game.
All in all, a really nice family-friendly game that can be played by 2-4 players aged 10+, taking about 30-45 minutes.
This was a short summary of Ragnarok Star and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Ragnarok Star
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Ragnarok Star
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Ragnarok Star – Papan Games

Vivid Memories

Review of Vivid Memories
In this game you have to collect fragments to be placed in your brain bank. Don't worry, it sounds more morbid than it is. The brain bank is just your game board that looks like a beehive. In it, you must try to make patterns that match your memories and try to connect the wire mesh to score more points.
Do you have what it takes to collect the correct fragments, score the most points and win the game Vivid Memories?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player gets a brain bank and is randomly given one of the 5 aspiration tiles, these are secret to the other players and are an extra way to score at the end of the game.
The 20 moment tiles are mixed and placed in a pile.
Depending on the number of players fragments are taken:
2 players, 11 fragments of each colour are used (there are 25 of each colour)
3 players, 17 fragments of each colour are used.
4 players, 20 fragments of each colour are used.
The score tracker is placed to the side and each player chooses a marker set and places one on the score tracker. The round marker is placed on round 1.
The starting player token (paper airplane) is awarded to the player who can remember the earliest positive memory. Or to a random player.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A game lasts 3 rounds, after which points are counted and a winner is determined.
In each round there are 4 phases which are as follows:
Klargør – Øjebliksbrikker og fragmenter placeres
Husk – Efter tur tages fragmenter og placeres i din hjernebank
Reflektér – Samtidigt udføres handlinger som at tilføje, flytte, bytte fragmenter m.v.
Belønning – Der modtages point
Prepare phase
Get ready with moment tiles. Place 2 more tiles than there are players, so for 2 players place 4, for 3 players place 5 and for 4 players place 6. On them 4 fragments are placed for 2 players and 5 fragments for 3 and 4 players.
If the bag of fragments is empty, replenish with excess fragments from the pile.
Remember phase
In this phase, players take turns drawing fragments from the moment tiles. If a moment tile is cleared of fragments, the player must also take the tile. Players continue until all tiles are gone.
Only fragments from the outermost moment tiles may be taken. You may take 1, 2 or 3 fragments.
If you take 1, you get to make a rewire action, if you take 2 they must be the same, if you take 3 they must all be different.
If you empty a moment tile, you may continue on the next tile next to it, but still a maximum of 3 fragments.
The rewire action, which you can use when taking only 1 fragment, gives you the ability to move around your placed fragments in your brain bank.
You may choose one of the following two:
Move fragments out of a hexagon to neighbouring hexagons of your choice.
Move fragments into a hexagon from neighbouring hexagons of your choice.
The fragments you have taken are placed in one hexagon, so if you take 3 fragments, all 3 are placed in the same hexagon.
The position in the hexagon is not important. Fragments can only be moved by special actions.
The next phase starts when the player takes the last moment tile.
Reflect phase
In this phase it is possible to make actions where you can swap and move fragments.
First, the moment tiles taken by the player in the previous phase are placed in a location of his choice to cover the original action. This tile cannot be moved and is only removed if it is later scored for. Then up to 4 actions are taken, the same action cannot be taken twice. If a moment tile action is used, it is flipped to the scoring side.
On moment tiles there are two actions. One allows you to draw a fragment and place it as desired in an empty hexagon, the other allows you to split a fragment into two, which are placed where you took the fragment from.
In the original actions, there are four different actions.
Combine two fragments into one fragment, which is placed where you took the two.
Draw a random fragment from the bag and place it in an empty hexagon.
Push a fragment to a neighbouring hexagon. There can never be more than 3 fragments in a hexagon.
Swap two fragments with each other, they must be in neighbouring hexagons.
After that it's the reward phase
Reward phase
In this phase you score points, first for moment tiles, then for the wire mesh and finally for core memories. At the end of the 3rd and final round, points are also scored for players' aspiration tiles.
Scoring of moment tiles
If you manage to make fragments that match the image on the moment tile, the tile must be scored and placed next to the player's game board.
Scoring of wire mesh
Number of hexagons multiplied by connected empty core memory fields. The position of the fragments in the hexagons does not matter. This also means that if the thread is only connected to one filled core memory, then no points are scored.
After a thread has been scored, a fragment from each end of the thread is moved into the empty core memory field. The rest of the thread fragments remain.
Next core memories are scored.
Scoring of core memories
They are divided into 1, 4 and 18 points which are only awarded if they are filled. Once scored, they are left and scored in subsequent rounds.
The game ends after the 3rd round, when points are also counted for the aspiration pieces.
The player with the most points is the winner.
💭 My opinion 💭
Vivid Memories is a really nice game with very nice graphics, and really nice components. The game itself is also a good game, however it can be a game where you really get tested when you have to plan and place your fragments in your brain bank. There can be a lot of things to keep track of, and it can be hard to figure out just what to do to end up with the result you want. That's not to say that this game isn't good, certainly not.
It's a challenging game where you can't have your head in the clouds to avoid losing track. Most of the time, moving or swapping fragments can mess things up for you, so your plan may change during the game.
The only negatives are that it can be difficult to tell whether the colour is blue or purple when looking at the cards and the game board. Fortunately, there are also symbols on it that you can look at instead. Fragments can also be something that you would immediately think has the wrong shape when placed in the hexes. Finally, one might have wished for more moment tiles with different abilities than those included.
A tricky game for 1-4 players that takes about an hour to play. I haven't yet played the solo mode, which is also part of the game, but I imagine it's at least as puzzly as the regular game.
This was a short summary of Vivid Memories and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Vivid Memories
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Vivid Memories
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Vivid Memories – Papan Games

Hit The Silk!

Review af Hit The Silk!
In Hit the Silk, you've hijacked a plane and it's loaded with stolen goods. The pilot, who was piloting the plane, took flight and parachuted out. Now only you are left and you must escape with the stolen goods. Or do you? Because there's only one parachute left, and it can't carry all of you.
Will one of you get out alive, or will you try to land the plane?
It's up to you to figure out if you trust each other or if one of you manages to trick the others and get away with enough stolen goods in the game Hit the Silk!
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place the altimeter at the correct altitude, depending on the number of players. 16,000 feet for 3 players, and +3,000 feet for each additional player.
The card-organising board is placed on the table so that the spaces marked Draw, Discard and Laundry can be seen.
Find all Flannel cards and place them face up on the Laundry field.
Remove all cards marked with a higher number of players than you are. Note that if you are playing with 5-6 players, a parachute card marked with 4 players is removed, as it has been replaced by the tandem parachute.
Put the Keys, Spy, Steal and Kung Fu cards aside and shuffle the rest of the cards. Draw 6 cards and place them face down on the lockbox of the altimeter.
The 4 kinds of cards are put back into the deck and shuffled again. Now give each player 6 cards.
Each player chooses 2 cards, which are discarded face up into the discard pile. Players must always have 4 cards in hand, if at any time they have less than 4 a flannel card is drawn.
Depending on the number of players, your goal is to collect a specific amount, before you have won.
3 players, 80,000 out of 120,000 possible. 4 players, 100,000 out of 170,000 possible. 5 players, 130,000 out of 220,000 possible. 6 players, 160,000 out of 290,000 possible.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
You can do 3 different actions during your turn. You can choose the order. Your turn ends when you have done the number of actions you want. If you choose not to do any action at all, the altitude must go down by 500 feet.
You can change a card (once per turn)
Take as many actions as your cards allow.
Trade with other players.
To change a card
Here you must discard one of your cards and the altitude of the plane drops by 500 feet. Then a number of cards is drawn, depending on the altitude of the plane.
Remember you can never have more than 4 cards.
To do actions
The cards have different abilities, and can be used to steal, spy, use handcuffs, have a key, use poison, use antidote, make kung fu, shoot a player and otherwise there are suitcase with money, knife cards, flannel cards and of course parachute.
You can read much more about the different cards in the rulebook.
Trading with other players
Players must exchange the same number of cards and a verbal agreement is made. The cards are exchanged face down, so that neither player can see what is being exchanged. You can choose to keep the deal or cheat.
During the game, players have to agree whether they have enough money to jump out or whether they should wait. If the majority chooses to wait, the plane drops 1,000 feet. When the meter reaches a specific altitude, the jump has to be made.
If the majority chooses to jump, the players must show their cards and find out if they have won or lost.
Players with parachutes survive and count their money. If they have enough, they win.
If they don't have enough, they lose. If you've been killed, you've lost. If you were handcuffed with someone else and you didn't have enough parachutes, you've lost.
If there are still players alive and on board the plane, they can try to land the plane. Find the Land The Plane game board and see if you can successfully land it or if you crash.
There are 4 other options to add extras to the game. There is a travel friendly edition, an advanced edition, an advanced challenge edition and an advanced counter challenge edition.
💭 My opinion 💭
Quite an entertaining semi-co-op game, which all things considered, is more fun the more players you are. If you're only 3, it can get a bit 2-on-1. A game where you can really get lost, especially when you have to swap cards and you might not stick to what you agreed. But that's also the fun of the game.
A game where you can't always rely on the other player. I have not yet tried the advanced extra rules that come with it, or the extra expansion that also comes with the game.
I could imagine that the game would be a good party game. But you also have to take the game for what it is. A game that isn't that long, and doesn't have that many tactical challenges. A game where you need a bit of luck to win. All in all, a nice simple game that doesn't require too much. A game most people can play.
This was a short summary of the game Hit the Silkand a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Hit the Silk
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Hit the Silk
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Hit the Silk – Papan Games

Black Skull Island

Review of Black Skull Island
In Black Skull Island, you have arrived on the island of the same name, an island that has always been shrouded in mystery, an island that may hold great secrets. There's just one problem, you're not alone. In fact, everyone is here with their parrot.
In the game, you must try to fill your pockets with gold that you have found on the island. The one with the most gold is the winner of the game.
Do you have what it takes to stop the others from grabbing the gold, and manage to fill your own pockets to win Black Skull Island?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place the coin cards in a pile face down and each player takes one 1 coin card.
The treasure cards are shuffled and placed in a pile face down.
All the character cards are picked and sorted by player count, so that the cards with a higher player count printed on them are put back in the box.
The character cards are then shuffled and each player is dealt 2 cards. If you play 2, each player gets 3 cards.
Place the last character card face up on the table, this is the removed card.
Give each player 2 info cards summarizing character abilities.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game is played over several rounds, and in each round players must play a character card face down. Once all players have chosen a card to play this round, all cards are turned over simultaneously and their abilities are activated in numerical order with the lowest number first. Players then take their cards back. If at any time a player has 7 or more booty cards in front of them, the game ends and the winner is determined.
The following 5 moves are made in one round.
Select characters – Players choose a character card to play on the table. The card is placed face down.
Reveal – All players simultaneously reveal their cards.
Resolve – The cards' abilities are activated in numerical order with the lowest number first. Perform each card's ability before moving on to the next card. The card remains face up unless an ability says otherwise. Cards may move around the table and the same player may activate several characters in one round, while others may not activate any card at all. If a character card has been flipped face down, that card is skipped this round. Some character cards contradict the rules in the rulebook, but that's fine. Every card trumps the rulebook.
Retreat characters – Then all players take character cards back into their hand, which is in front of the player.
Check booty – If a player has 7 or more bootycards in front of them, the game ends immediately. Bootycards can be any combination of coin cards and treasure cards. If no one has 7 or more, the game continues.
The player with the most loot is the winner of playing Black Skull Island.
💭 My opinion 💭
A game where you can't quite see what's going to happen. You may have played a character card and devised the perfect plan, only to see it go awry when the other players show their cards. A game to be taken for what it is, a party game. A game not to be taken too seriously, a game where not to expect anything other than a fun quick fix of a take-that game.
The game can be played by up to 9 players, and it is also a game that is clearly most fun with more players. I would not recommend this game if you are 2-3 or even 4 players.
There are no complex rules and it's very straightforward to get started, with each game lasting not more than about 15-20 minutes.
This was a short summary of Black Skull Island and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Black Skull Island
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Black Skull Island
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Curators
In the game Curators you take the role of a museum curator, for a less wealthy museum. With relatively few resources, you will try to build a nice and attractive museum by, among other things, expanding your museum, finding special objects to put on display and thus attracting visitors.
Do you have what it takes to build the best museum and win the "Museum of the Year" award?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The endgame disk is placed in the middle of the table, face down. Then take the museum wings (the polyform pieces) and place them randomly in a spiral/snake. If you are playing 4, all pieces must be used, if you are playing 3, 21 pieces must be used (the 4-men pieces are removed), and if you are playing 2, 17 pieces must be used (both 3- and 4-men pieces are removed)
The auction house is placed where everyone can see it, and on it an object of each colour is placed in the bottom circle of the board. The remaining objects are placed near the auction house. These objects are the excavation area.
Each player is given 5 pieces of a colour, which are placed cog-side up. A museum entrance. $4000 and a visitor marker.
Standard and complicated contract cards are shuffled separately, and each player gets one card from each deck.
The starting player is chosen, for example the person who last visited a museum.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On your turn, choose one or more employees to perform work in this round. If you have two tiles with the same employee symbol, you can make a double action.
There are the following 5 employees:
Carpenter – Add wings to your museum.
Archaeologist – Get objects and add objects
to the auction house.
Collection manager – Buy objects from the
auction house.
Restorer – Exhibit objects and gain visitors.
Financial manager – Collect money
Carpenter – If selected, you can choose a wing from the wings in the spiral, pay for it and place it in your museum.
The price of the first wing in the spiral is $0, while the next costs $1000. From there, they get $1000 more expensive for each wing you get further away. You are free to choose as long as you can pay for a wing.
When a wing is to be placed, it must be placed next to a door, or attached to an existing wing. They can be flipped and rotated as desired, but once they are placed, they cannot be rearranged.
At the end of the game, when there are no more wings to choose from, you just get $1000.
When double allocated:
Take two wings. Pay for the wings according to the positions they are in before you take them off the spiral.
Archaeologist – If selected, you can take an object from the excavation area and place it in your storage, and take an object of the same color and place it in the auction house.
The auction house must always be filled from the bottom up. If there is no room, nothing should be placed.
In your storage you can only have 6 objects. If you exceed this, you must discard remaining so that you again have 6. The discarded ones are placed in the auction house.
When double allocated:
You may take objects from two different colours.
Collection manager – Når denne vælges kan du tage et eller flere objekter fra én farve i auktionshuset, betale for dem og placere dem på dit lager.
I auktionshuset koster objekterne mellem $1000 – $3000 alt afhængigt af hvor mange der er til salg. Der er ikke begrænsninger på, hvor mange der kan købes til $3000.
When double allocated:
You may buy objects from two different colours.
Restorer – Når denne vælges kan du tage et eller flere objekter af én farve fra dit lager og placere dem på et tomt udstillingsområde der matcher farven. For hvert objekt du får udstillet, må du tage en ny besøgende og sætte på din besøgende-tracker. Dækkes et vokssegl, må du tage nye kontrakter.
Once objects are placed, they cannot be moved. You cannot have more than 9 visitors.
When double allocated:
You may take objects from two different colours.
Financial manager – Når denne vælges kan du tage $1000 for hver besøgende på din besøgende-tracker.
When double allocated:
You may take $2000 for each visitor.
Contracts are a good way to get a lot of points when the game ends. Contracts show a figure, and once you have managed to match that figure using your wings and exhibitions, you have completed the contract.
The figure may be rotated, but not mirrored. In the corner of each card is the number of points the figure gives.
The game ends when the last wing is taken, and then the current round is completed, and then 2 more rounds before the game is completely over.
The player who takes the last wing may also take one of the 3 objects from the endgame disk.
Points are then scored.
1 point for every $4000
Points for each completed contract card as shown on the card
Points for each wing completed, as shown on the tile
1 point for each object displayed in a wing
(if you play the advanced version extra is scored too)
The player with the most points is the winner.
💭 My opinion 💭
A really nice Euro-style game where you have to plan and find the right wings to help you complete contract cards. There aren't many options for different ways to score points. My immediate impression is that it's all about completing contract cards, because if you don't manage to complete them, you'll lose ground to the other players.
The biggest player interaction in the game is when buying wings, where you can "accidentally" buy wings that other players need.
A super cool detail is that they have licensed and allowed to use real names and pictures on the contract cards of objects and exhibits that actually exist, and written on them where to find them.
A game in the easy genre that is relatively straightforward and not too many difficult rules. A great way to introduce players to the Euro genre.
This was a short summary of Curators and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Curators
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Curators
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Curators – Papan Games

Café Chaos

Review af Café Chaos
In the game Cafe Chaos you are in the middle of the cafeteria and there is chaos. A chaos where food is thrown around. Throw food at your opponents and avoid getting hit yourself before you run out of life.
When the first player runs out of lives, the game ends and the player with the most lives is the winner of Cafe Chaos.
Do you have what it takes to win?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player chooses or is assigned a character and the corresponding character card. As well as 3 base cards (throw, grab and duck), a target card and a game board.
The green cards, called event cards, are shuffled and placed to the side.
The rest of the cards, i.e. food (yellow), toppings (red), conditions (blue) and actions (white) are all mixed together in one big pile placed in the middle of the table.
From this deck, 5 cards are drawn and placed face up next to the deck. These 5 cards are called the floor.
Each player is dealt 2 cards and 3 cards are placed in a discard pile.
The player who last ate gets the starting player badge.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game is played in rounds until a winner is found.
In each round, players must take 3 actions, corresponding to the 3 actions on the player's game board.
The first action must be taken by all players before moving on to action number two and so on. Here the starting player starts and goes clockwise unless otherwise changed by the event card.
When a new round starts, all players must choose a target, i.e. an opponent at whom they will throw food. The starting player starts, and then this is done in a clockwise direction.
Once this is done, each player chooses 3 cards, which are placed in positions 1, 2 and 3 on the board. The cards are placed face down, hidden from the others.
Then an event card is drawn (not in the first round) and whatever the event card prescribes is done.
Each player simultaneously turns over the first action card, and the starting player starts to perform the action. This continues in a clockwise direction. If a player is hit by food, the player must take a red marker and cover one or more letters of Cafe Chaos on the game board.
This is done for all 3 action cards.
Food and toppings, are the only ones that can be thrown alone, while conditions must always be together with one or the other.
The more cards you use for your throw, the more damage it deals. A combination of 3 cards deals 4 damage and heals yourself for 2.
If neither player has been hit 10 times, the game continues to the next round.
The game continues until the first player is hit 10 times.
A few important rules:
There is no limit to the number of cards a player may hold.
If a player is hit 9 times and has only 1 life left, the player cannot take damage from attacks on themselves or event cards that deal damage.
The floor should always have 5 cards.
The winner is the player who has the most lives left when the game ends.
💭 My opinion 💭
A pretty fun party game where you can play up to 8 players. A real chaos that can end in "all-against-one", but this is not always the best strategy if you want to win.
A game that is not super difficult with rules and there are not the super difficult strategic choices. If you get annoyed that everyone ends up going after you, then this is not the game for you. It might be that everyone is ganging up on you because you're the one with the most lives.
The action cards played "hidden" have a big influence on whether you manage to dodge an attack, or whether you dodge for no reason and have wasted your duck card. Event cards spice up the game a bit, and can end up thwarting your tactics completely. There may be cards that require you to reverse your order, swap cards with your opponent on the left, or switch your target.
This was a short summary of Cafe Chaos and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Cafe Chaos
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Cafe Chaos
Disclaimer: Deres kickstarterside kan du finde her Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Seasons of Rice

Review of Seasons of Rice
In Seasons of Rice, a game for 2 players, you take on the role of Cambodian rice farmers trying to expand their rice fields to get the best harvest.
During the game, you must try to place your cards in such a way that it gives the most points, and thereby wins the game.
Are you lucky enough to get your cards placed right and get the most points?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The cards are shuffled and 2 cards are dealt to each player, field side up. Each player now chooses one of the two cards to be the player's ancestor, which gives more opportunities to score points.
The second card is placed in front of the player and is the first rice field.
The rest of the deck is turned over so that the ancestor side is face up, and then each player is dealt 7 cards.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game takes place in 2 phases, the first phase is the Wet season and the second is the Dry season.
The game starts in the wet season.
Here, players choose one card from their hand to expand their rice field and one card to place in the middle of the table. Once this is done, players swap all cards with each other. And then the same continues until the players have only one card in their hand.
This card is also placed as an extension of the player's rice field. When all cards are placed, the dry season starts.
During the wet season and the dry season, points are scored continuously.
The player who is behind when the wet season is over gets to start in the dry season.
In the dry season, players take turns choosing one card from the cards in the middle of the table and adding it to their rice fields. This continues until all cards are taken, after which the final scoring part begins.
During the game, points are scored for closed fields, depending on the size of the field. Field size is counted as the number of squares plus 1 for each house. And then scores with the following:
1 = 2 points, 2 = 3 points, 3 = 5 points, 4 = 8 points, 5+ = 11 points.
Rice farmers scores if they are in an enclosed field. Scores for 1 = 1 point, 2 = 3 points, 3 = 5 points and 4+ = 8 points.
Buffalo are scored with 2 points for each buffalo in a closed rice field.
Some ancestors provide additional scoring opportunities either during the game or at the end.
When the dry-season is done scores also in additional ways.
1 point for each buffalo that is not in a closed rice field.
The player with the most points is the winner.
💭 My opinion 💭
A nice little filler game that really doesn't take up much space and can be taken on the road. The game lasts about 20 minutes and doesn't have very difficult rules. You have to try to make small squares on which there can be buffaloes or rice farmers, which can give you more opportunities to score more points.
A nicely done game that, despite its size, gives you some challenges to get the cards placed right.
A so-called "Wallet game" from Button Shy Games, of which they also have quite a few more. A really good idea in my opinion, to have a game you can just put in your pocket.
This was a short summary of Seasons of Rice and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Seasons of Rice
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Seasons of Rice
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Blabel
In the game Blabel, you as a team try to "build" the Tower of Babel. But just like in the real story, you end up not being able to speak the same language, which makes it a bit difficult to understand each other.
Using small books with similar words, you have to figure out what the other player is trying to build.
Do you have what it takes to build the right things before you've spent too many tries?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Object cards and material cards are placed on the table.
Construction cards are shuffled and each player gets 3. These are secret.
A construction marker is given to each player. It is turned green side up.
Each player gets a dictionary made of 3 cards. A front, back and word card in the middle. These dictionaries teach you how to say 10 words in a unique language. There are 4 words for materials and 4 words for objects, as well as one word for yes and one for no.
The dictionaries must be of the same colour and the bookmark must face the same way for all players.
Give the foremantoken to the starting player. It can be the player who speaks the most languages, the person who on the higher floor or just a random player.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The foreman chooses one of his construction cards and tries to explain what is to be built. When a builder (other player) thinks he/she knows what to build, it is shown by pointing to the material card and an object card.
If both are wrong, the foreman indicates that it is not possible to have the card built by saying Yes or No, in the foremans own language.
If both are correct, the construction card is placed on the table and a new card is drawn.
Regardless of a correct or incorrect guess, the builder's construction marker turns to the dark side, indicating that he/she has guessed this round.
At the end of a turn, a day marker is turned to night. If all are on night, one of them is removed.
The foreman token is passed to the player on the right, and if all construction markers are on the dark side, all players must turn them to the green side.
The game ends when you have managed to build 6 construction cards in a pyramid of 3, 2 and 1 cards. Or when you have lost and used up all the rounds.
It is possible to play an advanced version which makes the game somewhat more difficult as a disaster phase is added.
💭 My opinion 💭
A game where you can't quite see what's going to happen. You may have played a character card and devised the perfect plan, only to see it go awry when the other players show their cards. A game to be taken for what it is, a party game. A game not to be taken too seriously, a game where not to expect anything other than a fun quick fix of a take-that game.
The game can be played by up to 9 players, and it is also a game that is clearly most fun with more players. I would not recommend this game if you are 2-3 or even 4 players.
There are no complex rules and it's very straightforward to get started, with each game lasting not more than about 15-20 minutes.
This was a short summary of Black Skull Island and a bit about the rules.
A different game that uses a fun mechanic where you can't talk to each other, or can talk to each other, and you still have to try to work together. A frustrating game at times, as you may be convinced that the other players are trying to say a word that mistakenly looks like a word in your dictionary, but turns out to be something else entirely. I've only tried it with 3 players, but could imagine it being more fun with more players, and can be played by as many as 9 players.
The rules are not that difficult, as it is just a matter of trying to understand each other and pointing to what you think needs to be built. I imagine an advanced game adds something extra, and could well add some frustration.
A nice little "filler-game" that lasts about 30 minutes. A nice game to take with you on a trip, as it doesn't take up much space if you take it out of the box.
This was a short summary of Blabel and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but are also available in Danish.
Regler – Blabel
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Blabel
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

5-Minute Mystery

Review of 5-Minute Mystery
In the game 5-Minute Mystery, you have 5 minutes to find enough clues to solve the riddle of who stole from the museum. In the game, you are together as a team, and must try to solve the riddle. Therefore, it is important to work together and solve the small images on which there are symbols that must be entered on the included code generator.
Do you have what it takes to solve the riddle of who the real thief is?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Find the case file card for your first case. The Case of the Grand Opening, read the case file for instructions. In the future games, you will have to solve several cases.
The scene cards are shuffled and placed face up in the middle of the table. The suspects with a purple background are only used in games with 5 to 6 players, they are therefore removed if you are 1-4. In the first game, four Red Herring Clues are also removed.
The pieces are divided into colors into four piles and each pile is mixed. The question mark is turned upwards.
The pieces with the perpetrators are mixed and the number of perpetrators indicated on the case file card is drawn. The first case requires only 1. Place the piece or pieces, in the middle of the table, so that the colored barcodes are visible.
The pieces with the suspects are mixed, and handed out to each player. The player may look at their own cards.
Prepare the codex (assemble it if it is the first time you play) and turn the empty squares upwards. A player is appointed to manage the codex.
Each player receives a reference card, which is a helpful guide to clues and symbol variations.
Set a timer. A specially designed app has been developed for this purpose.
Now you are ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Most cases have a time limit of 5 minutes. First case has 9 minutes.
The cards with the case folders tell you how long the case lasts.
In each scene, five symbols are stored, however, each symbol has five variants that can be seen on the reference cards.
Your team must describe which symbols you have found so that the player with the code can set it correctly. You are welcome to help.
When all symbols are set on the code, the card is turned over to check the correct solution. If it is not correct, you start a new scene.
If it is correct, you earn a clue.
When you earn a clue, you must agree together on what colour clue you want. Later in the game, it may be important to choose the right colour to eliminate suspects.
The barcode of the clue is compared to the perpetrator, if the clue matches, it is a step towards finding the suspect.
The code is passed to the next player in clockwise direction and a new scene is resolved.
The game continues like this until you think you can find the perpetrator.
If time runs out before you can make an arrest, you have one last guess to find the perpetrator.
💭 My opinion 💭
A nice little game that doesn't require much other than finding symbols on scene cards, but they can be hard to guess.
The first game of 9 minutes is fairly easy, as 9 minutes is plenty of time. Fortunately, you can control how difficult the game is with the variety of options. There are from easy to mastermind and from beginner to master. So there's plenty of opportunity for a good game of headpuzzle.
The game can also be played by the younger participants, as the game has no text in English. They can also find symbols on a card, sometimes even faster than adults!
This was a short summary of 5-Minute Mystery
and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but are also available in Danish.
Regler – 5-Minute Mystery Dansk
Regler – 5-Minute Mystery Engelsk
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – 5-Minute Mystery
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Animal Kingdoms

Review of Animal Kingdoms
In Animal Kingdoms you must try to dominate the different areas to get points. To dominate the areas, place small cubes. However, the small cubes can only be placed if you meet the conditions. It is not always easy to meet the conditions and therefore it is far from certain that you have the right cards to dominate exactly the area you would like.
A nice little game which is not that hard to learn, but hard to master.
Do you have what it takes to win and become the King of Animal Kingdoms?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
In the game, in the 5 different animal habitats, you must try to gain control using small cubes. The small cubes can be placed in the small circles on the game board, but to place them you must meet the conditions for each area. The cubes are placed using the cards that the players have on hand.
• Place the game board on the table and give each player the components in one color.
• Select a random starting player. Place the score tracker and the players' score markers on it.
• Shuffle the animal cards and give each player 4 cards. They must look at them, but keep them secret.
• Shuffle the decree cards and place one at each of the 5 animal habitats.
• Shuffle the 15 orange "first place" pieces face down and place 3 in each area. Flip the pieces and arrange them from lowest to highest from left to right.
• Shuffle the 4 ”1. to withdraw” pieces with the face side down. Remove one without looking at it and place the rest close to the game board.
• Place "+2 battle modifier" close.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Animal Kingdoms is played over 3 rounds. In each round, players must perform 1 out of 3 actions, after which it is the next player's turn. The 3 actions are Claim a territory, Rally or Withdraw. If the player chooses to withdraw, it is for the rest of the round. The round ends when all players have withdrawn.
After the 3rd round is over, the game ends.
Claim a territory
Play a card and place it face up underneath one of the five areas. The card must follow the conditions for placing the card right there.
When a card is placed, the previous card must be visible.
Each card has an animal type and a rank.
Decree cards without arrows or an arrow pointing downwards refer only to the area where the map is located.
Decree cards with an arrow to the left and right, refers to the areas both left and right.
Decree cards with two arrows refers to any area.
If there is no card to compare the decree card to, any card may be placed.
The spot with a crown is called "the capital" and can only be occupied by the last cube in the area. This cube is pushed to the "Council" when the round ends.
When a player places his cube on the capital the players immediately withdraws. If you are the first to withdraw you are allowed to pick a "1st to withdraw" token.
The 10 spots around the middle is the "Council-spots". A cube can't be placed directly here.
Score 1 point and discard as many cards as wanted. Take cards until you again have 4.
If a player has withdrawn, this action can not be used.
If you can not or will not play a card, and you do no want to use the Rally action, you can withdraw. Place your cards in front of you to indicate that you have withdrawn. If you are the first you can take a token. The token will give bonuspoints at the end. When everyone has withdrawn, a new rounds starts.
After each round you score the following way:
– Startende med det mindste område scores der:
– Førstepladsen scorer point svarende til orange brik længst til venstre. Hvis spillerne står lige om førstepladsen starter en kamp.
– Andenpladsen får 3 point.
– Tredjepladsen får 1 point. Flere spillere på andenpladsen, forhindrer ikke spillere på tredjepladsen i at få point.
If two players are in a tie over the first place, a battle has to be fought and that happens in the following way.
– Hver spiller viser samtidigt et kort fra deres hånd. Spilleren med det højeste kort vinder. Men én undtagelse. 1 vinder over 8.
– Vinderen får ”Førsteplads-brikken”, taberen får andenpladsen og 3 point.
– Taberen får også en +2 kamp modifikator-brik, som kan bruges i fremtidige kampe.
– Hvis 3 kæmper om første pladsen, får begge tabere den brik og 3 point.
– Hvis spillerne vender samme kortværdi, vendes endnu et kort. Dette gøres indtil der findes en vinder, eller alle spillernes kort er brugt. Hvis dette sker, får begge førstepladsen.
When scoring have happened, every area is reset. All the cubes are removed, except the cubes in the council. These will be there for the rest of the game.
After the 3rd and last round you will, besides the above, score for the secret "1st to withdraw tokens".
The winner is the player who has the most points after the 3rd round and the final scoring.
There is also a solo-variant, which I have not tried.
This was a short summary of the game Animal Kingdoms and a bit about the rules.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Animal Kingdoms
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of gifs are borrowed from the publisher's kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Arcane Alley

Review of Arcane Alley
In Arcane Alley, as a wizard, you must compete against other players in selling magical items on the magic black market. You should try to make sets of three identical things in a row in your storehouse so that they can then be sold for gold.
If you are not able sell your things, you risk being discovered when there is an inspection and thereby get infamy for being a notorious seller on the black market.
If your things are too expensive, you risk having to spend your gold on paying expensive fines.
Do you have what it takes to be the best seller on the black market?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The point tracker and the infamy tracker are placed on the table, the round marker is placed on 1.
The deck and fine markers are placed next to it.
Each player chooses a color and gets the wizard card in that color, as well as point markers in that color.
Each player places one on 25 gold and the other on 0 in infamy.
Give the starting player piece to the player who most recently watched a movie with a wizard in it.
Each player has two things to keep an eye on on the scoretracker: Gold and Infamy.
Gold is represented by the gold icon. You can never have less than 0 gold. If you get above 100 gold, place one of your unused scoring tokens on the 100 circle on the tracker. You get gold by selling sets and from things abilities. You lose gold by paying fines and from the abilities of things.
Infamy is represented by the skull icon. You can never have less than infamy. You can never have more than 24 infamy. If you get over 24, place a fine marker on your wizard and set the infamy back to 0. You can have a maximum of 2 fine markers on your wizard. You get infamy by having things left in your storehouse when there is inspection and from things abilities. You lose your infamy by bribing and by the abilities of things.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game is played over several rounds, with 4 phases in each, in the following order:
1 Stock → 2 Sell → 3 Inspection → 4 Bribe
In this phase, each player must stocktheir storehouse, and create their own personal play area, where players must try to make sets of things.
1. Shuffle the cards (including all the items from the discard pile, stash, players' stocks, and items set aside from the last round. Please note that some cards should only be used in games with 5-6 players. They are marked in the right corner .)
2. Give each player 9 hidden (face down) cards. Players may NOT look at the cards.
3. Hver spiller placerer disse kort i et 3×3 gitter foran dem. Dette er deres lager.
4. Each player selects two cards in their stock and flips them over.
5. Give each player two extra hidden cards. This is their stash. Players can look at their own stash at all times, but should keep them hidden from the others.
6. Flip the top card in the deck and place it next to the deck. This is the discard pile.
7. Begin the sell-phase.
In this phase, players must in turn sell their set of cards for gold until the inspection phase is triggered. A turn in the sell-phase always involves these two traits, in that order. (they can not be skipped)
a) Draw a card from either the deck or the discard pile and place it in your stash.
b) Select a card from your stash and play the card to your storehouse, or discard it.
Play to your storehouse
1. Select a card in your storehouse and replace it and set it aside. If you select a hidden one, the card will not be revealed.
2. Select a card in your stash, reveal it and place it in the empty space in your storehouse. With the picture side up.
3. If the card has a hand icon, solve it.
4. If the card completes a set, sell the set.
5. Place the exchanged card in the discard pile and solve the effect, if relevant.
6. Your turn ends.
7. If your turn ended without any hidden items being left in your storehouse, you have triggered the inspection-phase. Each player may take one more turn before the inspection-phase begins.
Discard a card
Select a card from your stash and place it on the discard pile. If the card has a relevant effect, it is solved. Then your turn ends.
In this phase, players must reveal their remaining items in their storehouses. They will get infamy points for them.
In turn, each player reveals their remaining cards. If a set can be made, the player must sell it and ignore any effects.
Each player gets infamy equal to the total number of infamy points on their remaining cards in their storehouse. It is possible to end up with negative infamy points, where the player therefore loses infamy instead of gaining them.
If the player who triggered the phase did not get the fewest (or draws with the lowest) infamy points in step 2, they get another 10 infamy.
A player with a fine marker on their wizard has failed the inspection. The player removes the fine marker and loses 25 gold at 1 fine marker, 50 gold at 2 fine markers.
If this was not the third inspection-phase, the round marker is moved and the bribe-phase begins. If this was the third, the game is over.
In this phase, players can use gold to reduce their infamy. In turn, players must bribe or say pass. If a player decides to bribe, he can reduce 1 infamy for 2 gold as many times as the player can afford.
When this phase is complete, the stock-phase is started, the starting player marker is passed to the left.
When the third round of inspection is complete, the game is over and the player with the most gold has won.
You can read much more about the effects on the cards and their abilities, as well as the abilities of the various wizards in the rulebook.
There is an expansion on the way called Moonstruck Market which will probably arrive in a little over a month.
This was a short summary of the game Arcane Alley and a bit about the rules.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Arcane Alley
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of gifs are borrowed from the publisher's kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here Strange Space Games Shop (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Awkwards Guests

45-75 min.
Review af Awkwards Guests
A fun game that requires patience as well as being able to combine the different clues with each other. A game where there isn't a lot of player interaction, but where you are instead focused on getting your own notes written down, to exclude as many things as possible.
In Awkward Guests, you must try to solve the murder, faster than the other players. During the game, you will be given clues in the form of cards that you will have to write down on your sheet that you have lying in front of you. The more clues you get, the easier it should be to find out who the killer is. But pay attention, and remember to read correctly and note the right clues, otherwise it will go wrong.
Do you think, that you know the killer, you're allowed to guess, but if you guess wrong, you're out of the game.
Are you the best and quickest to find the killer, the killers weapon and the motive?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
You first look in the rulebook, and choose a scenario that prescribes which cards to use. Then you find the matching cards, shuffle them, and deal 6 cards to each player.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Once you have noted your clues, the active player must mention two things that he / she would like to know more about. It can be either a suspect or a room. Once he has mentioned two things, the other players must bid with their cards. The cards must match one of the two requested items. The value of the cards is at the top left and the active player must pay with his own cards. That way, the clues change hands. You must always pay at least the sum of the cards, but may pay more.
Once the active player has swapped with one or more players, the turn moves on to the next player, who must do the same. Of course also ask for other rooms and suspects.
When all players have been through this, you must hand over cards to the dicardpile, so you have 3 cards left. Then all players get 3 new cards from the deck, so everyone again has 6 cards. The starting piece changes player. Of course, all players write down their new clues on their sheets, and the new starter now demands two things.
This is roughly speaking how the game goes, bearing in mind that all players after the "swap round", with the help of their piece must show whether they want to guess the killer or not.
In our experience, it takes a while before one has any chance of guessing right.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Awkward Guests
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Bad Maps

Review of Bad Maps
In Bad Maps, you take on the role as a pirate and must, using various parts of a treasuremap, try to find the treasure buried under X.
But you are not alone, because up to 4 other players are fighting against you, trying to find
the treasure in this programming game, where you can never quite know where you end up.
A quick fine little game that is not particularly strategically difficult or rocket science. The game takes about 30 minutes to play and can be learned in 5 minutes. Over two rounds, try to figure out which pirate is closest to the X or farthest to get points.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place the game board with traps and the starting squares facing up.
Place the four pirate figures on their respective starting fields and point the arrow the correct way.
Shuffle the Round 1 objective cards and place them in a pile.
Shuffle the Round 2 objective cards and place them in a pile. They will be used later.
Shuffle the Blackout cards and place them in a pile.
Put the four starting pieces to the side, they are only used by the advanced rules.
Objective cards with 4 and 5 are for 4 and 5 players only.
If playing with 3 or more, the 3 cards are used.
Each player gets a captain game board and uses the base side, 9 cards of the matching color and a spyglass token. The spyglass token can be used to use the abilities of a pirate captain.
A random start player is selected.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Each game is played over 2 rounds. Land Ho! And round 2.
First, the top Blackout card is revealed, which determines whether cards are face up or face down. These are valid for every single pirate. 4 mission cards are dealt to each player, drawn from the round 1 cards in round 1, and the round 2 cards in round 2. Each captain now looks at these cards, keeps the 3 and discards one. The objective cards show what needs to be achieved for the player to get points.
The players must in turn put down a card to the desired color - All four colors can be selected and no player "owns" a color. The card that is put down must comply with the rules of the Blackout card.
In addition to putting down a card, the player has the opportunity to use his spyglass to make a special move. In the basic version, it is to look at any card on the table.
The cards make the figure move forward, backward, turn in a certain direction - But all the figures do not move until all 5 spots are filled with cards. When the very first card is placed, the First mate's piece is placed, which indicates that it is this card that "starts".
Once all the cards have been placed, players must again discard an objective card so that they now have only 2 left. You then start with the first card, and go clockwise until you have been through all the cards. Eventually you will find out if you had guessed correct or completely wrong.
Points are awarded now. 1st place - The figure that was closest to X. 2nd place - The second closest. Last place - The farthest from. All draws are both given points - If 2 are in 1st place, they are only in 1st place and not in 2nd place. It is possible to end up on the starting spot, in which case the figure will be disqualified. It is possible to be both 1st (or 2nd) and last at the same time. 2 figures never share the same space.
Before round 2, a hole is placed where the figures ended. The figures are placed back on the starting spot. The first mate piece is removed. All cards are returned to the players. Spyglass are returned if they have been used. The player with the fewest points gets an extra spyglass as well as the starting player piece. Start round two in the same way as round 1, just with the round 2 cards. These cards give more points, but the game board now also has more traps and dangers.
The player with the most points is the winner of the treasure hunt in Bad Maps.
There is a small extra expansion which adds a ghost pirate and haunted caves.
We have not played with that.
This was a short summary of Bad Maps and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Bad Maps
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Bad Maps
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's kickstarter page and rulebook, where you can also find more. See Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Camel Up (2018)

30-45 min.
Review af Camel Up
We recently managed to play 3 plays of this game. The games go super fast, or it depends on the outcome of the dice and much more. This game is mostly a game of luck, as you usually do not have much influence on the camels' turn around the field. A fun game that with a roll of the dice can turn it all around.
Are you betting on the right camel or do you regret having bet too early?
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
These rules are almost identical to the previous version of the game, however, there are some differences that we will get into a little later.
There are 5 camels to go around the track and the fastest camel is the winner. In addition, unlike the previous version, there are 2 crazy camels, the black and the white, which run the opposite way around. Here the other camels may be dragged in the wrong direction.
A round ends when 5 dice have been played, leaving one dice left in the pyramid. If no camels have crossed the finish line, the game continues until it has happened.
Efter hver runde, gøres op, hvem der skal have mønter, fordi de var bedst til at byde på vinderen af runden. Der uddeles 5, 3 eller 2 mønter til de spillere der har gættet rigtigt. Altså gættet hvilken farve kamel, der ligger nummer ét i slutningen af runden. Der gives én mønt, til de spillere der har gættet kamelen på andenpladsen, mens der skal betales én mønt for hvert bud man har gættet forkert.
Then the bidding cards are put back, with 5 at the top, then 3 and 2. Any "+ -1 traps" are taken back. The dice are put in the pyramid and the starting player piece is given to the next player clockwise.
On a turn the player has the following four options:
1. Roll the dice by choosing a pyramid piece (gives you a coin when the round is over)
2. Guess the losing camel or the winner of the game, by placing a card to the right or left of the palm.
3. Draw a 'winner of the round' card. There are 4 cards in each of the 5 colors, with bids on the winner of the round. The faster you bet, the more you can win.
4. Place a +- trap that causes the camel to move forward or backward. If a camel hits your trap, you get a coin.
The winner is the one with the most coins when the first camel has passed the finish line.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Camel Up
Disclaimer: Du kan finde priser på spillet her på (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Carcassonne
In Carcassonne, you're trying to score points by building cities, roads or fields. All with the help of a lot of tiles. During a game, players are faced with choices such as "Is it really worth putting my last meeple there?" Or "Should I expand my city or place the meeple near my competitor and make it harder for him?"
There are many expansions to the classic Carcassonne, published in 2000.
Do you have the tactics to get the most points and win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player chooses a colour and gets the 8 corresponding meeples. One meeple is placed on the score tracker.
The starting tile, which has a darker background than the other tiles, is placed face up on the table. The other tiles are shuffled and placed in a pile. They then form the pile from which players must draw.
Players choose how the starting player is selected, or simply choose the youngest player.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a turn, the player must 1. draw and place a tile. 2. then players may take one meeple and place it on a road, city, field or monastery. 3. if the tile completes roads, cities and monasteries, they are scored immediately.
Finished roads score 1 point per tile, except 2 if there is water next to it. Finished cities score 2 points per tile, a city with 2 tiles scores only 2 points. A completed monastery scores 9 points.
Then it's the next player's turn.
The game continues like this until the last tile is placed. And then the scoring part starts.
Unfinished cities and roads score 1 point per piece, unless there is water next to the road, in which case 0 points are scored. An unfinished monastery scores points equal to the number of tiles surrounding it. The player with the most tiles on a field scores 3 points for completed cities bordering the field.
The player with the most points is the winner.
💭 My opinion 💭
Carcassonne is now a classic, at least in my book. A game that I have played many times, and also with expansions that give a little extra to the original game. There are really many expansions to choose from, so when you want something more, you can just invest in them too and it adds something extra to the already good game.
The game is not super difficult to understand or play. There are not that many complex rules, but it can be a bit challenging to understand the rules for the many expansions. And if you have a lot of them, the game can take a long time to play.
A very nice game, in the light genre, without complex rules and where almost everyone can participate. The game comes in many different languages.
This was a short summary of Carcassonne and a bit about the rules.
These rueles are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Carcassonne
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Carcassonne
Disclaimer: Du kan finde priser på spillet her på (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Carcassonne Amazonas

35 min.
Review of Carcassonne Amazonas
We have played one of the editions of Carcassonne. This "new" interpretation of the game gives you a little extra to keep an eye on, than the original game.
In the game you are in the Amazon jungle. The original Carcassonnes towns, roads and fields have been replaced with jungle tribes, rivers and jungle. You must, as in the original game of almost the same name, try to build large jungle tribes (cities), long rivers (roads) and get points on the jungle (field).
However, the game also has something extra that is not found in the original game, namely the Amazon River. On the river, the players' small ships start, and during the game, the ships can sail down the river, which can provide benefits.
Are you the best at making big jungle tribes, long rivers and scoring the most points?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place the large starting piece with the Amazon River on the table, remembering to flip it to match the number of players. One side is for 2-3 players, while the other is intended for 4-5 players. Now put the players' boats on the first field. Place a meeple from each of the players at 0 on the scoreboard. The 4 double Amazon River pieces and the Amazon River mouth are set aside and should not be used yet.
Mix the 65 regular pieces and distribute the 15 amazon river pieces fairly evenly into the stack. There may be more stacks.
Each player has 4 meeples and 2 cabins they can use. The cabins can only be put in the jungle, while meeples can be put both on tributaries (not the great Amazon river) and on the jungle tribes.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The player draws a piece and places the piece on the table. It should be adjacent to the starting piece. A player may not place his piece in front of the Amazon River, only in line or behind.
On the laid piece, the player can place a meeple or a hut. If the player cannot place anything, he must instead move his boat one field forward.
If a meeple is placed on a tributary with a boat icon, the player must move his boat one field forward. If a piece is placed in the future that extends the tributary and has a boat icon on it, the player's boat must be moved one field forward. When the tributary stops, points are scored and the player gets the meeple back.
If a meeple is placed on the jungle tribe (the city), it will remain there until it is completed. When it is closed, points are scored and the player gets the meeple back.
If a cabin is put in the jungle, it stays there until the game is over. This one scores points for the total number of animals and fruits that are in the jungle where the hut stands.
You cannot place pieces where there are already other pieces. The cabin can also not be placed if the jungle is already "occupied" - However, it can happen that during the game, that jungles are connected, that jungle trunks are connect, that tributaries are connected. In these cases, the player with the most pieces gets the points. In case of equal amount of pieces, both get the same point.
If the player turns over one of the special Amazon River pieces, players must extend the Amazon River, and may place a piece on the jungle trunk, jungle or tributary here.
– Vendes en flod med sten formet som en !-tegn, tages en af de dobbelt Amazonfloder og denne placeres i forlængelse af floden. Spilleren må kun sætte brikker på den dobbelte i dette tilfælde.
– Vendes en normal Amazonflod, placeres denne blot.
After placing an Amazon River tile, players score points for the Amazon River. On the piece is a number of animals (caimans / a kind of alligator and pirate fish) - the player with the leading boat gets points for the total number of animals on the piece (or double piece), the player whose boat is number two, gets points equal to the number of pirate fish, while players who do not get points must move their boat one forward.
A finished jungle trunk scores 2 points for each piece, and 1 point for each fruit icon. In the end, only 1 point is scored for each piece and 1 point for each fruit icon when it is not finished.
A tributary scores 1 point for each piece, and 1 point for each fruit icon. The same is true in the end even if the tributary is not finished.
A cabin scores points for the number of animals and fruits that are in the jungle in which the cabin stands.
This was a short summary of Carcassonne Amazonas and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Carcassonne Amazonas
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Carcassonne Amazonas
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Catan: Rise of the Inkas

Review of Catan: Rise of the Inkas
In this spin-off of Catan, you're playing in the Inca Empire. You are still going to build cities and roads, as well as try to place your cities in the best positions, so that you are assured of getting some materials when the dice are rolled.
I starter hver med jeres lille stamme, som I skal udvikle. Den første spiller der får udviklet sin tredje stammer vinder spillet.
A nice little game in the Catan universe that comes with a little new thinking and extra stuff compared to the original games. A game that without being too overwhelming for beginners, still has a bit of extra for experienced players of Catan.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The game board should represent the country of Peru, where the Inca Empire originated, with jungle on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other.
For beginners, it is recommended to set up the game board as shown below. First assemble the eight frame parts, then put in the landscape hexes and place number tokens.
For experienced players there is the possibility of a variable setup, one will instead have an arbitrary setup of large parts of the game area with the exception of the Pacific and jungle.
Each player receives an summary board (trade and bulding), tribal board, 11 development markers, 8 villages, 2 cities and 7 roads of the same color, as well as 4 wilderness pieces.
The robber is placed anywhere on the frame.
The resource cards are placed in the corresponding trays, the development cards are mixed in a pile of 1 and a pile of 2. 2s are used later.
All players place their 2 roads and 2 villages on the designated locations on the game board. If you are only 3, the gray ones are not used. All players receive resources for the villages marked with a letter, you get the resources that the village borders, just like in a normal Catan game.
Each village provides a development point, which is why all players must initially place two markers on their two bottom squares on the tribe board.
The player who rolls the highest starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player's turn takes place as usual, just as the other Catan games.
The player rolls the dice, cards are dealt to the players if they have villages or towns bordering on a matching number chip. Then the player must build and act.
In addition to the normal resources known from Catan, corn have been replaced by potatoes, while jungles, plantations and coastal waters have been added, which provide respectively. feathers, coca and fish.
In this game you can trade with the bank 3:1 of resource cards, 2:1 for merchandise or 3 different merchandise for 2 optional cards.
Tribal card:
The goal of the game, is to develop 3 tribes in order, by building villages and towns. For each of them, a development marker is placed. Once you have led your tribe to success, it goes into recession and the villages and towns are covered with wilderness and you have to place the first village for your next tribe. You can later build over this wilderness with a new village.
For the first and second tribe, you need four development markers, while the third and final time only need 3 more. Cities provide 2 development markers and villages provide 1.
The winner of the game, is the player who first leads his third tribe to greatness.
This was a short summary of the game Catan: Rise of the Inkas and a little about the rules.
The rules downbelow are in English, but the Danish rules are included.
Regler – Catan Inka
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Catan Inka
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook.
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Chai
In Chai, you take on the role of a tea salesman, where you have to collect ingredients. The ingredients need to be used to brew and serve to the customers. Not all customers demand the same kind and therefore it is necessary for you to get the right ingredients.
A game that is not so difficult to learn, a game where there is not much player-interaction. A nice family game.
Can you handle the task, collect the right ingredients and serve the customers and thereby win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player chooses a tea house and one of the 6 matching tea varieties. (green, white, black, oolong and rooibos)
Each player receives 8 customer cards that match the color. Players take one card from here and place it next to the tea house. A second card is placed face up in the middle and these form the customer pool. Player help cards are handed out if necessary.
The last 6 customer cards from each player are shuffled and these make up the customer deck. 2 cards are taken from here and added to the customer pool. For 4 players, there must be 4 + 2 cards in the customer pool. The rest of the customer deck is placed next to the customer pool.
Fill the bag with 72 tea flavour pieces. Then take enough pieces to fill up the market.
Place 1 type of each pantry token (honey, milk, sugar, vanilla and chai spice) on the pantry-board. Put the remaining 45 in the bag.
Shuffle the 8 action cards and place 3 of them face up above the customer pool.
Place teacups equal to the number of players at the top of the game area.
Shuffle the 6 tip tokens and place one next to each teacup.
Place the thermometer and set the round clip to 0 degrees.
The player who last drank tea is the starting player. The first player gets a copper coin, the other players get a silver coin. The rest of the coins are placed in the bag.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game takes place over 5 rounds indicated on the temperature of the thermometer. A round is over when all the teacups have been filled with an order of tea.
A player's turn has 3 moves before a cup of tea can be completed. The 3 moves are:
Visit the market, visit the pantry and reserve customer and use ability.
Visit the market
Tea flavours are used for most orders. A player cannot have more than 12 flavour pieces in their tea house. If a player ever exceeds 12, they must hand over pieces so that they again have a maximum of 12.
To buy tea flavours, the player states that he would like to visit the market and get 3 gold coins. These represent the money they have received from sales to the teamarket this day.
You must buy for a minimum of 1 coin, but there is no maximum on how many you can buy.
The player selects a tea flavour piece and adds it to the tea house. If the tea flavour token touches a flavour of the same type, vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally, these tokens are also taken. The player pays for the most expensive flavour. The coins are placed on the money bag plate.
After each purchase, the remaining tea flavours are pushed to the left.
At the end of a player's turn, the marketplaces fill up again.
Visit the pantry
Pantry items are also used to complete most orders. A player selects 3 pieces from the 5 shown or selects 3 from the bag. The player can also choose a combination.
Before selecting, the player can reset for 1 coin.
If a player has more than 6 pantry items in the tea house, the player must discard down to 6.
Empty spaces are refilled after the player's turn.
Reserve customer and use ability card
The player can also reserve a customer from the customer pool or from the customer deck by taking the card to the player's tea house. If cards are taken from the customer pool, a new one is filled up.
A player cannot have more than 3 unfinished orders.
After reserving an order, the player can use one of the 3 ability card's abilities.
Finally, a player can complete an order, either from his own tea house or from the customer pool. The customer cards are available in different colors to match the players' tea houses.
The various ingredients to complete the order are placed in a teacup and the tip token is taken.
The player must also place a tea flavour token in the cup that matches the color of the customer card. If the player does not have the correct color, he must buy it from an opponent in exchange for paying 1 copper coin. The player can not refuse to sell it.
If the customer card was taken from the customer pool, a new one is flipped.
If all tea flavour tokens of one kind are used, the corresponding customer cards are removed from the game when they are turned over.
The completed order card is placed face down next to the player's tea house.
The round is complete when the last teacup is full. Then the round marker on the thermometer is moved up and a new round can begin. The tip token are shuffled and placed by the teacups. Various markets are filled up again.
The game is over when the 5th round is over. Once the last orders are completed, the remaining players get one extra turn, so all players have had the same number of turns during the game.
Points are scored by adding all points together from completed orders and adding their excess money. In games with 3-5 players, the players are also rewarded for having great diversity. Here, therefore, a point is received for each type of tea flavour they have used.
Uncompleted orders do not give minus points and there are no points for excess ingredients.
The player with the most points is named the winner of the game and the best tea seller!
This was a short summary of Chai and a bit about the rules.
The rules downbelow are in English, but the Danish rules are included.
Regler – Chai
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Chai
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. See Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Chocolate Factory

Review of Chocolate Factory
It's been a long time since we have had Chocolate Factory on the table.
A game where you take on the role of machinist at a chocolate factory. You have to manage the factory, and produce the right kind of chocolate. Once you have produced enough chocolate, you can deliver it to the customers and then get points.
Do you have what it takes to produce the best chocolates and win the game Chocolate Factory?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place the bookkeeping board in the center of the table.
1. Placér dagsmarkøren på mandag
2. Placér 50£ mønterne på den markerede plads
3. Sortér fabriksbrikkerne i to bunker (A og B) og bland hver bunke. Placér B-bunken med billedsiden nedad på den markerede plads og placér A-bunken ovenpå med billedsiden nedad
4. Sortér hjørneforretnings-ordrerne i tre bunker (lille, medium og store som der står bagpå kortene) og bland hver bunke. Placér bunkerne med billedsiden nedad på de markerede steder
5. Læg stormagasins-ordrerne under bogholderipladen på deres respektive pladser. Hvis dette er første spil brug A-siden, ellers vælg en kombination af A og B eller vælg tilfældigt.
6. Sortér ansatte-kortene i fem bunker (The Palace Boutique, Fresh Fancies, Salter’s Emporium, House of Luxury, and Dunstan & Gilbert’s) og bland hver bunke. Placér bunkerne med billedsiden nedad oven over bogholderipladen. Kortene svarer til stormagasinsne farver.
Each player is assigned a factory, 7 conveyor belts, 1 storehouse and coal bunker card, 1 reference card and 9 player markers of their chosen color.
Place the factory in front of you, with the pre-printed factory parts in the left corner. Place 4 conveyor belt pieces on the machine belt and place the 3 other conveyor belt pieces on the left.
Place your store house and coal bunker card as well as the reference card to the right of your factory. It should not be on the factory manager only page.
Each player draws one corner store order from each of the three piles. (one small, one medium and one large) Place your three orders above your factory.
Place a player marker: Next to each of your order cards. Next to each department store order card. On the scorer tracker.
Make a pile of chocolates, coal and a conveyor belt piece. Put the excess factory pieces, conveyor belt pieces and player markers back in the box.
Each small coal is worth 1, while the large ones are worth 3. The number of coals and chocolates is not limited and in the rare case that you should run out, just find a replacement piece.
Give the starting piece to the person who last ate chocolate.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
In your factory:
The conveyor belt transports chocolate pieces down through your factory, and the factory parts give you the opportunity to work on these products.
The raw material is beans (black), which must be roasted so that it can be turned into cocoa (brown squares), then be shaped into chocolate bars or chocolate pieces (brown bars), after which either caramel (yellow) or nuts can be added (red) and eventually they can turn into exclusive chocolates packed in a box (blue).
Everything is called chocolate but only bars, and wrapped chocolates are called refined chocolate.
Factory parts
Each factory section allows you to process a piece of chocolate on the conveyor belt at the top or bottom of the card. You must use coal every time you use a factory part. The furnace symbol shows how much coal is needed to use the factory part once.
Every day you have to choose an employee who will help with the day's production. Each employee gives you special gift, benefits or abilities, as well as tells you which of the five department store orders you have the opportunity to complete at the end of the day. You discard the employee at the end of the day, and choose a new one the next day.
Complete orders
At the end of the day, you can use the chocolate pieces from your store house to complete your own personal corner store order card and one of the competitive department store order cards.
The goal of the game
Over six days, you must be able to build the best and most efficient factory, hire the best employees and make the most money by satisfying the various stores.
The player with the most money wins.
The game is played over six days. Each day has five phases in the following order:
1. Prepare
2. Expand and recruit
3. Run factory
4. Fulfil orders
5. Cleanup
1. Prepare
Give each player the number of coals for that day. 5 coal Monday, 6 coal Tuesday, etc. Keep the coal in the coal bunker, along with coal from previous rounds.
Draw 5 factory parts from the top of the stack and place them face up in the center of the game area.
Make stacks according to the number of players:
2 players - 2 stacks, one with 3 parts and one with 2 parts.
3 players - 3 stacks, two with 2 parts and one with 1 part.
4 players - 4 stacks, one with 2 parts and three with 1 part.
Draw the factory parts one by one and put them in the stacks. (For 2 players, first put one stack with 3 parts, and then the one with 2 parts)
Then draw 5 employees, one in each color. Shuffle them and place them in the same stack size as the factory parts.
2. Expand and recruit
Starting players starts and the turn then goes clockwise.
Now draw either a stack of factory parts or a stack of employees. If you draw a stack with more than one, you keep one of them and discard the rest.
The last player selects both a factory stack and an employee stack, after which it goes counterclockwise the other way until all players have one new employee and one new factory part.
A factory part can be placed in an empty space in your factory or cover an existing part, including the three original parts which are pre-printed. You cannot move the parts around and you will not receive any compensation when you cover a part.
An employee is placed face up next to your factory. Each employee gives you gifts, benefits or abilities that you can use that day.
Gift - Instantly draw the gift displayed.
Benefit - You get this benefit which can be used once or several times on the day.
Ability - Unless otherwise stated, you have been given a special ability that can be used once this day. To indicate that you have used the ability, turn the card sideways.
3. Run factory
In turn, each player runs his factory. Every day you have to run 3 shifts. Run the conveyor belt, use coal to use factory parts in an order of your choice.
If all players agree, you can play at the same time.
In a shift, the following things must be done in order:
Load a conveyor belt with 1 bean from the pile, it costs no coal to load the conveyor belt with the bean.
Push the conveyor belt in from the left side so that it pushes to the other pieces. If there is chocolate on the piece on the far right, it is moved to the storehouse.
Operate the factory parts in your factory. It is up to you in what order you operate them as long as you have enough coal. You can also choose not to operate any at all.
You may only operate each factory section once per shift.
The number of coal it costs to operate a factory part is indicated by the furnace symbol. Place coal on the piece to keep track of which parts you have already used.
Each factory part can only process conveyor belts that are just above or below the piece.
Cleanup to end the shift. This is done by removing all the coal from the pieces. The coal is put back in the pile.
Basic factory parts
Each player has 3 basic factory parts roaster, upgrader and chute.
Roaster can be used by paying 1 coal. Here you can turn a bean into cocoa. Place 1 coal on the piece, remove 1 bean from the conveyor belt and place it back in the pile, replacing it with a cocoa.
Upgrader kan bruges til at opgradere en af dine chokolader. Dette koster også et kul. Bønne bliver til kakao. Kakao bliver til en bar. Bar bliver til indpakket chokolade. Indpakket chokolade bliver til chokolade i boks. Mulighederne står også på bogføringsboardet.
Chute is a unique part of your factory. When you operate this, you can move one or more chocolates from the conveyor belt directly to the storehouse. Unlike other factory parts, this one costs nothing to operate, and you can operate it several times on the same shift.
Other factory parts shows a combination of different icons that represent the function of the factory part and shows which chocolates are made. Most factory parts can only use one piece of chocolate.
Every time you move the conveyor belt and there is chocolate on that piece on the far right, they fall into your storehouse when the piece is pushed out.
At the end of the first five days, chocolate is left on the conveyor belt. It can only get to the storehouse if the piece is pushed out, or the chocolate can slide down the chute.
The sixth day, however, is an exception, and at the end of the sixth day, all the chocolate comes down into the storehouse, so you have the opportunity to make a final order.
If you run out of coal, you can at any time exchange a chocolate from the storehouse for a piece of coal. The coal may be used immediately.
At any time, you must use a benefit or ability of your employee.
4. Fulfil orders
In turn, you can use your chocolates from your storehouse to complete orders in any combination of corner store and department store that your employee gives access to.
5. Cleanup
The game lasts for 6 days, at the end of the first 5 days, cleanup and get ready for the next day in the following way. At the end of the sixth day skip this.
In the storehouse you can ONLY keep 2 pieces of chocolate for the next day. Exchange the rest for coal, there are no limits to how much coal you can keep for the next day.
Put the conveyor belt ready again on the left side of the factory. If you had an employee who gave you an extra conveyor belt, put this back in the pile.
Discard the employee you recruited that day.
Replace corner stores that you have completed by drawing one store from each pile (small, medium, and large) and placing one of these three above your factory. You do not have to select an order of the same type (ie a medium for a medium). Put the orders you did not select at the bottom of their respective piles.
Move the day cursor one day forward and give the starting player piece to the player on the left. Now start again with the preparation phase.
End of game
At the end of the sixth day, players receive money for their orders that they have completed and for excess chocolate and coal. There is no penalty for not having completed corner store orders completely.
Corner store orders give £ 12 to the player who has made the most orders. In the event of a tie, players will receive £ 12.
Department store orders give points according to how far ahead you are on the score tracker. The player who has sold the most gets £ 16, the next player gets £ 8 but only if the marker is at least half as far as the first place, the player in third place gets £ 4 but again only if the marker is at least half as far as the second place. If the second place does not get points, by meeting the requirement, there are also no points for the third place.
In addition to these points, there are bonus points to pick up at department store orders. If you have completed orders at 3 different department stores you get £ 6, if you have completed at 4 different it gives £ 12 points and at 5 different it gives £ 24.
Eventually you get £ 1 for each piece of chocolate and coal you have left over at the end.
The player with the most money in the end is the winner!
There is also a solo version that we have not played and a mini-expansion that we have not tried either.
This was a short summary of the game Arcane Alley and a bit about the rules.
There is also a short Youtube-video, which goes through the rules. Watch it here: Chocolate Factory in about 3 minutes
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Chocolate Factory
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Chocolate Factory
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. See Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


60-90 min.
Review of Coloma
Coloma takes place in the year 1848, when the gold rush hit America in the city of Coloma in California. The gold rush has hit and you in Coloma must try to create a name for yourself by finding gold, recruiting workers, preparing horses and doing business. But just as in real life, Coloma became one of the fastest growing cities, when the rumor spread that there was gold and thousands of fortune-seekers came from near and far, to find gold, you are also not alone in finding gold and trying your luck. Others than you have got the same idea, so you need to plan your tactics carefully to be the best gold digger and the most influential in Coloma.
Can you become the most influential and best gold digger, or do you end up bust like many other fortune seekers in Coloma?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Coloma takes place over 3 years, 1848 where the gold was discovered, 1849 where rumors spread and the place became known in the area and 1850 where the rumor came to other countries and where California officially became the 21st state of the United States.
Each player chooses a color and gets the matching cards, pieces and disc in that color as well as a game board. The player takes 2 men and one tent, and puts on his game board. The player gets 2 coins, 1 horse and 1 gold piece starting from the top right corner. The player's scoremarker is placed on 0. The cart on Coloma on the map. The player shuffles his cards, takes 6, selects 4 of them and places the 2 left, either at the top or bottom of the remaining cards.
On the game board, barrels are prepared, where the left one must be a pile with the picture side down, gold pieces are filled up depending on the number of players, rivers are placed, 6 different bridges are chosen and piles are made of 1, 2 or 3 depending on number of players, two shotout pieces are taken and placed at the bottom of the game board and 2 bandits are put in their place.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Each year takes place over 5 rounds, indicated with the turntable in the middle. A round can be divided into 7 points which are:
Turn the dial in the middle clockwise so that in the first round it covers the bucket and wheelbarrow in area 1.
Distribute the area event. Area 1 is two men for all, 2 is a gold piece, 3 is two cards, 4 is two coins and 5 is allowed to exchange one gold for 3 points. If you have a tent located in the area, you get double up.
All players secretly choose using their disk which area they want their pioneer to be at.
At the same time, the area selected by the players is displayed. Players put their pioneer in their respective fields.
Then the "Bust" area is decided, ie the area with the most pioneers. Here the "X" dial is turned so that the lower part is covered. If no area has the most pioneers, the “X” Disc simply remains on the road sign.
Then the areas are cleared in turn, where each player in a given area clears their moves. If you have played it a few times, you can handle all the turns at once, as long as they do not block or bother each other.
After all the players have had their moves, the pioneers are taken back to the players and the round is over.
Only at the end of the 5th round, a shootout between the bandits and the players must be completed. If the bandits win, there is a penalty, if the players win, there is a reward. If you have not contributed, you must sacrifice a man or two.
When you have been through all 5 rounds, and have completed the shootout, the year is over and you can move on to next year.
The barrels are replaced with new ones, gold pieces are filled up from the bottom up and the year marker is set for next year and the number of bandits is put on.
Once you have been through the 3rd year, the game ends.
Each of the areas is divided into two, a normal field (the outer) which is never covered, and a boom field (the inner) that may be covered. If both are open, they can both be used.
The areas are explained below:
Area 1 - Work area
Normal field (outer): You can activate the Bucket ability on Sutter's Mill (which can be found on your player board), and all other Bucket icons.
Boom field (inner): You can activate the Wheelbarrow ability on Sutter's Mill and all other Wheelbarrow icons.
Area 2 - Survey river or build bridge
Normal field: You can survey a river or build a bridge with the hammer icon, and pay the indicated price.
Boom field: You can survey a river or build a bridge with the saw icon, and pay the indicated price.
If you are surveying a river, take a river marker and place it in a free spot above your player board, and then get the displayed icon which is not a victory point.
If you build a bridge, it must be placed over a vacant river without a bridge. You can therefore not build a bridge if you do not have a vacant river. One cannot have two of the same kind of bridge. You can have a maximum of 4 rivers and bridges. The bridges are of limited number, rivers are not.
Area 3 - Build a building
Normal field: You can build a house (a card from your hand) with a hammer icon, and pay the indicated price.
You can build a house (a card from your hand) with a saw icon, and pay the indicated price.
On the cards it is indicated what they cost at the top left, in the middle to the left the number indicates which area the ability of the card corresponds to, at the top right is their victory point, at the bottom their abilities appear.
A card's abilities can be triggered when the player's pioneer matches the card's ability icon. If both the Normal field and the Boom field are available, both abilities on the map can be used.
You can not use the ability of a building in the turn you have built it.
Area 4 - Explore the frontier
Normal field: You can move your cart on the map at the top left of the game board. You can move the number that you have horses.
Boom field: You can move your cart on the map at the top left of the game board. You can move the number that you have horses.
You can move a cart with a maximum of the number of fields that you have horses. A field is represented by a city, a colony or a horseshoe. The horses are not discarded after use. You can not turn around or cross the same square twice in the same move.
When your cart drives over a field (also city) or ends up in a city, with an icon on (gold, cards, men) you gain the number indicated on the field. If you end up in a city, you can choose between the two, whereas you only get men if the car does not stop in the city.
Area 5 - Place tents or men
Normal field: You can place tents, either on the map or in areas. You can also place men at the shootout area.
Boom field: You get a tent.
You can place men at the shoot out, and you have to fill a whole row. You can not fill more than one row per turn.
You can place tents in areas, which will give you double the reward when the round comes to that area. You can only have one tent in each area.
However, all players can have their tents in the same area.
You can place tents on the map, but only from adjacent cities, indicated by the red arrows. You can only place a tent in the adjacent country if your caravan is the correct city. There can only be one tent of each player in each country. The tents give points in the end.
The turntable also has fields, its fields are:
Normal field: Buy tents for 2 coins per tent and / or buy horses for 1 gold piece per horse.
Boom field: Take one barrel from them face up, or one from the stack face down, and then add the number of bandits displayed below the barrel. If one is taken from the pile, no bandit is added.
The road sign means that you are allowed to use the Boom field to the left of the sign, if it is not closed by the X.
These were the rules briefly outlined, you can also find rules on the game publisher's own website, where they are in English, but with pictures.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Coloma
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Colt Express

Review of Colt Express
In Colt Express, you take on the role of a bandit in the Wild West. You are with the other players, on board a train where various valuables are scattered around the carriages. You must try to gather as many values before the game is over, but it can prove to be a difficult task!
This game is a so-called programming game, where all players first lay out their cards in a pile, some cards face down, others face up. These cards makes the player figures move around, where they can go back and forth or up and down, but also shoot, strike or pick up valuables.
A fun game where one thing is for sure, you can almost never quite figure out where your character ends up on the train car. You're guaranteed to end up doing something you did not expect because some cards are hidden and you can not see how the other players use their cards.
Have you been lucky enough to pick up the valuables and get the most points and thus win the Colt Express?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
(If this is the first game, assemble the 3D train and place it in the middle of the table)
There must be a number of carriages corresponding to the number of players. In the carriages, the valuables printed on the floor of the carriages are placed. The Marshall is placed in the cab together with a bag.
Each player gets or selects a character and takes the matching character card. 6 cartridge cards are placed to the left of the character card, then the player shuffles the ten action cards and places them face down. These are the player's personal pile. Finally, the player takes a bag with $ 250 in value, and places it face down to hide the value.
Draw 4 of the 7 round cards. (either round cards with 2-4 or 5-6 depending on the number of players) Shuffle them. Randomly select one of three trainstation cards. Make a stack of the 5 cards. Place them face down and the trainstation card at the bottom. Place the 13 neutral cartridge cards next to each other.
Take the bandit characters and draw one of them at random, this is the starting player. The player to the left of player 2, etc. Players with an odd number, place their bandit figure in the carriage which is furthest back. Players with an even number place their bandit figure in the penultimate carriage.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game ends after 5 rounds. Each of the 5 rounds has two phases.
Phase 1
In this phase, players have two options. To place an action card in a common pile, face up (unless otherwise dictated) from the player's hand. Or take 3 extra cards from his personal pile.
Then it's the next player's turn to do the same. This is done until the round card is finished playing. There are usually between 4-5 cards that can be used by each player.
When phase 1 is completed, phase 2 starts.
Phase 2
In this phase, the starting player must turn over the common pile and "play" the cards without changing the order. Here, the bandit figures will then move around, all depending on what the players have put down as cards.
Once the cards have been played and the various actions have been resolved, players get their action cards back.
If a player has been shot at, the player receives a cartridge card.
Then shuffle the action cards and any cartridge cards and start over. The player to the left of the starter is the new starter. A new round card is flipped.
On the round cards there may be special things, such as, that the turns are played in reverse order, that 2 cards in a row must be played, etc. The bandits also have special abilities that you can choose to play with. It can e.g. be to draw an extra card, to shoot through the roof of the train, etc.
On the round cards there are also events that take place after phase 2. It may be that every bandit who is alone is allowed to pick up a valuable item, that every bandit who is in the front car gets 250 $ etc.
This was a short summary of Colt Express and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Colt Express
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Colt Express
Disclaimer: You can find prices of the game here at (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Danger Park

Review of Danger Park
You have to manage a park, but not a completely ordinary park - This is a park where it is important to make as dangerous rides as possible. Make money before the rides close!
All players build on the same park, but each player owns their own rides. The different rides have different abilities and some of them make guests throw up or worse.
Guests are placed on the various rides and moved around the park as they leave the ride, each guest gives money to the owner of the ride they are on. In the game you must use the rides' unique abilities to move guests, block exits, and most importantly add additional danger markers in the form of vomit, pesticides, flooding, electrical failures and more.
With dice, players must try to "win" over the danger markers. A high roll is guaranteed to make the guests stay in your ride, and in the end earning you money which you will get for these guests. Should you, on the other hand, get a low dice roll, it can have major consequences for your ride and your guests. Not only do guests leave your ride, you also risk having it close completely - and this is guaranteed to happen during the game. The guests seek out the other amusements and the other players benefit from them or it gives them problems. As a small patch on the wound, you can get insurance policies that give you some money when the bad situations happens - you can make money with sabotage.
When the park closes due to the poor quality of the rides, guests being injured and rides being closed, the player with the most money wins.
A fun and different game where you have to try to plan as much as possible, although it can be difficult to predict what will happen - After all, you only have control over your own turn, and also here you may be prevented in doing what you actually wanted to do. - A bad dice roll can have major consequences for your chance of winning the game, while a few good dice rolls can help give you the victory. - But one thing is for sure, in Danger Park you can never quite know what's going on!
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
In the game, together with the other players, you take on the role of investors who together must build the most dangerous amusement park by operating their own rides. You have to take turns placing rides, choosing investments, rolling dice, and finally making money.
To start with just briefly how the game should be set up.
Place the Danger Park sign in the plastic container and set the accident marker to 0.
Shuffle ride cards and place cards in a row under the plastic container, corresponding to the number of players. Place 2 black meeples on each card, as well as a danger marker matched to the card symbol in the upper left corner.
Shuffle the different 'Major policy' cards and give each player two cards - players must keep one and discard the other.
Place the remaining ride cards in a stack and draw 3 cards, which are placed face up.
Separate ‘Minor policy’ cards into four types and place them in stacks.
Shuffle all the improvement cards and place them face down under the ride card stack. Draw 3 and place them under the other 3 ride cards.
Piles of meeples, money and danger markers are set aside. They will be used during the game.
Give each player 8 ticket booths of the same color and a matching reference card. Give the starting player piece to the player who was most recently injured.
Each player, starting with the player to the right of the starting player and continuing counterclockwise, places a ticket box on one of the rides and takes ownership of it.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
There are 4 phases which players must go through on each turn and they are:
1. Build ride
2. Take improvement
3. Roll dice
4. Gain money
Once each player has taken their turn, the round ends and the starting player piece is passed on to the left.
The game ends when there have been 9 dangerous incidents, caused by rides closing, or guests being injured. If you play with 4 players, or want to play a slightly longer game, you can set it to 13 dangerous incidents.
Word of warning: Rides are likely to fail and guests are likely to be injured. Use this to your advantage instead of focusing on saving the park.
1. Build ride
The current player chooses one of the 3 rides that is face up. It costs nothing to take one, so take the one you want!
Rides should be placed so that they face away from the sign with Danger Park. They must be placed next to other open or closed rides (or on top of a closed ride). Rides cannot be placed diagonally or away from the rest of the park. There are no restrictions on how wide or long the park can be, but it can never get above the top row.
Once the ride is in place, add a danger marker as the symbol shows, a ticket booth in your color, and two black meeples. A ride with your ticket booth is owned by you.
Investor tip: When placing a ride, keep an eye on the exits of the rides around. You should try to draw as many guests to your particular ride.
2. Take improvement
The current player takes the improvement card, which is just below the ride which the player drew. The improvement card takes effect immediately and is placed back at the bottom of the stack. Improvement cards usually have an impact on multiple rides in rows or columns. It is the player's own choice and a row or column can be selected with only one amusement. Effects are not optional unless stated on the card. The order of improvements that affect multiple rides is determined by the current player.
These are different from ‘Minor policy’ cards. You get these cards as the owner of a ride that must close. If several rides close at the same time, the cards are drawn clockwise. Minor policy cards are returned to their stacks after use.
Improvement cards will have an immediate effect on the park.
Investor tip: Improvements are a great way to close profitable rides. Carefully consider which cards will give you advantages and which will hurt your opponent - or better yet, both!
3. Roll dice
Once you have placed all the rides and solved the improvement card, roll the dice. This is done ride by ride for the guests who are on them. Do this individually for each ride you own, in the order of your choice. This determines whether the guests leave the ride or whether they stay. Tip the ticket booth to show that this ride has been rolled for.
1. Pick ride
Some rides have abilities that must be done before a dice roll.
2. Roll dice
Roll with one die per meeple, no matter what kind of meeple, max. 8 dice. Roll all the dice at once. If there is no meeples on the ride, then there is no dice rolling.
3. Tjek slag
For each die higher than the total number of danger markers on the ride, it is a successful roll. Rolls less than or equal to the number of danger markers are a falied roll.
If any rolls fail
If just one roll fails, a possible effect on the card is met. Then an additional danger marker of the ride type is added (regardless of the number of failed rolls). Eventually, a number of meeples leave the amusement, corresponding to the number of failed rolls. Remember to solve any. abilities before meeples leave the ride.
If all rolls succeed
Solve any ‘On success’ abilities and continue with the next ride.
If a ride closes
If a ride has 4 of the same danger marker or 4 different danger markers, the ride closes.
While closure of ride can happen at any time, when it happens during rolling, it happens after having resolved "on failure" abilities and the guests leaving due to the roll. Special abilities with effect on the guests still apply on closure.
4. Gain money
At the end of your turn, you will receive money for each guest left on your rides, depending on their type.
Stand up all your ticket booths and refill the rides and improvement cards so that there are again 3 of each. If there were guests at the entrance of the park, they are evenly distributed on the open rides in the top row that the player chooses. If there are only closed rides, they can not enter. If there is only one open ride in the top row, they all go here.
Once all the players have had their turn, locate the green guests. The places where there are green guests, throw up and the ride gets a vommit marker. If this means that ride must close, this is done now.
Check if there have been 9 dangerous incidents, if not the starting player piece is given to the player on the left and the game continues.
When there have been 9 dangerous incidents, the game ends. Then money is counted, and the player with the most money is the best amusementpark owner and is the winner of Danger Park.
This was a short summary of the game Danger Park and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Danger Park
Should you want to try the game, you can find it on Tabletopia. Tabletopia – Danger Park
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Danger Park
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review af Dodoresque
In Dodoresque you take the role of a dodo, where your task is to build the most beautiful nest in the jungle.
During the game you have to collect different material for your nest. There are the basic things, insulation and decorative things.
The player who has managed to gather material together to make the most beautiful nest in the jungle is the winner.
Do you have what it takes to make the prettiest nest and win the game Dodoresque?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
During the game, use action cards that allow you to draw matching material cards. However, you need to be careful as you should try to avoid getting hurt in your hunt for the best items for your nest. You score bonus points the more health your dodo has in the end.
Action cards and material cards are distributed in their respective piles. The 3 piles represent different levels of difficulty of the jungle, ie the easy, medium and difficult parts of the jungle. Each player receives 2 cards from the light pile, and 1 card from the medium pile. They then choose to keep 2 cards, while the last cards come in the "exchange space" together with the other players' one card. The exchange cards are shuffled, and all but one card is placed face up.
Each player gets their dodo card, or if you have the deluxe version the small figure with the 3 feathers. The feathers represent the health of the dodo.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
There are three possible moves that a player can take. However, a player may only take 2 moves, and the same move may not be taken twice.
Choose a card from one of the three piles. Turn the card over. If it is an action card (with a white background), the player must pick up the card in his hand. If it is a material card, you have to look at the icon. If the player has a matching action card with the same icon, the player can get the material card. If not, look at whether there is an X across or a star (explosion). If there is an X, the card is discarded, if a star the dodo loses a health.
Build a nest:
In two rows, try to lay down material cards to build your nest. You can only have 2 of each kind of material (basic things, insulation and decorative things). The greater the value, the more points. If you can match the different terrains with each other, it also gives more points in the end. You can always exchange, the card you exchange is discarded.
You can exchange your cards. You can swap a card from your hand with a card from the exchange space, either one with the face up or the card face down. Your card you swap with must be laid face down and the other cards face up.
The game ends when one of two things happens. That one of the three explore piles runs out of cards or a dodo is so damaged that it can do no action.
There are a number of special cards that give you actions such as stealing a card from an opponent, taking two moves, and so on.
The player with the prettiest nest and most points is the winner of the game.
This was a short summary of Dodoresque and a bit about the rules.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Dodoresque
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage

Dungeon Drop

10-20 min.
Review of Dungeon Drop
In Dungeon Drop you have to use the help of small cubes to make a dungeon. A dungeon consisting of small monsters, big monsters, gold, treasures and gems. Not two games are the same.
It's your job to find treasures, gems and gold, all while avoiding the monsters.
A nice little game which does not take that long to play.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Receive hero
Give each player a random race card and a class card. Distribute turn markers according to the numbers in the left corner. The players' turns are taken with the lowest first.
Receive quest cards
Giv spillerne et tilfældigt missionskort. Kun spilleren selv må kigge på det. Dette kort bestemmer hvordan du får point af ædelsted osv.
Drop Dungeon
Separate the large cubes from the small ones. Add the Dragon cube to the smaller cubes. The first players "Drops the" Dungeon with all the smaller cubes and dragon. This is done in the center of the table from a height of 15-30 cm, so that all the cubes can be spread evenly on the table without touching each other. The larger cubes are set aside, and are ready to be explored later.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game takes place over 3 rounds. Each hero must do the following:
Take a specific number of cubes from the box. Depending on number of players. 2 = 6 cubes, 3 = 4 cubes and 4 = 3 cubes. Without looking at them, they are dropped into the Dungeon.
Take an act
Activate the ability of your races or classes.
Make a room of 3 gray column cubes and collect all the cubes in this room. One cannot make a room where a pillar cube is inside that room or a room that makes you lose his last lifepoint.
Flip your turn marker to mark that your turn has ended. Then it's the next player's turn.
Once all players have played a round, the treasures must be weighed. The one with the most treasures is the heaviest and is assigned the largest number.
The one with the fewest treasures gets 1, and is allowed to be first in the next round. Then the game continues until the everyone has played 3 rounds.
There are 3 sizes of monsters Goblins, Trolls and a Dragon. Taking these cubes will give: Goblins 1 damage and 0 points. Trolls 2 damage and 2 points. Draw 8 damage and 8 points. (cannot be taken without magic shield).
Gold scores 1. Keys open treasure chests that give points at the end depending on a dice roll. Gemstones give points in relation to what quest cards write.
When the third round is finished, the points are counted.
The player with the most points wins.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Dungeon Drop
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Dungeon Drop
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images and gifs borrowed from the publisher's kickstarter page, where you can also find more. See Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates

Review of Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates
In the game Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates, you have to try to get from one end of the Caribbean to the other, but not only that, you also have to try to collect as many points on the way there. This is done by looting rich merchants on your way and delivering the stolen goods to the ports.
Do you have what it takes to get the most points and win the game Extraordinary Aventures: Pirates?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The game board is placed on the table.
Each player chooses a colour and places 3 ships, in the cities of Gran Granada, Havana and St. Augustine. The last ship is placed in the bag. Now draw the starting player from the ships in the bag and place the last ship in front of the players. The players also get their set of starting cards, as well as a pirate figure.
The starting cards are shuffled and the player draws 5 cards.
All goods (the cubes) are placed in the bag. Goods are drawn and placed according to the number of cubes marked on the game board.
The treasure tiles are shuffled and placed face down. From here, 3 per player plus 1 are drawn. These are placed face up near the game board. These are available for purchase during the game. The rest may be used later in the game.
The merchant cards are shuffled and placed on the space on the game board intended for these cards.
Port cards are shuffled and placed close to the playing board. Three are drawn and placed face up next to the game board.
In the advanced game, you can choose to use the pirate character.
Player 2 gets a random good from the bag, player 3 gets one of his choice, player 4 gets the top card of the merchant cards, player 5 gets the top port card, player 6 chooses one of the port cards lying on the table.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
In each round, players take turns using 3 cards to move their ships. When 3 cards are played, the player draws 3 new cards from the deck. When the deck is empty, they are shuffled and a new deck is made. The game continues like this until it ends.
The cards have a number and can have a text. The player can choose to move the number on the card, or use the action that the text describes.
Cards with a skull and crossbones must be discarded when their second action (the text part) is used, simply using the move action does not discard the card.
You can never have less than 9 cards in your deck. (deck, hand and used deck).
Some cards are "play on the table" cards, where its ability is valid as long as the card is in front of the player.
When a player lands on a merchant ship with cubes, this ship may be looted and the cubes placed in front of the player. These can later be exchanged for a treasure tile. When a player loots a ship, the player must also draw the top merchant card.
When a player lands in a port for the first time, the player may take one of the 3 port cards or the top port card from the deck. If one of the 3 is taken, a new one is placed there. A ship cannot visit the same port twice. In the port, goods can also be exchanged with a treasure card. When there are no treasure cards, new ones are drawn. This only happens once per game.
As soon as the first player lands in Trinidad and thus captures the Spanish Treasure Fleet, the game ends immediately.
This player may take a treasure tile of their choice.
Points are then counted. The player who has come furthest in each lane gets the most points, player 2, 3, 4 etc. also get some points.
💭 My opinion 💭
A huge game that takes up a lot of space on the table. Despite this, it's less overwhelming with rules and stuff. The game is on the easy end, and there are almost no complex rules at all. The game comes up a bit short, though, as even though it has a massive table-presence, the game feels a bit flat and underwhelming. Not much happens and there isn't much player interaction. It's all about collecting cubes, and getting to Trinidad. It feels like a long game that doesn't offer much. You're limited in what options you have, the courses are planned out in advance, and your turn is only affected by how far you can move and which cubes you want. If the player in front has taken the cubes you need, you just have to move on to the next place with cubes.
I would have liked there to have been "more" to this game than what it is. The idea is fine, the theme is cool (if you're into pirates), the execution and gameplay is flat and a bit boring.
This was a short summary of the game Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Forest Guardians

Review of Forest Guardians
We recently tried, or that is before Christmas, the Forest Guardians for the first time.
A cute little game with a nice theme. In the game you are in the Taiwanese forests and must try to save wildlife as well as the forest from forest fires.
Do you have what it takes to save the animals?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place all animal pieces on the table.
Shuffle the resource cards, which are the ones with a blue background and a sun on, place them face down.
Divide the animal cards, which are the orange ones with the footprint on them, into 2 stacks. Some of the cards have a symbol with a stack of cards and an arrow on them, these cards must be at the top. Place that stack on top of the other, all with the face side down.
Place the starting tile on the table. The starting tile is the "3-tile".
Mix the terrain pieces and place them in the stacks to match their numbers 1, 2 and 3.
(In games with only 2 players remove 4 normal 1 terrain tiles, all 3 terrain tiles and 2 pheasants)
Each player takes a player board in one color as well as the corresponding trees and cubes. Cubes and trees are placed on the player board. Remember that there is an a-side and a b-side. The A side is for a base game, while the B side is for the advanced game.
All players receive 3 resource cards.
The youngest player starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player's turn:
On a turn, a player must make 3 moves. Explore Terrain, Player Action, and Resource Filling.
• Explore terrain:
The player takes a terrain tile. You must always take the one with the lowest value and can only take 2 when 1 is empty, etc.
Position the terrain tile so that its sides are adjacent to at least 2 other terrain tiles. If the ptile has a special icon such as a footprint, fire or chainsaw, something special happens.
• Footprint:
Means that an animal has been discovered. Draw an animal card and place it on the table. Place the matching animal on the card. Be sure to take the right color of animals.
• Fire:
A fire has broken out in the forest. Place a fire piece on the terrain tile you have just placed, as well as on each of the adjacent terrain tile. If there is a tree, removed this and hand it over to the right owner.
• Chain saw:
Den illegale skovhugger begynder at save træerne ned. Der er specielle regler for placering af denne slags terrænbrik. På startbrikken for skovhuggeren er små pile. Vælg en retning og placér terrænbrikken for enden i den retning. Denne terrænbrik kan godt nøjes med kun at støde op til en anden brik. Når brikken er placeret fjerner skovhuggeren alle træer på vejen til terrænbrikken. Derefter placeres skovhuggeren tilbage på startbrikken og klar til at lave mere ravage.
The trees are handed back to the owners, where they are placed on the player board.
Player action:
One of the 4 possible moves in the base game must be taken. Reforestation, Extinguish Fire, Save Animals and Exchange Cards.
• Reforestation: Select a tree from your player board and plant it on a terrain. It is not possible to plant on special terrain tile. It must match the conditions of the terrain. Pay resource cards which tree costs. They cost 1 random card, 2 identical cards or 3 identical cards, respectively. There is a difference in where the trees can be planted.
• Extinguish Fire: Players must pay a water resource card to remove 1 forest fire piece. Place the forest fire piece next to the player board. In the end, it gives +1 points. You can not plant and tree on a terrain tile with forest fire.
• Rescue animal: You can save animals in two steps. Rescue and set free. The player must first rescue animals, and set them free when their living conditions are achieved. When an animal is rescued, the animal piece is placed in one's animal boarding school on the player board. There is only room for one animal. The animal cannot be removed or replaced. When an animal is set free, the animal piece is placed on terrain that matches the animal's living conditions and the player takes the animal card to himself for points at the end.
Although rescuing animals and setting animals free is two steps, after upgrading one's abilities, one can make it possible to do both on the same turn.
• Exchange cards: Swap as many resource cards as you want.
Filling up resources: When players have finished their moves, they draw cards so that they again have 3 cards in hand. During the game it is possible to upgrade so that you can have 5 cards on hand.
The game ends when
1) A player has planted all the trees. After this, the other players get one more move.
2) A player draws the last terrain tile. The game ends after the player's turn.
The victory points are counted and the player with the most points wins.
There are also advanced rules for the game that we have not played with. You can read more about them in the rulebook. There is also an extension to the game where you can play on a map of Taiwan.
This was a short summary of Forest Guardians and a bit about the rules.
Reglerne er på engelsk og dansk, men med gode billeder.
Regler – Forest Guardians (Engelsk)
Regler – Forest Guardians (Dansk)
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Forest Guardians
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Forest Guardians – Papan Games

Frontline Defence

Review of Frontline Defence
Recently I tried this little game with my 4 year old niece. After explaining the rules and playing once (we lost), she could almost set up the game by herself for one more round.
In the game Frontline Defence, along with up to 5 other players, you have try to clean up the beach and prevent garbage from floating out into the great ocean and destroying wildlife. You as a team must place meeples in different places on the game board. The different sites provide different options for removing garbage or upgrading future options for removing garbage.
A cute little easy game that can be played with the youngest children. Also, even though the rules of the game are in English, there is no text on the cards, so once they have learned the symbols, they can figure it out for themselves.
Can you as a team win the game by removing the garbage before it becomes too overwhelming?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The game board is clicked together like a puzzle with 3 pieces. At the top 5 current tiles are placed to to symbolize the sea. They are placed next to A, B, C, D and E. The cards with I, II and III are shuffled separately. I is placed on the playing board's I slots, II on is placed on the playing board's II slots and III is placed on the playing board's III slots. There will be a few cards left, these are put back in the box. The cards with I are turned face up. Each player gets a number of meeples depending on the number of players. The white meeple is placed on the white meeple's place on the game board. The garbage tokens are placed in four piles on the right side of the game board. The round cards are placed in their round card slot with round cards 1 at the top. The round cards shows which current tiles must have garbage on them in this round. Place the designated garbage tokens.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
In the game you have two options with your meeples. You can put one on a card or put one on the beach. On a card there can only be one meeple, but on the beach there is no restrictions. Once all the meeples are placed the following is done.
If there is a meeple on a card, the player get the corresponding card. The card may be used in the same round. You can only put meeples on cards that are "open". Once all the meeples on the cards have been taken, the turn continues to the beach meeples. When two cards next to each other are taken, it opens up for II cards.
At meeples on the beach you start at A. If there is a meeple here, the player who owns the meeple must roll the dice. If the die shows the same or a higher number of eyes than the garbage token, it will be removed. If it is lower, the garbage token will be reduced by turning it to the yellow side. Players can have cards that can be used where one can roll again, add extra eyes, etc. When A is done, the same is done for B and so on.
All meeples are removed and players get their meeples back.
When those things are done, you have to move the garbage that is left, down the current tiles.
Should there be any garbage in A, it is moved to the Garbage Island. When the Garbage Island has 4 tokens of garbage you have lost, so you must avoid this!
When round 1 is finished, round 2 is started by placing the specified pieces of garbage on the current tiles.
That is how the game continues until you have finished playing round 6. After moving garbage down the current, roll the dice.
The dice's eyes determine which section's garbage token to move to the Garbage Island.
If there is at least one free spot on the Garbage Island, you have won in your efforts to prevent the garbage from ending up in the worlds oceans!
This was a short summary of Frontline Defence and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Frontline Defence
We have translated the rules into danish, you can find them here
Danske regler – Frontline Defence
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Frontline Defence
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here Frontline Defence – Papan Games

Fuzzy Mage Fight

Review of Fuzzy Mage Fight
In Fuzzy Mage Fight, you must fight each other and be the first to get 8 magic cards in hand. But you must remember that your magic cards must also be used both as attack and defense cards, so it is not easy to obtain the 8 cards.
Can you get the 8 magic cards the fastest and thus be the best Fuzzy Mage?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player rolls a dice, and the one with the highest roll starts by choosing a Fuzzy Mage. Each Fuzzy Mage has special abilities that can be used during the game.
In the rules, it is recommended that you choose 8 potions, 8 spells, 8 traps, 16 minions and 60 magic cards. But you are free to choose exactly the combination you want. Fusioncards are kept out of the pile.
Hver spiller får 3 kort fra bunken til at starte med. Startspilleren, der valgte Fuzzy Mage først, får også Garbel. Garbel er et kortstjælende monster, der stjæler et kort fra din hånd (du skal smide et kort væk), hvis du ikke slår en 5’er eller 6’er. Slår du en af de to, så sendes Garbel videre til næste spiller. Garbel stjæler først af dine kort når du har lavet dine 3 træk.
You have the following moves you can make during your turn.
– Tag et kort fra bunken
– Angribe en anden Fuzzy Mage eller mineon
– Brug din Fuzzy Mages specielle evne
– Placere et kort på din battleground
You are free to choose a combination of up to 3 moves, each of the four above is one move.
On your Battleground you can have a maximum of 6 cards lying around. All cards other than mineons must be face up.
Magic Card – Used to both attack and defend. If you attack / defend with a magic card from your battleground, it is worth 3, but if you use a card from the hand, it is only worth one.
Spell, Traps and Potions – Can only be used when placed on your battleground. It does not cost anything to use them once they are placed on your battleground.
Minion – When on your battleground, they give 1 card at no cost.
When you attack, you can attack either one mineon or a Fuzzy Mage. You need to report how much you are attacking with. Magic cards on batleground are worth 3, while magic cards from the hand are worth 1. The same is true when defending.
A mineon has 1 life, and therefore an attack of at least 2 is needed to remove a mineon. However, a mineon can also be defended. If it is not defended, or if the attacker is too strong, the mineon is lost and it goes in discardpile
If a Fuzzy Mage is attacked and not defended, or if the attacker is too strong, Fuzzy Mage "dies" and the attacker must take two cards from the loser's hand. The loser has to turn his Fuzzy Mage around, and is now in essence form. When a player is in essence form, he can not win and one's turn is different from a normal one. When a player is in essence form, he / she has the following options:
– Slå med terningen for at komme tilbage til normalform. Slår du en 5’er eller 6’er, kommer du tilbage og kan benytte dig af dine normale 3 træk. Bliver det ikke en af de to slag, så kan man bruge ens evner.
– Vælge at bruge ens evner. Du kan bruge hver evne én gang per tur.
– Du må fusionere med anden Fuzzy Mage der også er i essenceform. Det kræver dog, at i begge accepterer det. Man tager derefter et fusekort for, at vise at man er fusioneret. Derefter vendes ens Fuzzy Mage tilbage til normalsiden.
In essence form, you still get extra cards from mineon, but as seen above, you can't draw new cards or attack.
This was a short summary of Fuzzy Mage Fight and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Fuzzy Mage Fight
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Fuzzy Mage Fight
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here Crowdox (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Harbour
In the game Harbor, you take on the role of a salesman who must try to sell fish, food, wood and stones at the harbor. During the game, you need to time the right time to sell, buy or exchange for the items you need.
You will need money to buy yourself different cards, which represent different buildings. To get your fingers in the buildings, you need to sell your raw materials for money, and in the same action buy the building. In the game you don't have a specific stack of money, but your money always corresponds to the prices of your commodities. Like reality, prices rise and fall in value, so one moment the wood is worth a lot, while the other moment you have filled your warehouse with wood, and wood is worth nothing.
The game is a worker-placement game that does not take much time to learn. It can be played by between 1-4 players and takes from 30-60 minutes.
Do you have what it takes to time the market right and win the game Harbour?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player selects or receives a player board and a figure in one color. You can choose to play with their unique side, which gives each player a few unique actions or play with the normal side where everyone is the same.
Place the market place in the middle of the table and randomly place the resource markers in the market. Each player also gets a resource marker in each color, which is placed on their inventory. They decide for themselves how they are placed, as long as they only place 3 in total.
The 36 building cards are shuffled and a number of cards is drawn corresponding to the number of players plus 3. In a 3-player game, 6 cards are drawn.
The player who was last on a boat starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On your turn, move your figure to an empty building. It can be a building you own or a building in the middle, or a building owned by another player (however, you have to pay to use their building). If your figure is on a building at the beginning of your turn, do not leave it there. You need to move it to another. Once you have moved it, use the actions of the building.
When a player buys his 4 building (so that they have five including the starting building on the player board), each player takes one last turn. The game ends and points are counted.
The actions of the buildings can give you extra resources, allow you to exchange resources or anything else. You can never have more than 6 resources of any kind, and that is, as previously mentioned, at the same time your money to buy buildings for.
Each building has one or two symbols which will give the owner of the building benefits.
The coin symbol reduces the cost of buildings by $ 1 per coin. symbol you have.
Hat symbols allow the player with the most hat symbols to use another player's building without paying.
Anchor symbols provide additional benefits to specific buildings.
House symbols allow to keep resources when paying for buildings.
When buildings are bought, ie when resources are sold for money, market prices are affected. The resources are moved around, depending on what has just been sold.
This was a short summary of the game Harbour and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Harbour
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Harbour
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


20-40 min.
Review of Holi
Holi has been inspired by the color festival by the same name which takes place in the month of March every year in India. However, this festival has evolved and elsewhere in the world it has led to these color-runs, where colors are also thrown. These runs, however, have nothing to do with the original festival.
The Holi Festival is a Hindu festival celebrating the beginning of spring, the end of winter and the blossoming of love. For many, it is a party day where you meet others and have a good time.
The game has something of a table presence as it is set up in a 3D tower in 3 levels. In the game you throw colors out on the three levels, and get points according to how high up your color is. But the colors can easily fall from the top floor to the bottom, and thus lose many points. A fun game that is not too difficult.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Efter at have sat tårnet “sammen” er spillepladen klar til setup. Placer nu 2 Slik tokens, i de to felter ved siden af hjørnet, således at hjørnet er frit. Dette gøres for den nederste plade og pladen i midten.
Each player is given a figure and the figure is placed in the corner box on the bottom plate. Each player also gets 8 cards matching the color that the player is, a help card and a specific number of color tokens, depending on the number of players. The starting player is awarded to the player who wears the most colorful clothes.
With 4 players you get 20 tokens, for 2-3 players all 25 tokens. In addition, you get:
Ved 4 spillere: Spiller 1 og 2 – 1 Personligt farvekort, spiller 3 og 4 – 2 Personlige farvekort.
Ved 3 spillere: Spiller 1 og 2 – 1 Personligt farvekort, spiller 3 – 2 Personlige farvekort.
Ved 2 spillere: Spiller 1 – 1 Personligt farvekort, spiller 2 – 2 Personlige farvekort.
Mix all common color cards, and make a stack of 4 cards per player. At 2, a stack with 8 cards, at 3, 12 cards and 4, 16 cards. Place the stack with the back side facing up. The excess cards are placed in the box.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player now draws 3 cards from the card in his own color. On these cards a figure is shown, and that figure symbolizes how to throw his colors. You can freely choose between the 3 cards you have on hand, and you can freely rotate the figure as desired. However, the throw can not go outside the game board. When throwing, imagine that you are standing in one of the squares of the figure, and thus throw the other two with your colored pieces. If you have a card with a star on it, you should always pretend to be on the star, and be allowed to throw 3 of your colored pieces. There are rules for where you can throw your colored pieces and where they must not hit. Throwing color is mandatory.
In addition to throwing color, one can move his piece or crawl upward with his piece.
You can move your piece to a non-occupied spot on the game board. If you land on a field where there is either a color token or a candy token, you pick it up and add to your supply. Other people's colors in your supply will give points to other players. You can throw your own colors again. The candy token gives points in the end.
To climb up, one's piece must be surrounded (orthogonally) by 4 color pieces of any color. A player must not move up if another player's piece is directly above. Once a player has moved up, you're not able to move down again.
The three moves can be done in random order. When a player's turn is over, cards are drawn from either the community deck or one's own deck, so that the player again has 3 cards in his hand. The game ends when: 2 stacks of cards are empty, 2 stacks of colored tokens are empty or 1 of each is empty.
Det var kort om spillet Holi og lidt om reglerne
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Holi
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Holi
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Kingdom Builder

Review of Kingdom Builder
In Kingdom Builder, you must place small houses that must be placed strategically correctly in relation to the possibilities of scoring points. In each game there are 3 different cards that indicate the conditions for scoring points. There are 10 cards, so no two games are alike. There are also 8 game boards, of which four must be used in each game. All players have the same ways of scoring points, but it is up to the player himself to choose which one or which ones he / she goes for.
Do you have what it takes to find the right strategy and win Kingdom Builder?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
4 player boards are selected as well as the matching location markers and overview pieces. On the 4 game boards, the corresponding pieces are placed, while the overview pieces are placed on top. There must be 2 matching pieces on each tile. The pieces can give players bonus actions during the game.
The Kingdom Builder cards (red background) are shuffled and three drawn, and put face up above the game board.
All the terrain cards (green background) are mixed and placed in a pile so everyone can reach.
Each player gets a color and the corresponding houses and gold marker. Each player draws one terrain card.
The oldest player gets the starting player piece.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a turn, the player must perform several actions, some of which are mandatory.
It is mandatory for the player to place 3 houses on the terrain that matches the player's card.
The player have the opportunity to use extra actions that he has via the small markers from the game board. For each marker the player has, the player may take an extra move. These moves can be taken both before and after the mandatory move.
After the player has made his desired actions, the player draws a new terrain card.
To get a location marker, the player must have placed a house in a field next to the field on the game board.
There are special rules for where the player may place his houses.
1. Houses must be placed on a field matching the terrain card
2. If there are no more available fields on a drawn terrain card, a new one is drawn
3. The player must ALWAYS place houses next to the player's own houses, if possible.
The game ends when one of the players has built his last house, but the last round is still being completed.
Then scoring occurs from the 3 cards and each player gets 3 points for each castle field if they have a house next to it.
The player with the most points is the winner.
There are a number of expansions available, which will add new game mechanisms and many more game boards and scoring options.
Det var kort om spillet Kingdom Builder og lidt om reglerne.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Kingdom Builder
You can play the game on Boardgamearena
Boardgamearena – Kingdom Builder
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Kingdom Builder
Disclaimer: Du kan finde priser på spillet her på (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


15-45 min.
Review of Kingswood
Kingswood is a quick easy little game where you have to collect items that enable you to overcome the monsters in the forest.
In the game, using the 3 characters, you have to move around to different places, which give you the different objects. One place gives you the option to pay a coin to get extra lives (hearts) or the option to recycle your heart, another place gives you the option to pay a coin to get an extra sword or recycle the swords you have already, a third place gives you 3 coins etc.
Once you have collected enough items to overcome the monsters, you can place one of the figures on the forest and be allowed to take the monster over to you.
When the first player reaches 20 victory points, the last round is triggered. The winner is the player with most victory points.
Do you have what it takes, to be the best in the game Kingswood?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Choose Forest, the 4 common locations (Market, Academy, Tavern and Blacksmith) as well as 1 special location. Place the Forest at the bottom, with the scoreboard in the middle, as in the picture. Place the last 5 locations randomly. Put the three figures at Academy, Tavern and Blacksmith.
Shuffle the Chapter 1 cards and the Chapter 2 cards separately, place the Chapter 1 cards on top of the Chapter 2 cards. Now pull 3 monsters from the top and turn them face up. There are cards which only need to be used for a special number of players, remember to remove them from the deck, as you will not be needing them.
Place swords, hearts, books and coins in a supply which all can reach.
Let every player pick a guild or hand them out randomly.
Every player gets the items, which are stated on the cards.
The youngest player starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player can pick one of two things - Explore or Collect
Pick one of the 3 blue figures.
Use the action at the location where the figure stands OR move the figure around and use the action where the figure lands. A figure may be moved to the nearest neighboring location for free if this is not occupied OR skip one or more neighbors in exchange for paying 1 coin for each location skipped. Place the red King's Guard figure in the location where the figure started. You MUST always move a blue figure and you must choose a figure you can move.
Move the King's Guard figure from its location and set it aside. Get 2 coins from the pile. If the figure is not in a location, you can not choose to make this move.
Pick one:
– Betal én mønt for at genopfriske alle dine brugte bøger.
– Betal én mønt for at få en ny bog.
Pick one:
– Betal én mønt for at genopfriske alle dine brugte sværd.
– Betal én mønt for at få et nyt sværd.
Pick one:
– Betal én mønt for at genopfriske alle dine brugte hjerter.
– Betal én mønt for at få et nyt hjerte.
– Få 3 mønter
When coins are used, they must be returned to the bank. Swords, books and hearts are different. They have two sides. A refreshed and an exhausted / used side.
When you take a figure into the forest, you must fight against any of the monsters shown. You must have the correct items to beat the monster. Once you have won against the monster, turn your items over if you have used them to fight with and coins are paid back to the pile. Now take the card back to yourself so everyone can see it. Some monsters have rewards that are triggered immediately, while others are only triggered later. You get victory points right away. When your turn is over, refill the monsters so that there are 3 again.
The final round of the game is triggered when the first player reaches 20 points for killed monsters. The game continues until all players have had the same number of turns.
This was a short summary about the game of Kingswood and a little about the rules. May the best guild win!
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Kingswood
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Kingswood
Disclaimer: The graphics have been borrowed from the rulebook. Their Kickstarterpage can be found here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Kraken Ataken!

15-30 min.
Review of Kraken Ataken!
We have once played a game of Kraken Ataken. It was a long time ago, so the rules for those of us who had played it before, had to be revised. A fun, simple party game where you as the Kraken, have to capture the treasures which the pirates have on their ships.
Can you be the Kraken, who can capture the most treasures and win against the other Krakens?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The setup is that there must be as many ships as there are players plus an extra. With four players, there must therefore be five ships. On the ships there must be treasures in stacks of three. The top treasure is turned face up.
Under each ship there must be a pirate.
Each player chooses a Krakencolor, and the two associated Kraken cards. In addition, each player receives four cards, which are called tentacle cards.
The player who looks most like a pirate starts! He gets Kraking, which is passed on, when the round is over.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
These tentacle cards are the cards you need to beat the pirates by the ship, and thereby get the treasure on the ship. But several players may be after the same treasure, and therefore attack the same ship. If this happens then the players have to fight against each other, and then fight against the pirate.
The pirates have different colors and numbers. If the pirate has a purple color, it is immune to attacks from purple tentacles. And the same with the other colors. The numbers of the pirate are its strength. If you are tied with the pirate, then Kraking decides who wins. Some pirates may have applied a saber which means that it cuts an attacking tentacle to pieces and then a new pirate enters which the player must beat.
The way the game works is as follows:
The player has three options.
1. Place a kraken card and a tentacle card by a ship.
2. Place a tentacle card under a kraken card already on a ship.
3. Play a special ability of a tentacle card.
4. Pass for the rest of the round.
Tentaklerne har også påtrykt et nummer, det nummer er ligesom ved pirater, deres styrke.
Nogle har en terning, som betyder, at når dette kort vises i en kamp, skal der slås med en terning, for at finde styrken på kortet. På referencekortene står også nærmere hvad de enkelte kort kan.
If you do not want to place a card at a ship, you can use it as a special feature. One can, for example, have a card which can move around the pirates or move around the treasures. Other cards can be saved for the combat phase, where you can, for example, make your tentacles 2 stronger, your opponent's 2 worse, etc.
A player cannot place two kraken cards at the same ship. But you do not have to place both of your kraken cards. The player plays one card and then the turn continues. Once everyone has either said pass or placed all their cards, the next phase begins.
I denne fase, skal kampene gøres op. Kraking bestemmer kampenes rækkefølge.
Rækkefølgen er ikke altid irrelevant.
Den med højest styrke er vinderen. Dette gælder både spillernes kamp og kampen mod piraten. Men husk, at man her kan bruge sine gemte kort, til at påvirke kampenes udfald.
Står det uafgjort, afgør Kraking sejrsherren.
When all battles are over, a defeated pirate is replaced with a new one, a new treasure is shown, if the last one is taken the empty ship is removed. The Kraking figure is passed on to the next player and the players are dealt new cards so that they again have 4 cards in hand. Players must decide for themselves whether to discard the old cards or keep them. If Kraking in the round decides a draw, the losing player can get revenge on Kraking by swapping a card from his hand for one of his.
The game ends when there is only one ship left.
Players' points are settled. A gold treasure counts what is written on it, while the others (totem, treasure card and diamond) count more the more you have. If you have one, it counts as one point, if you have two of a kind, it counts as 3 points, if you have three of a kind, it counts as 6, four of a kind, 10 points and five of a kind, 15 points.
There is a mini-extension called Krakid which is not described above. In addition, there is a major expansion called Sinister Twister, which is not described above either.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Kraken Ataken
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage


Review of L.A.M.A
A fun little game where you have to get rid of your cards. If you do not get rid of your cards, you will get minus points. The game ends when the first player gets minus 40 points. Don't worry, it can happen fast!
The rules of the L.A.M.A are pretty simple. So it's an easy game just to go for. You are ready in 5 minutes and a game does not take that long either.
It's probably a funnier game with multiple players. It can be played by up to 6 people, but we have only tried with 3.
The player with the fewest minus points wins.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Shuffle all the cards and deal 6 cards to each player. The pile is placed in the middle and a card from the pile is taken and placed next to it with the picture side up. This is the discard pile.
The youngest player starts and can take one of 3 moves on his turn.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Play a card, draw a card or say pass.
Then it's the player's turn to the left.
Play a card
The top card in the discard pile determines which cards you can play.
You can play a card with the same value as the top card, or a card with the same value plus 1.
Llamas can be played on 6's and other llamas.
You can play a llama or a 1 on top of a llama.
Draw a card
Draw a card from the deck.
If there are no more cards in the deck, this action cannot be taken.
Then it's the next player's turn.
Say pass
If you can not or do not want to play a card, and you also do not want to draw a card, you can say pass and end your turn. Place your cards in front of you with the face side down.
A round ends when a player has played all of his cards or all players have passed.
If all but one player have passed, that player continues to play alone. The player may NOT draw new cards.
Count points
Your last cards give minus points, whether you have them on hand or they are in front of you. Each card is worth its value in points. Llamas are worth 10 points. However, count only each card value once. If you have two 6's, that counts for 6 points. Several llamas also give only 10 points.
You will then receive tokens corresponding to the number of points. The blacks count for 10 while the whites are worth 1. You can exchange at any time.
If you have played all your cards and you have tokens from the past, you may hand in one of them. You decide whether it is a black or white.
Shuffle all the cards and deal six cards to each player for the next round. The player who had the last turn in the previous round starts the new round.
The game continues until one of you has 40 or more points. The player with the fewest minus points wins the game.
This was a short summary of L.A.M.A and a bit about the rules.
There is a version of the game, where danish rules follows.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – L.A.M.A
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Longboat
In the game Longboat you have to build a looooooooong boat!
A fast, small but strategic game about building boats full of Vikings, gold, honor… and sheep.
The game can be played by 2-4 players and takes about 30 minutes. It is easy to go to, and not difficult to learn, but therefore there may well be strategic challenges with the game.
Are you the best boat builder and can build a boat without too many sheep?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player chooses a color, and finds the front and rear of the boat. Remember to make room for the boat to be long! At 2 or 4 players, each player must remove: 1 sheep and 1 Berserker in their color. Then the players will have 20 cards. In a 3-player game, one will have 22.
Then shuffle all the cards from all the players in a large pile. Then 12 cards are drawn from this stack and placed face up in a 4 x 3 grid. This is called the River - This is where one can draw vikings, gold, glory and sheep.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Drummer and Berserker are indicated by different pattern on the shield.
When a drummer is taken from the River, the player must choose two cards from the River to swap places.
When a berserker is taken from the River, the player must steal a treasure card from the opponent. If a treasure has a shield of the same color as the player, it is a protected treasure.
If a sheep is taken from the River, it must be placed at the opponent. This gives minus points and slows down the opponents.
In the River you can only draw cards from the bottom row - When a field is empty, cards "fall" down. When all 12 cards are drawn, the round ends. After this round, the speed of the boats is counted. The number of vikings minus the number of sheep is the speed.
The fastest boat is allowed to choose first in the new round, where again 12 cards are placed on the River.
The game continues this way until there is either empty in the River or the deck of cards. The game is thus over and the winner is the one with the most honor.
Scoring are as follows:
Speed: Vikings minus sheep.
Loyalty: 1 point for each shield in its own color, even sheep and treasures.
Treasures: 3 points for each treasure.
Speed + Loyalty + Treasure = Honor
Good luck building the longest and best boat in Longboat!
This was a short summary of Longboat and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Longboat
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Longboat
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here Wight Hart Games (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Loot of Lima

Review of Loot of Lima
In 1820, there was a revolt in Peru, so the Spanish government decided to move their precious possessions in safely from Lima to Mexico. The crew of the ship that was to transport the precious belongings stole the belongings and stored them on the island of Cocos. Now you must try to find these precious treasures, but you will have to share clues with your fellow pirates to make sure you find the treasures before the Spaniards capture you!
A fun deduction game where it is entirely up to you to decide which clues you share with the others. If you share too few clues, you risk not finding out where the treasure is at all.
You have to ask the right thing. Be careful not to ask too wide, it can confuse you more than it will benefit you in the hunt for the hidden treasures.
Do you have the skills to find the right clues, and be the first pirate to find the hidden treasures in Loot of Lima?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player is given a player screen, a note page and a pencil. Each player is given a bag of 7 markers with pictures of the other players, 3 special-ability disks, 2 treasure markers and 2 extra markers.
On the note page, the names of the other players are written. This page is important in your treasure hunt. Remember to write down all the clues correctly.
There are markers for each of the 24 locations on the map. 8 on the beach, 8 in the woods and 8 in the mountains, the treasure is hidden in two of these locations. Two markers are removed and the rest of the markers are shared between the players. These represent where you have already looked for the treasures. So each player knows of locations where the treasures are not, while the two markers you have taken away, are the two places where the treasures are. Excess markers are common and placed so everyone can see them.
With 3 players no markers are handed over, with 4 players a marker is handed over to the player opposite and with 5 players a marker is handed over to the player on the left and one on the right.
In turn, each player tell in which terrain they have the fewest tokens, if they have several with the same number they choose themselves.
The player who has recently dug something up starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Each turn the active player roll with three 12-sided dice to find out what questions to ask the other players. Different colors and coordinates are printed on the dice. You must choose 2 of the 3 dice and ask based on this. Eg. it may be how many locations you have searched from SE to E (southeast to east). Here is used for the question map, so you are not in doubt about what is being asked. If the two dice show the same color, only ask about this terrain. If they are two different, it's every terrain. A blue is wild and applies to all terrain.
The player must choose one player to ask.
In this way, players will exclude locations where the treasures are not stored in, and in that way hopefully as the game progresses, find the 2 right locations.
At any time during the game, even when it is not the player's turn, you must declare yourself the winner if you are convinced that you have found the 2 right locations for the treasures. The player looks, as the only one, on the 2 markers that were set aside from the start. If correct, the player has won and they are shown to the other players. The player's screen is also shown to indicate that they have found the correct locations. If it is wrong, the player is out of the game and does not show the 2 markers. The player is out of the game but still needs to answer clue questions.
If all but one player has guessed wrong, the last remaining player is the winner.
Do you have what it takes to find the right locations and find the treasures in Loot of Lima?
This was a short summary about the game Loot of Lima and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Loot of Lima
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Loot of Lima
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Lost Cities Rivals

Review of Lost Cities Rivals
In Lost Cities Rivals, you try to lead successful expeditions through forests, mountains and wilderness, in an attempt to gain the most fame. The game is about timing, and about being lucky to get the right cards that just fit what you have already got down on the table.
A quick little filler-game for 2-5 players that is not that hard to learn and takes approx. 40 minutes to play.
Do you have what it takes to buy the right cards that give you the most points in the end so you can win Lost Cities Rivals?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Find the starting cards (with a dark brown back) and distribute 2 cards to each player - one player can not have two identical cards to start with - put the remaining cards back in the box.
Shuffle the cards (with light brown back) and divide the cards into four equal piles. Take one of the piles and place it in the middle and let it be the active pile. The other piles are set aside for later use.
Distribute the coins evenly between the players and give the player who last had his birthday the starting player card.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a player's turn, you have two actions, either explore or auction.
Explore – In this action, you simply take the top card from the deck and turn it over. If a card is turned over that no player can use, this is discarded and no other card is drawn.
Auction – In this action, one of the cards in the display is bid for. At least 1 coin must be bid. If you choose to say pass, you are out of this auction round. You can not bid more coins than you have. If the turn comes back to you again, you can still bid higher than the previous one. The winner pays the coins to the center of the game area and form a pile of coins. Then the player must take as many cards as he wants and add them to the player's own expedition. After drawing the cards that the player would like, he has the option to discard one card completely out of the game. Finally, the winner of the auction turns over a card and hands the starting player card to the player to the left.
Each player must make room in front of them for 5 cards also called expeditions, one in each suit. When adding a card to an expedition, the new card must be higher than or equal to the card that is already there. Finally, points are scored for the number of symbols in each expedition. So the more cards, the more symbols.
Each card suit has 2 cards from 2-5 with one symbol, while there is only 1 card from 6-10 with two symbols, as well as 3 hand symbol cards which give bonus points. A total of 16 cards in each suit.
When the active pile is empty, the coins in the coin pile are distributed evenly between the players. Remaining coins remain in the pile. Then take a new pile and continue the game.
The game ends when the last card in the last pile is taken. Points are then counted. The player with the most points is the winner.
This was a short summary of Lost Cities Rivals and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Rules – Lost Cities Rivals
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Lost Cities Rivals
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images and gifs are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and website, where you can also find more. You can find their website here Website
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Lost in Straya

Review of Lost in Straya
A fast filler-game that can take anywhere from 10 minutes to approx. 30 minutes.
The game is about finding the materials you need to make weapons that can handle the unexpected dangers like dangerous monsters in Australia's outback.
The goal of the game is to find 3 phones so you can be rescued.
Do you have the luck to be the first player to find 3 phones and be rescued first?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
3 phones are added per player according to the rules, but this you can decide by yourself, if you think it is too much. If you remove some, you can risk that none of you will be saved. The cards are shuffled into the Explore pile.
After suffling all 3 piles separately, place them in the center of the table.
Each player is given two item cards to start their adventure. These are placed face up in front of the player.
The youngest player starts unless you agree otherwise.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On your turn, you must draw 2 cards from piles of your choice. Then use materials to make objects. Use these items to fight the monsters.
If at any time you have 4 undefeated monsters in front of you in your game area, you will need to get them away with items before you can continue exploring. If you have three monsters, you can only draw one explore card.
Når en genstand er blevet brugt, så skal den kasseres og kan ikke bliv brugt mere i spillet. Hvis du finder et kort som gavner dig, som f.eks. en lejr, kan du gemme dette og bruge de senere. Nogle kort giver dig handlinger som kan bruges på andre, som f.eks. skippe en andens tur.
Do you have the luck, and are able to find 3 phones before some of the others, thus winning the game Lost in Straya?
This was a short summary of the game Lost in Straya and a bit about the rules.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Lost in Straya
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage

Meeple Land

Review of Meeple Land
In Meeple Land, you take on the role of an amusement park owner. You have to make the best amusement park by placing different rollercoasters, carousels, circuses and other amusements in the right way to achieve the most points possible.
The game is quite easy to learn as the rules are not particularly difficult. Once the rules are learned, you then try to find the right pieces to maximize your points. And that's not easy!
Are you the best at planning and placing your amusement park which makes you the winner of Meeple Land?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The different tiles are shuffled in seperate stacks. Then place 3 large squares, 5 rectangular rides as well as 5 small square service tiles, with the face side up, the rest of the tiles are placed with the back side up next to it.
The bus cards are shuffled and bus cards corresponding to the number of players +1 cards are placed in the parking lot.
Meeples and coins are placed in piles on the table.
Each player is given a blank green sheet to symbolize the park area. This area is the place where the rides are to be placed.
The starting player is the player who last visited an amusement park. Player two gets 1 coin, player three gets 2 coins, etc.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game is played over 4 rounds. Each round starts with each player receiving a number of coins, which are in the parking lot next to the corresponding round.
In the first round it is 15 coins, in round two it is 10 coins, in round 3 it is 5 coins and in the fourth round it is 0 coins.
In addition to these coins, the number of meeples on the players' rides also gives coins. For each meeple, one extra coin is given. Some rides give one extra coin. In the first round, however, the players only have approx. 15 coins.
On a player's turn, he can:
– Købe en af de 3 forskellige typer af forlystelsesbrikker. Der kan kun købes dem med billedsiden opad. Købes der en forlystelsesbrik, lægges en ny ud.
– Lave marketing, ved at betale antallet af mønter der står bagpå den øverste mindste brik. Man må så tage de meeples, der er på brikken. Derefter placeres den mindste brik nederst i bunken.
– Tage en bus og trække sig tilbage for resten af runden. Man må tage de meeples på buskortet, og placere dem på forlystelserne i ens park. Hvis der ikke er plads, må de stå udenfor og vente.
Once a player has taken his turn, it's the next player's turn. Once all players have taken a bus card, the round is over. Then new bus cards are placed in the parking lot, the round marker is moved down and a new round starts.
After the last round, points are counted. During the game, you can tick off which rides you have placed in your park. The number of meeples and the colors of your meeples also affect the number of points. If you have meeples outside your park that you have not had room for, they give minus points.
Do you have what it takes to build the best park and win Meeple Land?
This was a short summary of Meeple Land and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Meeple Land
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Meeple Land
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook. You can find their website page here Website
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Micro City

5-30 min.
Review of Micro City
A quick little game that can be played in solo, coop and competetive mode by 2 people, is Micro City.
We have tried the game in competetive mode, and it's fairly straightforward. The rules seem a bit more complex than they really are, and with the included help card, you can start playing easily.
In the game, with the help of your engineer, try to obtain resources that you can use to complete contracts that give you points.
In competitive mode as we played, each player has 10 rounds to earn points.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
First just a quick checklist for a setup in competitive mode.
1. Der lægges 4 distrikt-kort ud, i 2×2 som vist på billedet. Der kan frit vælges blandt de medfølgende kort (vær opmærksom på, at der udvidelser med til spillet, og dermed ekstra distrikt-kort). Kortene lægges med A-siden opad.
2. Each player chooses a color, and gets their engineer and 5 small investment markers.
3. The starting player is selected.
4. The starting player puts his engineer in an area on one of the districtcards.
5. Each player gets a company card, this is where they can see what resources they have. The starting player gets 2 coins, player two gets 3 coins.
6. The cards with the contracts are shuffled and 3 cards are drawn. It is by completing these that players can gain points during the course of the game.
7. The mission cards are shuffled and 2 cards are turned over. The pile is placed next to it. These mission cards can be completed anytime a player meets the requirements. A new one is placed when a player receives a card.
8. Place the round card on the table and set the marker to 20.
9. The scoreboard is placed on the table and score markers are set to 0.
10. Each player gets 2 dice in their own color.
11. Each player receives 6 project cards, with the numbers 1-6. They are exactly the same for both players.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A turn takes place over 3 phases.
Forberedelsesfasen – Projektfasen – Investeringsfasen
The preparation phase
The player rolls the dice and can now pay to change the number of eyes. +/- 1 for 1 resource or 2 coins.
Pay 1 resource or 2 coins to move an investment house from district cards.
Sell one resource for 1 coin.
The project phase
Select a project card, move the engineer meeple the number at the top of the card. Move the meeple to an area of your choice in the districts. Play the basic move or the advanced move on the project card. The advanced move costs one die similar to what is on the card.
Move the engineer meeple 1 square and take back all the used project cards.
The investment phase
Skip this phase if your engineering chip is on a field with an investment chip. If there is no piece, make a move.
The basic move is at the top of the card, while the advanced move is at the bottom of the card, indicated by a die with a number of eyes. You must have the corresponding die to be able to make this move. You can do just one of the two moves.
The brownish buildings are industrial buildings - Here you can get resources. 1 at basic, 2 at advanced.
The blue buildings are the commercial buildings - Here you can exchange or sell resources. 1 to 1 + 1 at basic, 1 to 2 + 1 at advanced.
The red buildings are residential buildings - Here you can get money and build the contract cards. 2 coins at basic, 1 x build at advanced.
The purple buildings are logistics buildings (extension) - Here you can take back your investment houses and or buy resources.
If a red area and an advanced feature is selected, which allows building, it's "paid for" with resources, and an investment token is placed on the "purchased" building. There can only be one investment token per finished building. On the card here, when completing e.g. the one in the middle, an investment piece had to be put, so that this to 3 points could no longer be completed. The other two could still be completed.
At the end, an investment piece is put on the field with the player's engineer. If the player cannot place a piece, the player loses. The time marker is moved down towards 0.
If the player has not used any of the dice, he will receive 1 coin.
If a player at any time in his turn meets the conditions of the mission card, the player can take the card and its victory points. The card will be replaced by a new card.
This was a short summary of the game and its rules.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Micro City
Here's a link for the rules.
Regler – Micro City
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images and gifs borrowed from the publisher's kickstarter page, where you can also find more. See Kickstarterpage
I can't find where you can buy it from, but you can catch them on their Facebookpage

Monkey The Card Game

30-60 min.
Review of Monkey The Card Game
We've played Monkey again. It has been on the table a handful of times as it is simply easy to learn and easy to play. A good fast filler game that has a proper portion of luck involved.
In short, the game is about climbing a tree and finally climbing the treetop. The winner is the one who reaches the top the fastest and climbs the treetop. But it is not as easy as it immediately sounds. You may be hit by traps and spells that cause you to have to go back to the bottom, you lose all your cards or something completely different.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Stammen består af fire kort, der ligges med bagsiden opad. Toppen består af tre kort, der skal forestille en trækrone. Alle spillere starter ved bunden af træet. Spillerne får 3 kort, som er hemmelige for de andre, samt to referencekort.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
En førstespiller vælges og starter med at: Tage et nyt trækort samt et spellkort. Et spellkort, er et ”prøv lykken”-kort, som kan give dig ekstra kort, lov til at bytte rundt på kort, fjerne kort eller måske endda sende dig helt ned i bunden igen. spellkortene er forklaret på referencekortene. Efter spilleren har trukket trækortet og udført spellkortet, har vedkommende nu 4 muligheder.
1. Use one move to take one tree card
2. Use one move to try to climb
3. Use one move to set two traps
4. Use two moves to climb the treetop
You have two moves which you can use. You must of course be at the top, ie have climbed all four cards in the trunk, to be able to climb the tree top.
The way you climb is that you turn over the card you are standing on, and you have to beat that number by putting down cards that are higher together. But note, you can not use the same color. However, if you have to beat a black card, only black and wild cards can beat it. After beating the card, the card is turned over and your monkey moves one up. Failed to beat the card, you must move one down.
If you have traps placed on you, they must be turned one by one. If a trap's number matches a number you used to climb, the trap will catch you. However, you do not move down. Each player can have a maximum of four traps on his monkey, unless a spell card says otherwise.
If you have used both of your moves, it is the next player's turn in clockwise order.
If you have reached the treetop and want to climb it, it costs two moves. You must beat the three cards at the top one by one. If you beat all three cards, two traps are turned. Like the other traps, it catches you if you have used a card with the same number. If you are not caught by one of the two tree traps, the turn continues to the traps you may have on your monkey. If you are caught by one of the traps, the three cards in the treetop will be replaced. If you clear all the traps you have won.
There are cards with the numbers 1-10 and 15 in the colors blue, yellow, green, red and black. In addition, there are 5 cards with the number 20, this is a wild card that can be used to beat all colors, and can be beaten by any color.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Monkey the card game
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images and gifs borrowed from the publisher's kickstarter page, where you can also find more. See Kickstarterpage
Unfortunately, I can not find a website that has played in stock. But it is available on Amazon.

Monopoly Deal Saigon

15 min.
Review of Monopoly Deal Saigon
Monopoly Deal Saigon from Vietnam Themed Gamesis a fast paced little card game that we bought when we were in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) in Vietnam, back in September 2019. The game is roughly a very simple version of Monopoly that you probably know. The game is a fine filler game that only takes approx. 15 minutes.
Are you the best at collecting the right properties?
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
You start by shuffling all the cards and then each player gets 5 cards.
The starting player takes 2 cards from the deck and now has up to 3 moves of the following options:
1. Add money to the pile of money
2. Place a property. It does not cost money
3. Play an action card. They can also be used as money if they are put in the pile of money
4. Move a property
The player does not have to use all 3 moves, but it can be an advantage to get cards down on the table, because otherwise they do not count.
If you are charged rent or otherwise have to spend money, you can only use what you have put on the table. You can pay with both money, action cards (put in the money pile) and real estate. If you have to pay 1M and you can only pay with 2M, you will not receive any money back. Paying with a property, the property must be transferred to the recipient's property portfolio. If you can not pay at all, it's just a shame for the landlord.
The first player to get 3 different colored sets of properties is the winner, but be careful not even a full set of one color is safe.
Disclaimer: You can finde it on the publisher's Facebookpage here: Vietnam Themed Games
Direct link for the game: Facebookpage

Ocean Crisis

30-60 min.
Review of Ocean Crisis
In Ocean Crisis, you and the other players, as a team, try to prevent garbage from ending up in the sea. You have to remove it from the beach before it ends up in the sea, and ends up in the big garbage island.
Do you have what it takes to prevent the garbage from ending up in the ocean, thus winning the Ocean Crisis?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The game board is placed on the table and the board with the turning wheel is placed next to the beach.
If it's your first time playing or you're playing with very young children, you can use the 'Beginner' game, where the game has 4 rounds and the Water Purification Centre, Sea Vacuum and Exploration Centre are not used. (see more on pages 17-18 of the rules)
If you want a little more challenge, you can add the three things and add more rounds. If you want a completely impossible task (or almost) you can swap the round 1 card for the Impossible card. You can also shuffle the round 2 to 6 cards for a completely random game.
In addition, there are a number of missions and scenarios that can be included in the game if desired.
The road tiles are mixed and placed face up in the road tile area.
5 upgrade cards are shuffled and placed face up in their area.
Round cards are arranged in order with the first round at the top.
The number of players determines the number of meeples each player must have.
All rubbish is placed in a bag. And a starting player is chosen at random.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Setup phase
At the start of each round, players must place garbage tiles as shown on the round card. Symbols are used to indicate where the garbage should be placed. Garbage is first placed on the turntable, then in the estuary, then in the downstream, and finally in the midstream. They should be placed with the grey/green side up. Only if they are reduced during the game, they can be turned to the yellow side. An x symbol on the round card means that the garbage already placed is doubled. So if there are 3 garbage and there is an x 2 on the card, 3 new garbage tiles must be placed.
If there is no space for garbage, it is placed in the next area. Closer to the sea.
Planning phase
At the same time, players place their meeples around the board. There is no limit to the number of meeples that can be placed on the Eco base or on the garbage tiles.
You CANNOT put meeples on garbage which are out in the sea, as the meeples are not animals and therefore cannot remove garbage that has ended up in the sea.
Action phase
After all the meeples are placed, the action phase can start.
To start with, you have to do the Eco-base action, where you have to take road tiles. If you have placed one meeple, you may take one tile. If you have two, you may take two, and so on.
The start of a road must be connected to the Eco-base. There must always be an open connection to the road. Roads must not be placed on the reserved spots. If the road has been connected to an area, access to that feature is allowed. Once a road is placed, it cannot be removed.
Then the clean-up work starts.
A player now chooses a mepele on a garbage tile, and rolls the dice to see if it's enough to remove the piece completely or just reduce it. The number on the die+ the number of meeples on the tile is the sum of the power. If it is greater than or equal to the tile, it is removed. If it is less than the tile, the tile is reduced. This continues until all the meeples have been used.
River flow
The remaining garbage in the river flows downstream and into the sea.
Ocean Current
The starting player roll the dice, which has eyes, and turn the ocean current disk counterclockwise the number the eyes show.
If a tile of garbage ends up with the vacuum cleaner, it sucks up the garbage and the garbage is removed.
If a piece of garbage ends up on an arrow, it flows into the garbage island.
The starting player piece is passed to the next player and the game continues until you have played 6 rounds (4 for the beginner game).
If there is at least one empty space in the garbage island when you finish round 6, you have completed the mission and won the Ocean Crisis game.
💭 My opinion 💭
A really nice game that tries to take a real-life theme and boil it down to a board game. A board game that can be played by the whole family, a game that requires you to work together and find the right solutions. A game where the rules are in English, but the game itself has almost no text, and therefore can be played after a game or two by even the youngest. There are only symbols and numbers on cards and on the game board, which makes it a lot easier.
However, it can be a little challenging to get the youngest ones to understand that cooperation is a very important part of this game. But this is a good game for an introduction of cooperative games.
The inclusion of many extra missions and scenarios is also a good thing, as it can expand the game a bit more than just the variable difficulty levels of the game.
This was a short summary of Ocean Crisis and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Ocean Crisis
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Ocean Crisis
Disclaimer: Vi sælger spillet, og du kan finde det lige her Ocean Crisis – Papan Games

One Night Ultimate Werewolf

10 min.
Review af One Night Ultimate Werewolf
We got to try One Night Ultimate Werewolf for the first time. A social party game where you're guessing who the werewolf is and who is not. A fun game that does not take long to learn and does not take long to play.
Are you good at bluffing, or talking yourself out of being a werewolf, or making others think you are a character that you are not?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The number of characters corresponding to the number of players is selected, as well as 3 additional characters. One card is randomly dealt to each player and three cards are dealt face down. Each player looks at their card once and remembers their role.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Players must now close their eyes, and in turn depending on their role, open their eyes and take a move. Once all the selected roles have been through, the players have to open their eyes and now the talk begins.
The players now have 5 minutes to find out who the werewolf / werewolves are, who need to be killed.
This is where the players must try to help each other, to find out who is to be killed and who is not to be killed.
If a human is killed, the werewolf / werewolves win, a werewolf is killed, the humans win. But beware, some may say something that is not true, while others you do not believe tell the truth.
You can use the free app that is available, it also tells you what the roles can do.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – One Night Ultimate Werewolf
Disclaimer: Link til App’en på Google Play (Android) – Play Store – One Night Ultimate Werewolf
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Owly Tribe

Review of Owly Tribe
Owly Tribe is all about assembling totem poles together. The symbols on the totem poles give points, and the better combinations you get of symbols, the more points you get.
In the game you have to fight against up to 5 other players, and using dice, you have to find the right strategy and place your dice in the best places to win exactly your desired totem pole.
The different locations where you can place your dice can have both positive and negative effects.
Do you have what it takes to plan and find the right strategy and win the game Owly Tribe?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The starting player is selected. It is the oldest player who starts. Each player takes a character and the matching dice and cards.
Then draw 4 locations and place them in the middle of the table in a line. For two players, 3 cards are drawn.
The totem cards are shuffled and placed in a pile face down. A totem pole is placed on each side of the location cards.
Placer drømmefangerkortet så alle spillerne kan se det. Startspilleren vælger et af sine kort og placerer kortet ud for en af de fire terninger, det samme gør de andre spillere. Dette betyder, at når en terning lander på en af de 4 slag, tager kortet effekt.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
All players now roll with all their dice, and the starting player now chooses a location to place one of his die on. The eyes of the cube correspond to its strength. However, the effects of the dream catcher must also be taken into account.
The players continue to place dice on the locations in turn, until all players have placed all their dice.
After all players have placed their dice, the winner of each location is found. The winner is the player with the highest number of eyes, and must therefore choose one of the two totem cards. Player two must choose the other totem card. The other players get nothing but a bitter defeat. If two players have the same number of eyes, they will be disqualified and thus it is the other players who get cards.
Once all the totem cards have been dealt to the players, the effect of the locations takes place. The winner of each location, gets either the advantage or the disadvantage of the effect of the card.
The totem cards are placed in a vertical row and cannot move once placed. Some combinations give more points than others.
The round is over when the above has happened and now it's cleared up. Unused totem cards are removed and new ones are put on. Used player cards are discarded. The player on the left is the new starting player, and may choose to swap a location for a new one.
The game lasts as many rounds as there are players, except if you are two players, then 4 rounds are played.
The winner is the player who gets the most points by totem combinations, bonus points from locations and totem points.
This was a short summary of Owly Tribe and a little about the rules.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Owly Tribe
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


45 min.
Review of Pandemic
We got Pandemic on the table, and got to choose a random role for each of us 4 players. After a quick recap of the rules, and the special features of the roles, we were ready to work together to prevent the world from becoming infected with too much disease.
We played on the easiest difficulty level, with 4 epidemic cards out of the 6.
The game, as I said, is about saving the world before it's too late. The game is a cooperative game, and you play together against the game.
Will your group find vaccines and win against the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Players randomly select a role that has a special feature. Then the player gets a number of city cards, depending on the number of players. We were four players so we had to have 2 cards each.
Then 9 infection cards are drawn, where the first 3 cities must have 3 infection cubes, the next 3 cities must have 2 and the last 3 must have 1 cube. Put the 9 cards in the discardpile.
Distribute the cards in number of stacks corresponding to the number of epidemic cards approx. equal in size, in our case, 4 stacks. Then insert the epidemic cards into the 4 stacks and place the stacks on top of each other.
The infection marker is placed under the infection cards, the outbreak marker on the outbreak scale.
Place a research station (a white house) on Atalanta, and put your meeples in the same city.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player's move consists of 4 actions then drawing 2 cards and drawing an infection card.
A player has four actions with different options. They are listed on the small help cards, but it is primarily, Moving his meeple, Removing a cube, Sharing knowledge, Setting up a research center or Making a cure.
After the player has made up to four of these moves, he must draw two city cards (the player can never have more than 7 cards in his hand), after this he must draw two cities that get an infection cube on them.
If a city gets 4 cubes in the same color, outbreak occurs and the disease spreads. Therefore, in the connected cities, a cube in the respective color must now be placed. If 4 cubes of the same color appear again, a new outbreak occurs (the city that has just had an outbreak does not get a cube), and the same occurs again. Each time an outbreak occurs, the outbreak cursor is moved down one spot.
When a player has 5 city cards of the same color, he can make a vaccine by being in a city with a research center.
Once all 4 vaccines have been found, you have won the game.
The online rules are in English. But the game can be bought in Danish and the rules here are in Danish too.
Regler – Pandemic
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Pandemic
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook.
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Penguin Slap!

10-30 min.
Review of Penguin Slap!
It's been a while since we've played this game. But the game is actually a super easy game, maybe a bit in the same genre as Uno. Apart from the fact that this is not about getting rid of your cards as soon as possible, but you have the opportunity to tease the others and get them to throw away their cards.
A small fast filler-game where you're trying to be the last player with cards.
Each player starts as one of the 9 colorful penguins and it is their goal to make the others run out of fish before the player does it himself.
Are you the most cunning penguin and can slap the other players fish from them and win?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The rules of the game are not super difficult and the game is not that long.
Each player gets or chooses a penguin as well as 5 fishing cards. Depending on the amount of players, the fishing cards are distributed differently.
2 players: 2 blue, 2 red and 1 green fish for each player.
3-waste or more: Dealt at random.
Now divide stacks corresponding to the amount of players, with fish with 10 fish in each, into so-called "fish holes". They are placed between each player. Players must look at their own cards. The player with the fewest yellow fish starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player has 3 possible moves, take a card, equip yourself with a card or play a card.
Take a card:
Take a fish from a fishing hole near you, to the left or right of you. You can have a maximum of 7 cards on hand, when you have 7 you can not draw more.
Equipment with a card:
Play a green card by placing the fish in front of you. You can have 3 green fish in front of you. They act as a kind of bonus card where you can get extra stuff.
Use an action card:
Play a red card where you attack other players.
You MUST do at least one of the 3 different moves. When a card is used, it is placed in a discardpile in the middle of the table.
There are four types of fish blue, red, yellow and green.
The blue fish are for catching more fish.
The red fish are for attacking other players.
The yellow fish are to disturb and change the game.
The green fish are bonuses.
During the game, players must always show the back of their cards so that everyone can see if the cards are blue, red, yellow or green.
When a player is "slapped" by another player, that player must now hand over a card to the discard deck, play a reaction card or play a NOPE card.
Fish that steal can be counterattacked or redirected, just like slap. When another player is stolen, the other player must be given a chance to play a reaction card. Although they do not have a yellow fish, they may have other cards that can help them.
Once a slap card or a steal card is played, any player can play a reaction card. Counterattack can be counterattacked and redirection can be redirected.
If you do not have a card at the beginning of your turn, you can take two extra fish (so you have 3).
When a fishing hole near you runs dry, it will not be refilled, fishing holes that are out of your reach are still out of your reach.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Penguin Slap
Disclaimer: The graphics have been borrowed from the rulebook. Their website can be found here Website
You can find the price of game here Low Sodium Games (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Pizza Delivery

Review of Pizza Delivery
In Pizza Delivery, as you probably already guessed, you have to deliver pizzas. In this game for 2-5 players, you have to make use of various resources which are time, energy and money.
Buy equipment, such as a new bicycle, scooter or moped to get there faster. Deliver the correct pizzas to the right customers - But keep in mind, the other players are also trying to deliver pizzas. Maybe you end up with pizzas that no customers want.
Do you have what it takes to be able to deliver enough pizzas, and thus win Pizza Delivery?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player puts their player meeple on the pizzeria as well as a marker of 30 at the energy tracker, 12 at the money tracker and 50 at the time tracker.
The pizza cards are shuffled and 4 cards are placed face up on both the counter and in the oven.
For each district, the corresponding cards are shuffled and 3 cards are placed face up.
Equipment cards are placed next to the game board.
The objective cards are shuffled and each player gets one. These are secret until the end of the game. The rest is put back in the box.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The active player is always the player whose marker is furthest back on the time tracker. If two players are on the same spot, it is the top player who is at the back and thus gets the turn. It is therefore also possible that the same player gets several turns in a row. On a turn the active player has various actions to make use of.
Står spillerens meeple i pizzeriaet kan der vælges 6 forskellige træk.
1. Køb af nyt udstyr
2. Skifte transportmiddel
3. Tag pizza fra disken
4. Flytte til et andet område
5. Smide pizzaer
6. Vente
If the player's meeple is in the residential area, 4 different actions can be selected.
1. Levering af pizzaer
2. Flytte til et andet område
3. Smide pizzaer
4. Vente
Buy new equipment
You are able to purchase as much equipment as the player wants, however, the player may have a maximum of 7. Equipment costs what is on the card, ie time and money paid by going down on the tracker. If there are no more equipment cards, it is not possible to buy the respective equipment.
Change transportation
A player can change means of transport to one they own. Replace meeple with the means of transport being switched on, this does not cost anything.
Take pizzas from the counter
You can take as many pizzas as possible, ie 4. A pizza costs time and energy, some pizzas cost more, it is depicted on the cards. Once the player has taken pizzas from the counter, the pizzas are moved from the oven to the counter so that there are again 4. If there are four identical pizzas on the counter, all four are removed and four new ones come from the oven.
A player can only have pizzas corresponding to the number of pizza trays that the player has. If the player ends up with more pizzas than pizza trays, excess pizzas are discarded.
Move to another area
Moving from one area to another costs two time plus an energy for each pizza that players have. The price changes depending on the means of transport. The bike reduces energy by, all the way to 0. The scooter reduces time by 1, however, max down to 1. Moped eliminate energy consumption, but cost 1 coin for each use.
To drop pizzas
A player can throw pizzas at any time. Just discard them and put them in the discard pile.
To wait
The player can always choose to wait. A short break costs 1 time, a rest costs 3 time but gives 2 energy return while a nap costs 10 time and gives 9 energy return.
To deliver pizzas
Players can choose to deliver pizzas to complete orders in the residential area it is in. To complete an order, pizzas corresponding to the order card are discarded and paid for with time and energy written above the card. As payment, the player receives money equal to the card and what is above the card. The card is kept as it can give bonus points in the end.
The player can choose to deliver the wrong pizza, this is done only for half the money (rounded down).
Then the order cards are moved from right to left and new cards are drawn from the pile, if the pile is empty, the area has had enough of pizza.
The game ends
When a player does not have more energy or time to make a move, the player is out of the game. When no players can do anything, the game ends.
Players show their objective cards. For each pizza on their order card that corresponds to the objective card, the player gets 3 extra points. The winner of the game is the player with the most money. In the event of a draw, the player with the most orders wins. If this is also the same, you share the victory.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Pizza Delivery
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Pizza Delivery
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. See Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Rabbit Rummage

Review of Rabbit Rummage
A small rabbit game which it is about jumping around and collecting different food for the rabbit. The game is very easy, and takes up no space. It can be played by even the kinda young children. The most difficult thing for the children is to find out what the most optimal is to collect, as different points are given.
A cute little light game that does not take up much space and can easily be played with a child.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game board, which is a piece of fabric, is laid out on the table, each player gets a rabbit and the ingredients are placed randomly on the game board.
Then the youngest player rolls the dice and moves his rabbit to a field, collecting the ingredient. The player may move a maximum of the number struck, but may move fewer.
This is how the game continues until all ingredients have been taken.
Finally, points are counted based on the following:
1 point per carrot, 10 points for the one with the most.
2 points per apple
3 points per strawberry
5 points per two pear (0 pear = 0 points)
10 points per three bananas (1/2 bananas = 0 points)
12 points per set of peppers (green, orange and red)
This was a short summary of the game Rabbit Rummage and a little about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Rabbit Rummage
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Rabbit Rummage
Disclaimer: Du kan finde priser på spillet her på (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Rival Restaurants

45-60 min.
Review of Rival Restaurants
In Rival Restaurants, you take on the role of a restaurant owner who has to fight against other restaurant owners to become the most popular restaurant. The goal is to make dishes that give popularity during the game. The more ingredients the dishes have, the more popularity they give, but the more ingredients the more garbage accumulates in your restaurant.
A slightly chaotic game when players at the same time have to choose which market they want to trade in. Do you need meat, fruit, vegetables or dairy products? Or should you spend your trip going to the secret market or cleaning up your trash? The possibilities are many.
A fine game where it's hard to keep track of what's going on with the other players, and before you know it, one of the others has gained enough popularity to win the game.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Shuffle: the 36 action cards, the 12 chef cards, the 24 basic recipe cards, the 24 gourmet recipe cards, the 30 x 6 ingredient cards in piles separately.
Place the discard tray in the center of the game board. Fill the small colored clips in their respective boxes. Fill the trash can with trash tokens. Place the shuffled cards in their spots face down and fill the markets with cards face up. The money is placed so that everyone can reach it, feel free to make more piles.
Each player now gets:
A restaurant (several can be given so the player has something to choose from), a wheel, a cost guide, a random basic recipe and a random gourmet recipe that all players should be able to see at all times, the player can only have one of each at a time. Give the player an action card, an ingredient from each of the 5 markets (mystery market excluded), if the ingredients match any of your recipes, it is placed on top of the recipe card to show that you are in the process of making this dish. The rest of the ingredients are put under your restaurant. Give each player a randomly selected chef. Finally, each player introduces his restaurant and chef.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
In this game, there is no player turn, instead the turns take place simultaneously and are divided into 3 phases, Money and Move, Buy and Barter and Cook and Counter.
The 3 phases are briefly explained below.
Money and Move - In this phase, each player basically takes $ 300 (this amount can be increased by purchases during the game). The player then takes his wheel and selects a destination to go to. You can only visit one place a day. When everyone is ready, the wheels are shown, and the players simultaneously place their figure on the ingredient they want. If multiple players are on the same ingredient a bidding war starts. However, this does not happen when placing a figure on the Island.
Some chefs may have special abilities during this phase.
Buy and Barter When the first phase is over, the clock starts at 1 minute, and then you have to buy and shop.
The player may only buy from the market where he is standing, but may buy everything he wants.
You can trade with everything - Money, ingredients, action cards, garbage, recipes, upgrades and services. However, there are a few simple rules that must be taken in to account. Players must always have at least one basic and one gourmet recipe. A player may not have more than one upgrade of the same kind. (but may buy for others)
When the time is up, the player figures are moved back to the restaurants. If a trade has already been paid or agreed, it must be completed.
Cook and Counter – I denne fase, som ikke er tidsbegrænset, er det tid til at bruge dine ingredienser til at lave dine opskrifter. Vælg en opskrift, og lad en anden spiller dobbelttjekke at du har de rigtige ingredienser. Herefter får du popularitet svarende til antallet af på din opskrift. Hvis du havde affald i din restaurant, trækkes det fra dine samlede , hvis din restaurant svarede til din opskrift (Koreansk opskrift i Koreansk restaurant) giver det bonus.
Then the following is done:
Take waste corresponding to the icons on the dish just served. Turn it over briefly as you just made. Take a new recipe corresponding to the same level of difficulty (basic or gourmet). Use your level-up bonus. These are obtained when the player reaches 3, 7 or 12 likes.
Put new ingredients on every market.
Continue until a player reaches 20 likes.
Below the upgrades you can acquire during the game are briefly described.
Basic recipe book: After making a basic dish, draw 4 new recipes from the basic recipes. Choose one and put the 3 others back at the bottom of the pile.
Gourmet recipe book: After making a gourmet dish, draw 4 new recipes from the gourmet recipes. Choose one and put the 3 others back at the bottom of the pile.
Double hob: Allows you to make both a basic and a gourmet recipe on the same day. (usually only 1 dish per day)
Social media advertising: Reach out to new customers and increase your daily earnings by $ 100.
Celebrity Approval: Add some star dust to your restaurant and get new customers. Increase your daily earnings by $ 200.
This was a short summary of the game Rival Restaurants and its rules. Let the best restaurant win!
There will be an expansion for this game, which will, if all goes well, be delivered in January 2021, if you have backed it on Kickstarter.
The rules downbelow are in English, but the game can be bought with rules in Danish.
Regler – Rival Restaurants
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Rival Restaurants
Disclaimer: The graphics have been borrowed from the rulebook. Their website can be found here Website
You can find the price of game here Crowdox Rival Restaurants (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Roam
In the game Roam, you're trying to help the survivors by rescuing them. They are afflicted with an unexplained disease that has spread and made everyone on Arzium sick. It has caused them to wander around for hundreds of miles in a kind of trance due to dizziness.
It's your job to look for them and wake them up from their trance, and recruit them to help you find all the other lost souls.
A game where the rules are not particularly difficult. However, there may be tactical challenges, and strategies that make this game easy to learn and difficult to master.
Even though you have to help the lost souls, you are still fighting against each other to become the one who saves the most. Do you have what it takes to win the game Roam?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player gets a set of 3 cards of their chosen color as well as the markers of the same colors.
Shuffle all the mapcards and place them in a pile landside up.
Træk 6 kort og læg dem i 3×2 på midten af bordet. Dette er landkortet. Læg dem så deres sider er helt tæt. Papirrullen med tal og figuren skal være yderst på alle kort.
Each player places their 3 starting cards along one side of the map. All figures must be placed exactly as they are depicted on the cards in that direction.
Select a startingplayer. The game continues in clockwise order. Players two and three get 1 coin to start with, while the fourth player gets 2 coins.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a turn, a player can use one of the cards in front of the player. For a start, therefore, only 3. When a figure is placed and a card is used, it is turned over to indicate that it has been used.
It is not allowed to place a marker where there is already a marker. It is allowed to leave the "blank" squares on the cards, outside the map. A figure must be placed as it is depicted. It can not be rotated.
If a marker is placed on a square with a coin, the player must take the corresponding number of coins.
The player may pay 2 coins to place a marker in the "blank" field.
If a card is completely full, ie with 6 markers on the card, the player with the most markers on the card, gets the card. Other players with a marker on the card get 1 coin. If several have the same number of markers on the card, the card must auctioned and the players can bid only once. You can not bid more coins than you have, and you can bid 0. The winner pays the money back to the bank.
If a player at the start of a turn does not have any cards face up, the cards are turned over for free and the player then draw. If a player instead wants to turn over the cards, either because the player does not want to play one of the remaining or can not, it costs 1 coin per card that is still face up. All the cards have to be flipped so you can not just choose.
The game ends when the first player receives 10 cards in total. When this happens, the round is completed so that all players have had the same number of turns. The player with the most points wins. In the event of a tie, the number of coins is the decider. If it is still a draw, the victory is shared.
In addition to the above, you can add artifacts to the game, which provide a little extra abilities that you can use during your turn. Such as. allow to place a "blank" without payment. Move another player's marker. Flip a card. Rotate your figure before placing it, etc.
There is also an extension to the game called Gem Maps, which we have not yet played with.
This was a short summary of Roam and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Roam
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Roam
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Robinson Crusoe: Escape from Despair Island

25-60 min.
Review of Robinson Crusoe: Escape from Despair Island
We yet again got to try Robinson Crusoe: Escape from Despair Island again from Old Novel Games. A quick, easy little game where you're trying to get away from the island or at least meeting the criteria to get away. There are a few different ways to meet these criteria, but beware, you are not alone on the island and dangers lurk in the distance.
Are you able to, without running out of food, gather the necessary things to escape from the island?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
To begin with, the large stack of cards is shuffled and 5 cards are dealt to each face down. All the cards have two functions - with the back side up, they are food, and remain food. - With the face up, the cards are what is written on them.
Once everyone has received 5 cards, a starting player is selected.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The starting player must now go exploring, by "paying" a food card to the discard pile, after which he or she must draw cards from the stack. Up to 10 cards may be drawn - but if two danger cards are drawn, one's turn ends.
The player may at any time choose one of the drawn cards as long as the requirements are met. Some do not have requirements, while other cards have requirements for what you must have in your camp to pick this card.
In the middle with red, are the conditions that must be met before you can pick a specific card. Some cards can also be purchased with food cards. Some cards have no requirements. These are, for example, resources such as wood, weapons, food, etc.
If the player picks a card, the player's turn ends, and the turn now moves on to the market phase, where the other players are allowed to buy one of the cards that the player has drawn. The price on the card is shown in the top right corner. The first number is the price to be paid to the active player in the form of food, while the second number is the price to be paid to the discard pile, also with food. Players may buy until there are no more cards.
After the market phase, the turn goes on to the next player who pays for a food card and goes exploring. Then the tour continues exactly as the first player.
On a card there is a lot of information, we have briefly been talking about the middle and top right corner. In the left corner is an icon that shows which category the card belongs to. In the middle is of course the name of the card as well as a category.
The category here can be contruction, resource, harvesting, special, threat, character, growth, victory and event.
• Construction - Is a construction, ie a cabin, a boat, a basket, etc. You must meet the conditions to be able to build it.
• Resources - There are both resources that do not have conditions and resources where you e.g. must use a basket.
• Harvesting - The same goes for harvesting.
• Special - Are cards that give you special abilities.
• Threat - Is a danger card where you by meeting the conditions can manage the danger, and thereby get the reward at the bottom of the card.
• Character - Are character cards that have different abilities. A character can evolve and become stronger. The strongest character has a star icon in the upper left corner.
• Growth - Are cards that allow you to develop and become wiser, etc. Which can ultimately help you on your way away.
• Victory - Are cards that can give you the victory if you meet the conditions. There are different ways to win.
• Event - Are cards to be played as soon as they are drawn by the active player.
All the cards also have a description at the bottom which tells you what the card does. Some cards can give you two things and some cards you have to choose between one or the other.
Some cards also have victory points, shown by the star and the digit under the name.
The winner is of course the one who gets a victory card, and at the same time fulfills the conditions for this.
Should it happen that a player runs out of food, the cards in their camp can be used to pay with, but when there are no more things in the camp, the person has starved to death and then the player must leave the game.
You are able to win in 3 different ways.
• The bonfire victory route either with the Man of God character or with a camp of 18 victory points.
• Escape from the island victory route with either the Teacher character or with camp at 18 victory points.
• Victory point strategy by having the Wise Man character plus 25/20/17 victory points at 4/3/2 players.
You can get the attention from a lifeboat, but you would have to have Man of God OR build a camp with 18 victory points and find wood and gunpowder to build a campfire.
You can try to go for building a boat, but you have to find Friday and teach him to help you.
Finally, you can pray and read to become a Wise Man and build up your victory points to win against the other players.
The game ends in one of the following situations:
• When the deck has been played through twice, in which case the player with the most victory points wins.
• When a player draws a card and meets the conditions for one of the three winning cards.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Robinsone Crusoe: Escape from Despair Island
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images and gifs borrowed from the publisher's kickstarter page, where you can also find more. See Kickstarterpage
I can't find a website you can buy it from, but you can catch them on their Facebookpage here: Facebookpage

Roland Wright

Review of Roland Wright
In Roland Wright, you take on the role of a game designer obsessed with creating the perfect dice game. Using dice rolls, collect different colors that you will need to make different patterns with. You need the patterns to fill in your grid. The game ends when the first player has filled his entire grid.
Do you have what it takes to collect the right colors and make patterns that give you the most points in the end?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
In the middle the common game board is placed, on which the green cards, blue cards and purple cards (they must be shuffled separately) are placed.
The yellow cards are shuffled and also placed at the center. Shuffle the pink cards and draw 3, which are placed under the three piles. These are common goal cards, which are opportunities for points for all players. The rest of the pinks are put back in the box.
Hver spiller får en spillerplade og vælger enten den ene side med 6×6 for et kortere spil eller den anden side med 7×7 for et længere spil. Hver spiller får en tusch.
Each player draws 3 green cards and 3 blue cards, and chooses 1 of each to keep. The rest is placed in a discard pile above the respective piles.
A starting player is selected and you can now start playing.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A turn takes place by the active player rolling dice, thus dividing the dice by color. Then the active player takes one of the groups. A group can be 3 identical colors at most.
The remaining groups are the options of the other players.
The active player uses the groups of the selected color and can color on his player board. The cards that the player has previously drawn are patterns that must be completed to give points. Fewer or none at all may be colored if desired. Never color a place that's already colored.
The other players are free to choose from the remaining groups, and several players are welcome to use the same group.
Once all players have colored on their player board, the turn moves on to the next player.
There are special cards and special actions that can be used during the game, such as to be allowed to change a color, to be allowed to remove a color on the player board against coloring somewhere else, etc.
Scoring all takes place at the end, where points are counted according to the number of completed patterns and common goal cards.
This was a short summary of the game Roland Wright and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Roland Wright
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Roland Wright
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
The game is not on Bræ, but is available on a few different danish webshops: Google-search Roland Wright

Sailing Toward Osiris

Review of Sailing Toward Osiris
Pharaoh has passed away and his funeral barge is sailing slowly down the Nile towards his tomb, where his spirit will stand before Osiris' judgment.
Since Pharaoh had no offspring, tradition claims that the country's governors will be tasked with building monuments in honor of Pharaoh, so Osiris will favor his spirit in the afterlife. Pharaoh's successors will be the governor who builds the greatest tribute to the deceased king.
In Sailing Toward Osiris, your task is to gather various resources, trade in the market, hire workers and build monuments, but time is running out the game ends when Pharaoh's funeral barge reaches the tomb.
Do you have what it takes to build enough monuments to be chosen as Pharaoh's successor?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Depending on the number of players, resources and workers corresponding to the following are taken:
2 players - 15 of each resource, 3 of each worker and 1 of each master worker
3 players - 20 of each resource, 4 of each worker and 1 of each master worker
4 players - 25 of each resource, 4 of each worker and 1 of each master worker
5 players - 30 of each resource, 4 of each worker and 1 of each master worker
Each player gets:
1 screen, 4 obelisks, 3 sphinxes, 2 pylons, 1 withdraw token, 5 cards in a chosen color and 2 grains, 2 bricks and 2 stones.
A scoring marker from each player is placed on the scoring tracker.
City cards are shuffled and each player is dealt one card.
Pharaoh's funeral barge is placed on the far right section of the game board, on the marks separating the first two segments.
A player is chosen at random to be the starting player.
Ved både 2-spillere og 3-spillere versionen, skal man placere en ubrugt farve monumenter på ankh og skarabæ.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Spillet foregår over fire “sæsoner”, hvor Faraos begravelsespram indikerer spillets fremskridt. Hver sæson begynder, efter at spillerne har trukket arbejdere fra en fælles pose.
Hver spiller tager en række af en-handlings-ture fra en liste med 10 mulige handlinger:
1. Use a worker to harvest resources
2. Use a worker in a city to get cards
3. Use a worker at the caravan as a leader or follower
4. Hire an extra worker
5. Trade in the market
6. Plan a monument
7. Build a monument
8. Play a city card
9. Play a blessing card
10. Withdraw from further actions
Below is a brief summary of the four phases of each season. A season ends when the fourth phase is over.
Phase 1 – The active player makes sure that all worker markers are in the bag and then draws a number of markers corresponding to the specified. Then pass the bag on to the next player who does the same. Once all players have drawn, the active player gets the bag back and pulls markers so that there are only 2 left in the bag. The ones drawn are the labor pool. The active player may look at the two remaining in the bag, to get some insider knowledge.
2 players – 3 each, 4 in worker pool, 2 left in the bag
3 players – 3 each, 4 in worker pool, 2 left in the bag
4 players – 2 each, 5 in worker pool, 2 left in the bag
5 players – 2 each, 3 in worker pool, 2 left in the bag
Phase 2 – The active player selects one of the ten actions written previously. Once the active player has made his action, the turn moves on to the next player. This continues until all players have withdrawn.
Phase 3 – Players may barter and trade throughout the game without this meaning using an action. Future actions and promises can not be traded.
Phase 4 – The following 7 actions are performed, to get ready for next season. This therefore only happens in the first 3 seasons of the game.
1. Move Pharaos funeral barge one segment forward
2. Return all the players' camels
3. Put all resources from the market and the labor pool back
4. The bonus that the first player who withdrew first is covered by a marker
5. Alle arbejdere lægges tilbage i posen, også arbejdere som er i arbejderpuljen og bag spillernes skærme. Man kan IKKE overføre arbejdere til næste sæson.
6. Remove scheduled but incomplete monuments from the game (unless a player has used the Horus card)
7. Remove used cards from the game
Now you’re ready for a new season. The player who withdrew first is the active player next season.
If you have played 3 seasons, you move on to phase 5, which is the bonus scoring phase.
Score 2 points for each set of 3 monuments, which are built next to each other.
Score 3 points for each set of 4 monuments that are on the same river segment.
Each monument in a set must be unique and cannot be used to score multiple times for the same bonus.
When all players have counted their points, the winner is the one with the most points. If it ends in a draw, it is the player with the most resources left who is the new Pharaoh. If it’s still a tie, the title is divided in two and one becomes Pharaoh of the upper kingdom while the other becomes Pharaoh is the lower kingdom.
This was a short summary of the game Sailing Toward Osiris and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Sailing Toward Osiris
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Sailing Toward Osiris
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Stone Age

Review of Stone Age
In Stone Age you fight to achieve greatness for your clan, you must gather resources to build houses and buildings, collect food for your people, expand your clan and much more.
Do you have what it takes to end up with the most points and thereby win the Stone Age?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The resources are placed in their respective places, food, wood, bricks, stones and gold. While tools are placed in two piles sorted by 1/2 and 3/4. The buildings are placed in their places at the bottom of the game board. As many stacks are placed as there are players. Then turn the top piece over.
The civilization cards are shuffled and 4 cards are drawn and placed face up in their 4 slots.
Each player receives a set of colored meeples and a pair of cubes, the cubes are placed at 0 on the point tracker and 0 on the agriculture tracker. In addition, each player also gets their own game board, on which the player places 5 meeples, 12 food.
The youngest player starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Each round is divided into 3 phases
1. One by one, the players place their meeples on the game board.
2. The players take the actions where the meeples are placed.
3. The players feed their people
Only one meeple can be placed in each circle, and there can be a maximum of 7 meeples at each resource, with food it is unlimited. At the hut, two meeples must be placed, which will have a child.
Since players may have different numbers of meeples, it happens that some players finish placing before others. When all actions (2.) are completed, the player gets all meeples back.
Tools: Here the player gets a tool that can be used to add +1 value to a dice roll. Only when the player has 3 tools of value 1, he can get tools with value 2. Each tool can only be used once per round.
Hut: Here 2 meeples, gets a child and thus an extra meeple.
Field: Here the player can get 1 up on his agriculture tracker that gives points in the end.
For each resource, the dice must be rolled to determine the amount of resources the player may receive. For each figure you have placed on the selected resource, you must take a dice.
For food divide by 2. For wood divide by 3. For clay divide by 4. For stone divide by 5. For gold divide by 6. Rounded down.
For the civilization cards and buildings, one must use resources to take. On building cards are printed which resources are to be used, whereas the civilization cards are optional between 1 and 4 resources. The civilization cards have actions to perform. It could, for example be, take a card, rolling dice to get gold, etc.
When all actions are performed by all players, the player must feed their people.
Each meeples needs 1 food. For each point the player has on the agriculture tracker, the player gets 1 food and then pays for food corresponding to the number of meeples that the player has available.
If the player does not have enough food, you can pay with resources equivalent to 1 food. If the player still can not feed, it costs 10 points.
Then a new round begins, where new civilization cards are placed, buildings are turned over, and so on.
The game ends when one of 2 situations occurs. Either that there are not enough civilization cards to fill all 4 places or that at least one of the building piles is empty.
This was a short summary of Stone Age and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in Danish, these are in English but with good pictures.
Regler – Stone Age
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Stone Age
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook.
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Streets
In Streets you need to build different buildings on a street, and then take ownership of those buildings. When a street is closed at both ends, points are scored for the street. Point will be in the form of money. The game ends when all buildings are located. The winner is the one with the most money in the end.
Do you have what it takes to make the most money and win Streets?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The pile of buildings is regulated to suit the number of players. Then each player gets a color, as well as 5 building cards from the deck.
The player with the most hipster build starts. That is, the one with the most yellow icons.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a turn, the player must place a building so that it continues down a street. Then place an ownership token on the building and draw a new piece.
On the piece are also placed colored men corresponding to the number of icons on the building. These men must lie down.
If a piece is placed so that it closes a street completely at both ends, the buildings of the street must be scored.
En bygning scores ved at kigge på kortets scoringsbetingelser i øverste højre hjørne. Her kan f.eks. stå, at bygningen scorer 2 mønter for hvert grønt ikon på gaden. Alle ikonerne på bygninger på gaden tælles med – men også de to bygninger, der lukker gaden tælles med, hvis disse bygningers ikoner peger ned på den nu lukkede gade. Herefter får alle spillere point for deres bygninger som de ejer, og ejerskabrikkerne får spillerne tilbage.
Extra points are also scored for men who are on the card. Each man gives $ 1 extra. The player closing the street must then move the men from the closed buildings of the street to new buildings of the player's choice. If there are no other buildings with the same colored icons, the men simply need to stand upright to show that they are ready to go to a new building of that color when one is built.
There are different options for scoring points, but common to them is that they are in the top right corner.
There are some expansion packs that add extra dimensions to the game, such as more scoring opportunities.
There is also an option to play a solo version.
This was a short summary of Streets and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Streets
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Streets
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook.
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Tasty Humans

30-60 min.
Review of Tasty Humans
We got to try Tasty Humans for the first time when we got it on the table one Saturday afternoon in the orangery.
The game is designed by Ryan Langewisch and Petr Semenikhin.
In the game, players will take the role of a very hungry monster trying to fill his stomach with body parts from various travelers trying to save the king. For every traveler you will be filled with, you get different body parts down in the stomach, but be careful, if you eat certain travelers you will also get damage down in the stomach and then there is less space for the body parts. Each round you also eat a king, which gives opportunities to score points at the end.
Let the hungriest monster win!
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Det hele foregår ved at der ligger et 3×3 felt af rejsende, som man efter tur vælger at spise.
– Vælges en figur 2 vandret eller lodret fra en bueskytte (Archer) tager man skade per bueskytte der kan ramme den valgte figur.
– Vælger man en figur ved siden af en sværdmand (Swordsman), tager man også skade for alle sværdmændene ved siden af.
– Spiser man en Kaptajn (Captain) fjernes de to andre kort i rækken eller kolonnen afhængigt af hvilken vej pilen på hans banner viser.
– Spiser man en Troldmand (Wizard) kan man få lov at flytte rundt på to kropsdele nede i maven.
– Spiser man en præst (Cleric) kan man fjerne en skade fra maven.
– Spiser man en der giver skade, skal skaden ned i maven først.
When you eat one, you are allowed to take the corresponding body parts which are on the card. They should fall from the top to the bottom of the stomach. You can rotate the figure as you wish, but do not change the position of the body parts. The body parts always fall down as far as possible. (Tetris)
Player one chooses first and last, which should be understood as 1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1 in a game with 4 players. After player one has taken card number two, it is decided who has the most royal crowns. The player with the most royal crowns is allowed to choose the King tile first. The king tile are on the light blue plate. Depending on the number of players, there are either 4 or 3 stacks, one of which is face up below. Here, the player with the most royal crowns is allowed to choose first. The king tile are different ways to get points. Once the player has chosen a king tile, it is taken to his monster and the previous king piece goes down into the stomach just like the body parts. The leader tile which is not taken must be put back in the box. After that a new stack will be placed face up.
Player two is now the starting player and it's all done again.
When all the leader stacks are out or a player gets his stomach filled up, the game ends when the round is over.
The monster's stomach is different in size depending on the number of players. There is a monster on each side of the board, so a total of eight different monsters. Each monster has ways to get points that are different from monster to monster.
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Tasty Humans
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's kickstarter page, where you can also find more. Their kickstarter page can be found here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here Pangea Games, som er udgiverens egen hjemmeside. (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

The Great Race

Review of The Great Race
In the game The Great Race, you take on the role of a nation that must try to get through the continent first, which is either Africa or South America. You have to drive your halftrack vehicle through mountains, desert and other unknown landscape in a race to get from one end to the other first.
During the game you will need gasoline, mechanics, money and more to help you along the way. You need to plan and make a strategy that can help you the right way. However, you can never be completely sure what you will find on your way. You can not be sure that the other players will not try to prevent you from being first.
A fun game that can be played by up to 5 players if you have the expansion. It can also be played solo. There are a lot of extensions to the game, which gives the game a little extra.
There is a lot to think about when it comes to which path is the most effective. Is it worth taking the difficult road, or should you focus on taking the easy road, which is also the longest? Do you dare to bet and drive out into the unknown, or would you rather be safe and make sure you know the terrain before driving?
Do you have what it takes to get through the landscape first and win The Great Race?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
For a standard game without expansions, the setup below will apply.
Give each player a set of game pieces and vehicle of the same color that represent a nation. If you play without a certain extension, it does not matter who you are. Players also get a dashboard. All meters must be set to max.
Choose either Africa or South America and the corresponding round landscape pieces that are placed in a bag.
The starting player and the other players are awarded 80 francs, with the exception of the last player who receive 70 francs. The starting player is the one who has most recently traveled in the choosen continent. The players put his car in the purple city. Place a round marker on top of the game board to keep track of the turn order.
The round terrain pieces are placed in the bag. The cards are shuffled and placed in a pile on the marked places on the game board.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Bivouac phase – With the last player first, resource cards are drawn. The last player to draw cards gets the remaining ones.
Planning phase – Hidden behind their screens, players place their assistant meeple on their dashboard.
Convoy phase – Players use their resource cards and their assistant's abilities to move forward on the map.
When it's the player's turn, he / she can do the following three things:
Buy fuel
Play one or more resource cards
Play one assistant
And after that, it's the next player's turn.
Maintenance phase – The resource cards are placed on the table again. Depending on the players' location on the card, they will be awarded a certain amount of money. The one who is furthest gets 20 francs, the player who is number 2 gets 10 francs. However, this does not apply in a 2-player game where number 2 does not get anything.
Bivouac phase
Place as many cards as there are players plus an extra card. With the last player first, cards are drawn. When all the players have drawn a card, the last player in the order of the turn gets the last card. You can only have as many cards as shown on the fuel gauge. If you have more, you must discard cards.
Planning phase
Each player has 5 assistants. These are placed on the players' dashboards. Here, depending on the location, they will give the players different things. Several assistants can be placed at the same area. They are played one by one, with the exception of the funding area.
The top left shows how many fields your vehicle may move on the map.
The top right shows how many resource cards the player can have on hand.
In the middle is the money field that shows how much money you can get. You get money corresponding to the next "open" field. 5 assistants here give 110 francs.
At the bottom left we have the number of fuel cans. Fuel must be used to move the vehicle.
The square on the far left is the exploration field. Here the assistant can be allowed to see two landscape tiles or draw an extra resource card.
The middle square is the mechanic / drivingfield. Here you can either repair your vehicle or drive on the map.
The square furthest to the right is the security / remove tile-field. If you have an assistant here, it can handle any danger one might encounter on one's way. It can also be used to remove a landscape tile.
Convoy phase
In turn, the player must do the following in chronological order:
(Optional) Buy as much gasoline as desired.
(Optional) Play as many resource cards as desired. Cards can only be played as long as you have at least one active assistant.
(Mandatory) Play an assistant or all assistants who are in the funding field.
(Mandatory) Skip your turn if all your assistants are used or you do not want to use the rest. Assistants in the security field can be used in another player's turn.
When a player moves his vehicle, he moves his marker on the progress tracker. If the player lands on top of another player's marker, the one who came last is at the top.
Once a player has played an assistant, and performed the actions, it is the last move in the player's turn. Then the turn moves on to the next player. When all players have used all their assistants, or passed, the round ends.
Maintenance phase
The map is divided into different lanes represented by the progress tracker. Players move, as described earlier, their marker once they have moved their vehicle. The position of the marker on the tracker indicates the order in which the players must appear at the top of the map. The player at the front gets the first place placement, etc. The placement also has an effect on the bonus money given to the starting player.
During the game you will encounter the consideration of whether to try to take the direct path down through the dangerous zone. This always costs extra fuel, but the road is shorter. Or if you want to take the longer road, around the dangerous zone.
There will also be considerations as to whether you dare drive out into unfamiliar terrain or you will make sure you could pass the landscape.
You will want to consider whether you should go into the cities and make a stop. This will cost 1 fuel, but in the cities you will be able to get at least one resource card and sometimes two. In the city, it will also be cheaper to refuel and cheaper to repair your vehicle.
The game ends when the first player ends up in the last city. The first player cannot be hit by some card abilities. The other players end their planned moves. Once all players have used their moves, the winner is found. If there is only one player in the last city, it is the winner. If there are more, points must be counted. The player who comes first gets the most points for coming first, but if the player comes in with a very damaged vehicle, it can ultimately cost the victory.
The game comes with a lot of expansions:
Paddock – Here you have the opportunity to buy for improvements to your vehicle.
Saison – With this extension you add weather elements to the game. These can affect the vehicles' journey through the landscape.
La Postale – This extension adds the ability to deliver packages between different cities.
Diplomacy – With influence, you have the opportunity to influence the race towards victory.
Patronage – An expansion that adds a whole new team - Switzerland - This team special abilities.
In addition to these extensions, you can also get a 5-player extension (it is included when you buy the game from us) - This extension also adds the possibility of solo play.
This was a short summary of the game The Great Race and a little about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – The Great Race
There are also YouTube-videos which go through the game. One of them can be found here.
YouTube – LudoChrono – The Great Race
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – The Great Race
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game in our shop. Read more about the game here.
PapanGames – The Great Race

The Island of El Dorado

25-80 min.
Review of The Island of El Dorado
We got to try The Island of El Dorado.
In the game, you take on the role of an explorer who must discover the Island of El Dorado.
On the island you have to find the 4 temples and control them to win.
The game is a bit like Settlers (Catan), in terms of the hexagonal squares and resources. Using dice, players must move around the island, discover new tiles, get resource cards and go to war with each other.
Will you be the first to control all 4 temples and win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Players choose a character, randomly if desired. Then take the corresponding figures in that color, and place his explorer figure on a tile that has been drawn and which is the starting tile.
The tiles with The Cave on the back, are put to the side, and the cave temple is mixed in the lower part of this stack. The El Dorado tiles are mixed, and put in a stack so everyone can reach.
Each player gets 1 wood, 1 gold and 1 food card.
The player who rolls the highest die starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
1) A player's turn starts with the person rolling the two gold dice. Now the player must select one die as a "draw card" die and the other as a "move die". For example 4 and 3 are rolled, now the player can choose whether to draw 3 or 4 cards, or whether to move 3 or 4 steps.
2) The player now draws the number of cards he can. The player can draw cards in the color corresponding to the tile in which he / she stands with the explorer figure or where there is a villager AND an adjacent farm.
3) After the player has been dealt cards, the player can now move his explorer figure, with a maximum of the number of steps selected by the dice roll.
The player can move and discover a new tile, but that tile must border on two other tiles (with the exception of the second tile in the game). If water or a temple is flipped, you will have to stay on the tile you're already on.
In this phase it is also possible to build buildings (a farm or fort) and villagers. The buildings can only be built if there is free space and must be built at an intersection where the explorer stands. A villager can only be "born" in a tiles has a building nearby.
A fort gives one extra strength when there is war on a tile bordering the fort.
A farm allows to choose the adjacent resources if there is also a villager on the tile.
A villager, in addition to the above, can be used to be in an army. And counts as one strength.
If a player wants to pass another player's figure on a tile, he must fight.
Before a battle, both players have the opportunity to move their villagers with one gold per tile, starting with the attacking player.
Each player now counts the number of strengths, corresponding to the number of dice. A villager counts as 1 strength, the explorer counts as 1 strength and a fort counts as 1 strength if it borders the battlefield. A farm does not count anything unless it is the one that is being attacked, then it counts as 1 strength.
The loser of the battle, loses half of their cards which the winner will get. The loser also loses his fort and any villagers (which, however, can be bought again).
If an explorer figure was in the battle, the winner keeps the figure, until just before the loser's turn. Here, the figure is placed on an empty tile adjacent to a temple controlled by the loser. If this is not possible, every other non-occupied tile will do.
You control the temples by making a sacrifice to them. This is done by an explorer standing in a tile next to the temple, and paying a sacrifice, which is put on the temple.
At any time you can exchange cards with each other, or 5 to 1 from the bank.
You can ONLY have 9 cards in your hand when your turn is over. If you end up with more, you must discard excess cards. A players turn ends when he has moved his figure and either battled, built buildings or villagers.
The explorers have different abilities. Some can move one more tile, some have plus one strength, and so on.
This was a short summary about the game The Island of El Dorado, which also has expansion called The Thieves, which we have not played this time.
Should you want to read more, you can find a link to the rules here.
Regler – The Island of El Dorado
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – The Island of El Dorado
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images and gifs are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

The Isle of Cats

60-90 min.
Review af The Isle of Cats
We once again had Isle of Cats on the table. We played 4 players, 2 of them for the first time. All four of us thought it was fun. Although there are not many opportunities to interact with other players, apart from rescuing cats that may needed by others, but on the other hand, it might not make sense, in one's own ship.
In Isle of Cats, you're going to be rescuing cats, by taking them to your ship. The cats are rescued by luring them into a basket of fish. Once you have rescued a cat, place it in your boat. The cats have different shapes, so you have to think creatively and tetris-like to get the whole ship filled. However, it is not always an advantage to fill the ship completely with cats, it all depends on your mission cards.
Isle of Cats is played over five rounds, with each round having different phases.
Are you the best at rescuing cats?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
First just briefly about setup.
Each player gets a boat, with the red side up and a permanent basket. (The green side is for the family version of the game)
Each player chooses a single cat, which is placed on the island, the starting player must be at the top and below that, the cats corresponding to the players clockwise. The ship is also placed on the island's field number 5, which indicates the number of rounds. Under the island the ordinary treasures (copper-colored) are placed, all depending on the number of players.
2 players: 5 of each
3 players: 8 of each
4 players: 11 of each
5 players: 12 of each
6 players: 15 of each
Underneath the treasures Oshax cats are placed. These are cats that can be any color. They are white with stripes. When you are allowed to take such a cat, you have to choose what color it has to be for the rest of the game.
2-4 players: 6 Oshax cats
5-6 players: 8 Oshax cats
The rest of the Oshax cats needs to be put in the bag. As well as the colored cats and the rare treasures, which also goes in the bag.
150 cards are selected based on the many cards which are included. In games with 2-4 players you have to choose 3 sets of lesson cards, while in games with 5-6 players you have to choose 5 sets. There are the following sets to choose from:
Module A cards #127 – 134
Module B cards #135 -142
Module C (public lessons) #143 – 150
Module D cards #220 – 227
Module E (public lessons) #228 – 235
Module F cards #236 – 243
Module G cards #310 – 317
Module H cards #318 – 325
In addition to the above sets, always choose the 14 basic lesson cards (# 113-126), all Oshax, Rescue, Treasure and Anytime cards.
(If you have the Kickstarter version, you can also choose these cards)
There are four types of cards.
Rescue card (green):
Baskets and boots are used to rescue the cats and to determine the order of the round.
Lesson card (blue):
Can be described as a mission card, ie scoring opportunities. There are both private and public mission cards.
Rare finds and Oshax cards (yellow and brown):
Allows to take treasures or Oshax cats
Anytime card (purple):
Gives players the opportunity to various features, such as take extra fish, take extra cards, etc.
You are now ready to play.
Når man har valgt hvilke kort spillet skal have forløber en runde på følgende måde.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Phase 1:
A round starts with each player getting 20 fish, which is the game's money.
Phase 2:
Each player is then dealt 7 cards, which must be selected in a 'draw and pass' mechanism. 7 cards are dealt to each player, who chooses two and passes on the rest. This is done until everyone has received 7 cards. Of these 7 cards, the player can buy the cards at its value in the top left corner. Payment is made by paying for the card with fish. You do not have to buy all the cards.
Phase 3:
Lesson cards are added to the side of the boat if they are private. If they are public, they are read aloud and placed so that everyone can see.
Phase 4:
Players choose which rescue cards to use. You do not have to choose any, but if you don't you're not allowed to save cats either. Once everyone has chosen, they are turned over and the player who is fastest is allowed to be first in the order on the island. The slowest is last. If you're equal, the cats remain in the same order as they were. The number of shoes determines the speed.
Cats are pulled from the bag, which are placed to the left and to the right of the island. Twice as many cats are drawn to each side as there are players. In a 4-player game, therefore, there will be 8 cats on each side. If Oshax or Treasures are drawn, they are placed underneath the island, like the others.
The cats to the left of the island cost 3 fish, while the cats to the right cost 5 fish.
In turn, save a cat and place it on your boat. It costs fish and a basket to rescue a cat. 2 half baskets is equal to one basket. If a permanent basket is used, it is turned to the gray color. If a colored treasuremap is covered by a matching colored cat, you can pick a regular treasure. The first cat can be placed freely, but the next cat must be an extension of the first.
This continues until all the cats have been taken or all players have said pass.
Phase 5:
Yellow treasure cards or brown Oshax cards are played in turn.
If you have unplayed cards or unused fish, you can take them with you to the next round.
Clean up phase:
Once all the players have played their desired cards, clean up. Permanent baskets are flipped to the green color. All cats still at the island are put in the box and should not be used anymore. The ship advances one space.
After that you play another round again. Again with 20 fish, 7 cards, etc.
You will get points in the following way:
Cat families give: 3 cats = 8 points, 4 cats = 11 points, 5 cats = 15 points, 6 cats = 20 points. +5 points for each additional cat above 6.
3 points for every rare treasure on your boat.
Your lesson cards
Public lesson cards
Minus 1 point for each rat not covered.
Minus 5 points for each room not filled.
This was a short summary about the game and the rules of the Isle of Cats. As mentioned, there is also a family version where the rules are not complex, so it is a very child-friendly version.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Isle of Cats
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Isle of Cats
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

The Last Bottle of Rum

45-60 min.
Review of The Last Bottle of Rum
You take the role of a pirate, and it's your job to find the hidden treasures. You will find the treasures in the unknown archipelago. You can find different things in the treasure chests, you can find the legendary dodo eggs or treasure chests that are cursed.
But you are not alone. The other players are also trying to find the treasure chests. Play your cards smartly and combine your moves to overcome obstacles and keep up with your opponents. Shoot at your opponents to slow them down in their hunt for treasures. Take the chance and risk being cursed and chased by the deadly Kraken. Use your character's unique ability while least expected!
The first player exchange goods for ten points wins.
Do you have what it takes to find the most treasures and win the game?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Place the Pirates' hideout in the middle and randomly place all the hexagonal pieces around it with the face side down. Shuffle all the map cards with an X on the back, showing where the treasures are hidden and place them in a stack. Do the same with treasure cards with the bottle on the back. These cards are what you can find in the treasure chests. At the top right is what the treasure is worth when it is exchanged. At the bottom is a bonus or penalty that becomes active when the player receives the treasure. Draw 3 of the treasure cards and place them face up and 3 map cards are place face up too. For 4 or 5 players, an extra card is drawn from each stack.
Shuffle action cards and make a stack, and do the same with bounty cards.
Each player chooses a captain, each with different abilities.
Place the Loot and Curse Tracker and place the players' pieces at 0. Place the damage tokens in the bag.
When all this is done, each player draws 4 cards (5 for Humbolt). If a player draws the Kraken, they must discard it and draw a new one. The Kraken card is shuffled back into the pile.
Players place their ship in the Pirates' hideout and prepares to raise anchor!
The player with the longest beard starts (otherwise a coin is tossed)
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
At the start of your turn, you draw cards so that you have a total of 4 cards in hand (5 for Humbolt).
Then you play 2 cards at the same time. Here, either actions or effects on your cards are selected.
There are 4 different actions: sail, gain doubloon, attack or repair. You can always swap 3 unused actions with another action of your choice.
Effects on cards are purchased for doubloons, increasing the player's curse on the tracker.
The used cards are discarded to the discard pile and then it's the next player's turn.
The action allows you to move your ship to the adjacent piece. If the piece has not yet been turned, then the piece is turned and the ship is moved over. Flipping a piece with a doubloon icon gives you one. If the piece shows a reef icon, a damage token is drawn.
If on your turn you end up with a piece that matches a map card, you get the corresponding treasure. This does not count as an action. Discard the map card and turn over a new one. Your treasures can be exchanged for points in the Pirates' hideout.
Gain Doubloons
Get as many doubloons as shown on the card.
The skeleton icon gives you the ability to attack another ship, on an adjacent piece. You must use an extra icon to shoot further away. You can only attack the same player once per turn. Each attack costs one doubloon.
The player must roll the dice to find out how much damage the player must have or if he misses.
The damage tokens are placed on the player's ship. You can have several of the same damage, but the effect is only applied once. A player can only have 5 damage tokens. The pirates' hideout is a protected area.
Use the repair icon to remove a damage token. When you remove the last token of damage, you are not affected by the negative effect anymore. There are five types of damage. Torn sail, Cabin on fire, Cannons wrecked, Hole in the hull and Broken bowsprit.
The winner is the one who first gets to exchange his treasures for 10 points.
There are 2 extensions to the game that we have not yet tried. They are called Bounty Quests and Weather Events. In addition, there are special rules for 2 players.
This was a short summary of the game The Last Bottle of Rum and a little about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Rules – The Last Bottle of Rum
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – The Last Bottle of Rum
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
We are selling the game, and you can find it right here The Last Bottle of Rum – Papan Games

The Quest for El Dorado

30-60 min.
Review of The Quest for El Dorado
After not being on the the table for a long time, The Quest for El Dorado found its way to the table again.
The game is about finding your way through the jungle by fighting your way through the rainforest, crossing the desert and sailing across rivers.
The game is fairly easy and the rules ain't that difficuly. It's pretty straightforward once you get started. The hardest part of the game is finding the fastest and best route to El Dorado's treasures.
Can you choose the right strategy and be the fastest to find El Dorado and its hidden treasures?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player chooses a color and gets the 8 corresponding cards, as well as a player meeple. The player who sat down at the table first starts, and puts his game meeple on 1. The players shuffle their 8 cards, draw the top four and place the rest on the left side of their game board.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Now the player, as also described on the game board, can use cards to move with, and / or use cards to buy one card with. The 6 cards in the marketplace are the only ones you can buy to start with until there is a free space (when all kind of the same card has been bought, a spot becomes available). When a spot is available, the player is free to choose between all the cards that can be purchased. If a card is bought, the remaining two cards are moved to the marketplace, and the next player is therefore locked to 6 cards again.
The price of the various cards is at the bottom, while its strength is at the top. Gold cards are the only cards that count for the value that is on them, the other cards only count ½ coin. When you have to buy a card that costs 3, you could use 2 gold, 1 blue and 1 green to buy the card with.
This card on the right, costs 1 coin to buy, while its strength is 2. It is a scout, and its color is green which means it must be used to hack through the jungle. If you use this to buy other cards, its value is only ½ coin, as it is not gold.
Once you have bought a card, both the new card and the cards you used for payment are placed in your discard pile. If you use cards to move around with, they should be in here as well.
However, there is one exception. If the card has an X on it, it means that the card must removed from the game.
If you have excess cards left in your hand, you must decide whether you want to throw the remaining cards in the discard pile, or keep them in your hand. The last thing you do on your turn is draw cards so you have four again. If you can not draw enough cards until you have 4, you draw as many as you can, and shuffle the discard pile, and draw the rest.
If you have to cross a jungle, desert or river where more than one symbol is required, you can NOT use 2 cards with 1 symbol, but you must have at least one card with the corresponding symbols. In the following, red must therefore to get through the jungle, use cards with at least 2 symbols of per jungle, except for the first move.
If red has a card with 3 green symbols, the first field (1 symbol) and the second field (2 symbol), which totales 3 symbols, can be crossed. A card with 5 green symbols would also be able to take the red player across fields 1, 2 and 3.
At the red field, the red player had to remove a card, as in completely remove from the game.
Again by the river, red should have 3 symbols to get over the two river fields.
At the gray field, red had to hand over 3 cards to the discard pile, in order to pass that field.
It is important to know that you can NOT cross mountains, or pass fields where others are already standing.
Det var kort om reglerne for The Quest for El Dorado og lidt om reglerne.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – The Quest for El Dorado
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find more ways to set up the game and reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – The Quest for El Dorado
The game has recently been released in a new version with Danish rules and new artwork.
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook where you can also find more.
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

The Voyages of Marco Polo

40-100 min.
Review of The Voyages of Marco Polo
The first time we had to play it, it was pretty overwhelming with 13 page rules. We went through the rules carefully, just to try to figure out what it was all about. The rules are very descriptive and good. But there are many pages, so you constantly go back and look when you have the slightest doubt and you unfortunately will be in doubt. Not so much because it's complicated, more because there are many pages of text to go through. We also ended up figuring out that we had actually played it wrong. Our first game thus lasted approx. 3 hours.
All in all, a good game, with many options for the players. Since you are definitely not cut off from using various abilities, as long as you can pay to use them. There are many options for scoring points, as well as many possible strategies to choose from. For example, do you want to do the most tasks or will you try achieving your mission or putting the most trading posts. Or maybe a mix of it all. It's hard to complete it all as you play over 5 rounds and the player with the most points eventually wins.
At least we think, we should try it at least one more time where we play without mistakes.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
1. Each player is given a personal game board, 5 dice in matching color, a blue contract, an overview card, 2 random mission cards (the rest are put in a stack) and 2 camels.
Each player gets a character, if it is the first game, the rules recommend handing out four specific characters. Raschid ad-Din Sinan, Matteo Polo, Berke Khan and Mercator ex Tabriz.
2. Each player gets some coins. Depending on the position you have after the starting player, you get a number of coins. The starter gets 7 coins and the hourglass to show that he is the starter. Player number two gets 8 coins, player three gets 9 and the last player gets 10 coins.
3. Next to the game board are place the resources, coins, 5 stacks with 6 tasks each (red logo on the back) (the last 8 are placed in a stack by themselves), the 50/100 cards, the 6 remaining character cards, 2 black small tents, a figure in each color and the white die are also put next to game board.
On the big game board:
– Halvcirklerne blandes og syv af de ti lægges på de store byer med billedsiden opad, resten ryger tilbage i æsken.
– De små aflange træbrikker med A til F lægges på de respektive mindre byer, også med billedsiden opad.
– Der lægges 1 bykort på hver af byerne, der skal ligge 3 i Sumatra. 9 i alt. Resten af kortene lægges tilbage i æsken.
– De 5 sorte terninger lægges ved Bazaren.
– En mand fra hver af spillerne sættes på 1 på scoretrackeren.
– En mand fra hver af spillerne sættes på Venezia (Venedig).
– En af de 5 stakke á 6 lægges med billedsiden opad på spilbrættet nederst.
On the player's game board:
– Lægges de 9 små telte (Trading posts)
– Den blå opgave med billedsiden opad i feltet under teltene. Der er kun plads til 2 aktive opgaver af gangen.
– Når en opgave er løst, skal den lægges i ’konvolutten’ med 7 tallet på. 7-tallet betyder, at den der har flest fuldførte kontrakter når spillet er slut, får 7 point.
– De 2 kameler bør lægges i feltet for kameler.
– De 5 terninger bør lægges ved terningefeltet øverst.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The players roll their dice at the same time.
The starting player selects one or more dice and places them on the game board in the desired place.
The player performs the desired move that is allowed in that space.
The player performs "extra moves" if desired.
Next player's turn.
The game board:
In the bottom left corner is the following.
On this a player can place one die. The first player gets 2 camels plus an optional second resource.
The next die placed on this square must be equal to or higher than the previous die. (first is thus free)
Above this, the player has the opportunity to place a dice and get 5 coins. The number of the die is irrelevant in this field. It is possible for several players to be here, however, player number 2 on this field must pay coins equal to the number of eyes of the die. (so only 1 gives anything extra here)
Close to the two above, we have the marketplace with the opportunity to get resources.
Starting from the bottom, we have camels, pepper, silk and gold.
The bottom two (camels and pepper) require only one die, while silk requires two and gold requires three.
The larger the die (number of eyes) you place, the more you are allowed to choose. For silk and gold, where more than one die is required, it is the die with the lowest number of eyes that determines the options.
For example. have you placed a 4 and 6 on silk, you can freely choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 "die" for silk. Here the person is then allowed to choose 1s, 2s, 2s + 1k or 3 silk. It is possible for several players to be placed in the same spot. However, player number two must pay the number of coins the lowest die shows if he chooses to place his die in the same place as another player.
Under the market is the possibility of getting new contracts (you can only have 2 active at a time).
Here the player places a die and the number of eyes determines how many choices you have. If you have placed a 6, you can choose one or two contracts from the entire row. If you choose from number 5 or 6, you also get a little extra in the form of 1 camel or 1 coin at 5, or 2 camels or 2 coins at 6. So you can choose 2 contracts, unless you choose the number 1.
You still have to keep in mind that you can only have 2 active contracts on your own game board. If you get too many, you have to change.
Once contracts have been drawn and the player's turn is over, the rest is slided as far to the left as possible. Like elsewhere, it is possible to have more players here. You have to pay if you are not the first. You pay coins again corresponding to what the die show.
Above the contract cards we have the opportunity to travel.
Her kan spilleren sætte to terninger. Terningen med lavest antal øjne bestemmer (også her), hvilke valgmuligheder spilleren har. En 4’er og en 2’er giver dermed kun muligheden for at vælge felt 1 eller 2, mens en 6’er og en 4’er havde givet mulighederne 1, 2, 3 og 4.
In addition to paying what's on the respective fields, you sometimes have to pay extra in the form of gold or camels, depending on which route you choose on the map. Again, multiple players can also select this field, and all but the first player must pay the number of coins that the lowest die show.
When you travel to a city (big or small) you put a trading post (tent).
The first traveler to land in a big city gets the bonus that is on the semicircle. It can be 5 coins, points, resources, etc.
If you end up in a small town, you also get what is written on the small piece. All players with a trading post in town gets this, at the start of each round.
At the big city, you get the opportunity to use the card as a move, by rolling a die. One's meeple can not be placed on the roads between two cities, but only in the cities or the oasis (the small round)
When a player have placed his eight trading post, he gets 5 points. At number 9 you get 10 points. You can only have one in each city. If you put one in Beijing, you have to put it on the highest non-occupied spot. First gives 10, last gives 1. If one gets put in Beijing, it also allows to exchange 2 resources for 1 point when counting points.
It is possible to be placed several players in the same city.
In addition to the 5 possible main moves, you can make 5 other moves. You can use as many as you want out of the 5 other moves. The 5 extra moves can be made both before and after the above mentioned moves.
1. Complete a contract
– På ens spillerbræt lægger en opgave eller to, som man har muligheden for at færdiggøre. På venstre side af opgaven står hvad der skal bruge, og på højre side står hvad man får. I dette tilfælde koster kortet 2 kameler, 2 silke og 1 peber. Vedkommende får 3 mønter og fire point. Ressourcerne afleveres tilbage til banken. Opgaven lægges med bagsiden opad på ved kuverten (der hvor der står 7-tallet) på spillerbrættet.
2. Take 3 coins
– Man lægger en terning af vilkårlig værdi, og får lov til at tage 3 mønter frabanken.
3. Roll a die again
– Man betaler 1 kamel for at rulle én terning igen.
4. Change the eye of the die + - 1
– Man betaler 2 kameler for at ændre på én terning.
5. Take a black die
– Man betaler 3 kameler og tager én sort terning, som man ruller. Nu har man et ekstra ”træk”. Man kan kun købe én ekstra sort terning hver runde. Når runden er slut, skal den sorte terning tilbage.
Det var kort om spillet The Voyages of Marco Polo og lidt om reglerne
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – The Voyages of Marco Polo
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – The Voyages of Marco Polo
Disclaimer: The graphics have been borrowed from the rulebook. Their website can be found here Website
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Thieves Den

Review of Thieves Den
In Thieves Den, players are master thieves who send their hirelings into the city to steal stolen goods, then sell them to underworld merchants to boost the master thief's reputation. Some treasures can also be traded with the sorcerer Alazor, in exchange for special powers.
Do you have what it takes to collect the most treasure and gain the best reputation, thus winning the game Thieves Den?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The game board is placed on the table.
Scheme cards are shuffled and each player gets one. The rest are put back in the box.
The location cards are shuffled and placed face down in a pile next to the game board. In a two-player game, only the cards with the moon symbol are used.
The fence cards are shuffled and 6 cards are drawn and placed on the spaces on the right side of the board. The rest are placed in a pile face down. For 2 players, only cards with moon symbols are used.
Place 3 thief markers per player in the forest area, the rest of the thief markers should not be used.
Depending on the number of players, the number of stolen goods is placed.
2 players: 5 each of stolen goods, 6 thieves.
3 players: 7 each of stolen goods, 9 thieves.
4 players: 9 each of stolen goods, 12 thieves.
5 players: 11 each of stolen goods, 15 thieves.
Shuffle the ability cards and make 3 piles with 3 cards in each, place them on the board spaces and turn over the top card of each pile. Do not use the rest.
Each player gets a personal game board, a score marker in their colour and 3 thief markers. Each player places the score marker on 0 and the thief markers on the chairs on the game board.
The player who last played a thief in another game is the starting player.
This player places the directional tile on 1,3 and places it next to the game board.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game is played over 3 rounds, with 3 phases in each round.
Scouting – Collect 3 location cards
Thieving – Use your thieves or stolen goods to take actions
Cleanup – Prepare for the next round
Give each player 4 location cards face down. Then each player chooses one card and passes the rest in the direction indicated by the direction marker.
When all players have taken one card, the players show their cards simultaneously. If one of the cards has a lightning bolt symbol, its ability is activated immediately.
This continues until all players have taken 3 cards.
The players' remaining fourth card is returned to the deck of location cards.
The starting player starts by taking one of the following 6 actions.
Steal from a location, Sell stolen goods, Use an ability piece, Deliver stolen goods to the witch, Trade stolen goods or recruit a thief.
(see rules for details of the 6 actions)
The turn continues to the next players, who are selected from the direction marker.
Players continue to take actions one by one until all players have passed.
All players take the thieves on location cards that are above their personal game board, and place them on the chairs, but no more than 6. Players then take the location cards and place them to the left of their game board.
Thieves' items and thieves markers from the Fence cards above their personal game board are placed back in their piles and the cards are placed to the right of their game board.
3 new ability cards are revealed and the 3 old ones are put back in the box.
Stolen goods for the witch, items traded and items used to recruit a thief are all returned to their piles.
The player with the least prestige points gets the direction marker and is the new starting player.
After the third round is completed, the game ends and the player with the most prestige points and thus reputation is the winner of the game.
💭 My opinion 💭
A solid game that is not too difficult to play. A so-called "gateway plus". Mechanisms like drafting and worker-placement are used. There are many opportunities to score points, and this can be a bit overwhelming. On the face of it, no one path is better than another when it comes to winning.
A lightweight game played in between 30-45 minutes. A game that has variable cards, and therefore not the same things are included in each game. You can therefore play two games that are completely different. There is usually a "fight" for spots, but this does not mean that there are no other good places to put your pieces.
This was a short summary of Thieves Den and a bit about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Thieves Den
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Thieves Den
Disclaimer: You can find their Kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Tiny Epic Dinosaurs

Review af Tiny Epic Dinosaurs
In Tiny Epic Dinosaurs you have to control a dinosaur ranch and everything that goes with it. You have the opportunity to go after carnivores, herbivores and the rare dinosaurs that can be both things.
You need to place them right so they can breed and get you more dinosaurs, but remember you also need to have room for them in your enclosure otherwise they run away and can create chaos and broken enclosures.
Do you have what it takes to make the most optimal dinosaur ranch?
Et fint lille spil fra Tiny Epic-serier, der efterhånden er ret stor og der findes mange forskellige udgaver af disse “små spil”, der faktisk giver meget spil i forhold til størrelsen.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The four action cards are placed in alphabetical order, with the correct number of players symbol. There are both for 1-2, 1-3 and 3-4 players printed on them. The contract card is placed above. Public and private contract cards are then placed in their respective piles with the image side down. The piles are shuffled separately. Public contract cards are laid out to match the number of players + 1 extra.
The round card is placed to the left of the action game charger and the round marker is placed at the top.
The research card is placed under the action cards and research cards are shuffled, 3 are placed face up in a row to the right of the stack.
The dinosaurs, barriers and dice are placed so all players can reach.
Each player chooses a color and gets the corresponding pieces (4 ranchers and 1 lead ranchers), a ranch card, player card and a marker for plant, meat and supplies.
3 ranchers as well as the lead rancher are placed on the rancher area on the player card. The three markers are placed on 0. The fourth is placed on the round card.
Each player gets 2 private contract cards and keeps one while the others are shuffled into the pile of private contract cards. The card is secret.
The starting player is the player who has most recently been to a natural history museum. Otherwise, the players choose their own method. Clockwise player two gets 1 plant, player three 1 meat and player four 1 supply.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The goal of the game:
After 6 rounds, to have the most points obtained by completing contract cards (both public and private), having researched and having dinosaurs on the ranch card.
A player's turn:
Each round, players must go through 7 phases before proceeding to the next round.
The seven phases are:
Collect resources
Assign ranchers
Retrieve ranchers
Arrange ranch
Feed dinosaurs
Breed dinosaurs
Refresh for the next round
Collect resources
At the same time, all players are given resources similar to the symbols on the ranch card that are NOT covered by anything. One cannot get below 0 or above 13 of each resource.
In the first round, all collect 5 plants, 3 meats and 1 supply.
Assign ranchers
The starting player selects a rancher and places it somewhere on the action card and then the selected action is performed. If other players' ranchers (not your own) are already on a spot, one rancher more than the amount already there have to be placed. The lead rancher counts for 2.
On some spots, there is a price to be paid to apply the action of that spot. These must be paid immediately. If there is a + next to it, it means you get the thing that says.
At the free dinosaur spot, a dice must be rolled. Nothing happens at the net, at the wound ranchers and dinosaurs have to be moved to the field ‘Medical leave’ on the round card and at the egg you get an extra dinosaur. Dinosaurs you get, will be placed on the playing card 'Holding area'
The box symbol must be understood as being all resources. That is, you can choose the resource you want.
At barriers, one must move a dinosaur onto the ranch, and move barriers around.
At contract hand over the dinosaurs shown and get a card. The dinosaurs should be on the ranch and not in the holding area. A new public contract card will not be drawn. If you have completed a public contract card, you must complete your private contract card if you can.
For research, you get 1 research card from the 3 shown or draw 3 from the pile and choose one of them. The two cards you do not select are placed next to the other cards face up.
Retrieve ranchers
At the same time, all players get their ranchers back from medical leave, and also dinosaurs from here.
Arrange ranch
The design of one's farm is bounded by barriers, water and mountains. Barriers that were placed in previous rounds cannot be moved. They can only be placed at the dotted lines. All dinosaurs can be moved around as desired.
Each square can only hold one dinosaur. There can only be one dinosaur breed in each enclosure. Unique dinosaurs do not have to be in an closed enclosure.
If you cannot place a dinosaur, it will run away and you will be punished. You are only punished once per. race, even if more run away. More on that in a bit.
Feed dinosaurs
Each dinosaur must be fed with either plants or meat. You need to feed as many as you can. Those you can not feed run away and you get punished.
For herbivores, remove a barrier. Although this means that the enclosure is not closed, the dinosaurs do not run away, however, they can not breed in the next phase.
For carnivores, remove another dinosaur as well. If a carnivore eats a herbivore before it runs away, then there is no punishment for this herbivore.
Penalties only happen once per. round.
Dinosaurs that run away are placed back in their pile, with unique dinosaurs you also lose the card associated with them.
Breed dinosaurs
Are two of the same breed in the same closed enclosure they breed. The newborn is placed in an enclosure that does not need to be with the parents. If there is no space, it also runs away.
If the pile of dinosaurs has run dry, no more of this kind can be made.
Refresh for the next round
New public contracts are added, so that there are again a number of cards corresponding to the number of players +1.
All research cards are removed and 3 new ones are added.
Round markers are moved one down.
Then the game continues until round 6 is finished.
This was a short summary about the game Tiny Epic Dinosaurs and a little about the rules.
The rules below are in English.
Regler – Tiny Epic Dinosaurs
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Tiny Epic Dinosaurs
Disclaimer: Ovenstående grafik i form af billeder, er lånt fra udgiverens regelbog og Kickstarterside, hvor du også kan finde mere. Se Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


Review of Tobago
In Tobago, you take on the role of explorer, and must find the hidden treasure. During the game you will find clues that will get you closer and closer to the hidden treasure.
Do you have what it takes to find the hidden treasure before your opponents?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Game board is set up by clicking the modular game boards together. It can be set up in different ways. Then place 4 huts, 3 palm trees and 3 statues on the game board according to the following rules: Only one object in each space. Objects of the same type must be at least 4 spaces apart. Statues must not be next to the water and must point directly at a neighboring space.
The 39 treasure chest cards and 2 curse cards are shuffled. The two curse cards are shuffled into a stack of 27 treasure chest cards, while the remaining 12 treasure chest cards without curse cards are shuffled and placed on top of the other cards.
The amulets are placed in a pile. The 68 clue markers are distributed in colors.
Each player draws 1 card from the clue cards and places it under one of the piles of markers, marking the card with a compass rose. The remaining clue cards are shuffled and each player is dealt 4 cards (6 at 2 players). These are secret.
Each player gets 15 compass roses in their color, and a car. The car is placed on a space of the player's choice.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a turn, a player can make one of two moves.
– Spil et ledetrådskort – Et kort lægges til bunke med ledetrådsmarkører
– Flyt din bil – Du flytter din bil
To play a clue card
From your hand, place a card under one of the piles of clue markers. Cards are placed under the cards that are already placed there. Then a new clue card is drawn.
Each clue eliminates spaces where the treasure is not hidden.
A card that is placed must not contradict cards that are already there. A treasure can not be in the jungle and in the mountains at the same time.
Moving your car
You can move your car up to 3 moves.
The following is one move:
– At flytte bilen indenfor samme område, ligegyldigt hvor langt.
– At flytte til nyt terræn.
Finding a treasure or amulet ends one's drive.
A car can be in the same space as palm trees, huts, statues or other cars.
Finding a treasure chest
You can pick up a treasure chest if these conditions are met:
– At der kun er én markør tilbage af en farve.
– At det er din tur, og din bil kan nå eller allerede står på feltet med markøren.
A compass rose is placed under the pile, the marker on the space is removed, now the players draw treasure cards corresponding to their compass roses under the treasure chest just found. The players must look at their treasure card, and with the face down, side they are given back to the player who found the treasure. This player takes another treasure card, shuffles all the cards.
The first card is displayed and the player with the bottom compass rose, is allowed to say yes or no to the treause card. The bid then passes to the next player with a compass rose. If the person says yes, the compass rose is returned. If no one says yes to the treasure card, it will be discarded.
This is how it continues until all the treasure cards have been displayed.
If a curse card appears during this sequence, the following two things happen:
– Resten af skattekortene er ikke fordelt.
– Spillere som stadig har kompasroser i rækken, skal aflevere en amulet, hvis man har en, ellers det mest værdifulde skattekort.
The curse card and remaining treasure card are discarded.
The player who received the last treasure card must start a treasure hunt by placing a card from the hand in the now empty space.
Every time a treasure chest is found, amulets appear on the game board. An amulet is placed on the field that is closest to the water in a straight line from the statues. Then the statues are rotated so that they point towards the next space.
As previously mentioned, amulets can be picked up using the car.
An amulet can be used for 5 different things:
– Fjerne en ledetrådsmarkør fra spillepladen
– Spille et ekstra ledetrådskort
– Flytte din bil
– Beskytte dig mod forbandelse
– Bytte alle dine ledetrådskort
For experienced players, the following two can also be added:
– Få lov at placere to kompasroser, i stedet for kun én.
– Flytte på kompasroser
The game ends when there are no more treasure cards in the pile, but not before the treasures have been distributed. After they have been distributed, the game ends. The player with the most coins collected on the treasure cards is the winner.
In the rules, there are a large number of explanations for the different cards and more.
This was a short summary of the game Tobago and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in Danish, these are in English but with good pictures.
Rules – Tobago
You can play the game on Boardgamearena
Boardgamearena – Tobago
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Tobago
Disclaimer: The graphics have been borrowed from the rulebook. Their website can be found here Website
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


45 min.
Review af Tokaido
An abstract, simple, beautiful game where you have to travel in Japan, To be exact you have to travel on Tokaido, which roughly can be translated to the eastern sea route. A route that was the most important route of five routes during Japan's Edo period (1603-1868). A route that connected Kyoto to Edo, now known as Tokyo. A route of approx. 515 km.
On the trip, there were Skukubas, which were a form of government-controlled public places that travelers could stop at. These places had horse stables, accommodation as well as the opportunity to buy food. There were 53 of these on this route. This number had been chosen because when the Buddhist acolyte visited exactly 53 Buddhist saints in his search for learning.
The travelers came through many different provinces, and at many provincial borders that were ruled strictly, the travelers had to show travel documents that allowed them to continue.
However, the game is far from such a hassle, and in the game you just have to try to gather great experiences by tasting great food, taking great pictures and buying great souvenirs.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Food cards (red), Souvenir cards (brown), Encounter cards (purple) and Hot Spring cards (light blue) are all shuffled in their respective colors, and placed face up.
Panorama cards are distributed by type and placed in numerical order at the bottom.
Money is placed in a pile next to the game board.
Each player takes a color and places it on 0. Each player randomly takes 2 Traveler cards and selects one and places this in front of him. The player's colored round marker is placed in this card. Each player gets the number of coins written on the card.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player can only move forward. It is allowed to skip as many places as desired, but you can NEVER go back. The player now takes the move where he or she landed. Food Cards, Souvenir Cards, Panorma Cards, etc.
Der kan som udgangspunkt kun stå én spiller per sted, med undtagelse af steder, hvor der er to prikker – Dette er kun gældende i spil med 4 – 5 spillere.
The player who is farthest back, is the one whose turn it is. It happens that this player is the farthest back several times in a row.
By – Spilleren der kommer først, trækker 3 Souvenir-kort fra bunken og placerer dem foran sig. Han/hun må nu købe en eller flere, mod at betale prisen. Ukøbte kort placeres nederst i bunken igen. 1/3/5/7 point gives til slut, hvis man har 1/2/3/4 forskellige i ét sæt.
Farm – Ved en farm må spilleren tage 3 mønter. Der er ingen begrænsning på antallet af mønter en spiller kan have.
Varm kilde – Spilleren tager et Varm kilde-kort. Disse er 2 eller 3 sejrspoint værd.
Tempel – Spilleren donerer 1, 2 eller 3 mønter til templet, ved at placere dem på sin farve på spillepladen ved templet. Spilleren SKAL donere mindst 1 mønt, og ikke mere end 3.
Opdagelses-kort – Spilleren tager det øverste kort og følger kortets beskrivelse. Alt fra tag et ekstra kort, få mønter m.m.
Panorama – Er fordelt på enten 3, 4 eller 5 sektioner. Hvis en spiller ikke har et givent panorama endnu, skal han/hun starte med værdien 1. Dernæst 2, 3 osv. Vedkommende får straks sejrspoint svarende til denne værdi.
Kro – Kroer er specielle felter, og alle spillere SKAL stoppe ved hver kro. Her er det muligt at købe Mad-kort som koster mellem 1-3 mønter og de giver alle 6 sejrspoint. Den første spiller der kommer til en kro, trækker antal Mad-kort svarende til antallet af spillere + 1. Vedkommende må kigge på dem uden at vise dem til andre og kan derfor købe den billige. En spiller må IKKE købe den samme slags ret mere end én gang. En spiller er ikke tvunget til at købe en ret. Rækkefølgen er vigtig, da den sidst ankomne spiller får lov at rejse først ud. Ingen må rejse videre før alle er kommet til kroen.
At the end, points are scored for: Achievement Cards, Most Generous Donor to Temples, Panorama Achievement Cards and Souvenir Cards.
That was a short summary about the game Tokaido and a bit about the rules.
The rules downbelow are in English, but the game can be bought with rules in Danish.
Regler – Tokaido
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Tokaido
Disclaimer: The graphics have been borrowed from the rulebook. Their website can be found here Website
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Town Builder: Coevorden

Review of Town Builder: Coevorden
In the card game Town Builder: Coevorden, you must try to build the best town using different resources.
The special thing about this game is that the cards have several uses. They function both as buildings, resources and money.
The game ends when the deck is played through a specific number of times depending on the number of players.
The winner is the player who has managed to get the most points.
Do you have what it takes to win the game Town Builder Coevorden?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Shuffle all citycards and make a deck face down.
Turn the top 5 cards over and place them face up next to the deck. To help, the Game End card can be placed below, so you can see how far you have come.
Shuffle judgecards and draw 3 without looking.
For 2 players: Two judgecards are placed above the row of 5 cards. The last card is placed in the middle of the citycard-deck.
For 3-4 players: A judgecard is placed above the row of 5 cards. Another card in the middle of the citycard-deck and the last one at the bottom of this deck.
Shuffle the awardcards and draw two that are placed above the row of 5 cards.
Unused judgecards and awardcards are placed in decks next to each other, as they may come into play later.
Shuffle playercrestcards and give them to each player at random. The player with the starting playercard starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
On a turn you have to do 2 things.
First you have to fill up the cards so that there are 5 cards. If a judgecard is turned over, this is placed above the row and a new card is drawn.
If the deck runs out of cards, mix the used-deck and make a new deck. The game end card is rotated if this was the last round, ending the game.
Next, take two of the actions that are 1) start a foundation, 2) get a resource, 3) get a gold.
You decide the order in which you want to take the actions. You are welcome to do the same action twice.
Start a foundation
A foundation is an unbuilt building, and worth zero points and does not count in award and judgecards.
To start a foundation, take a card from the row of cards and place it sideways in front of you in your district.
If a foundation requires payment of gold, you must pay it before you can take the card. Discard gold from your warehouse. There is no limit to the number of foundations you can have.
Get a resource
Take a card from the card row and get its resource (at the bottom of the card) and place it under a foundation in your district.
Some have dual resource icons, here you can decide at any time which resource it is.
You can NOT place a resource under foundations that do not require the given resource. Resources cannot be stored in any other way.
Get a gold
Take a card from the card row that gives gold (at the bottom of the card) and place it under your playercrest card, to indicate that you have saved gold.
Complete a building
When a foundation has all the required resources, it must be built. Discard all used resources and rotate the card vertically. If a foundation has gold requirements and no resource requirements, it is completed immediately.
Claim award
During your turn, you may claim one or more awards if you meet their requirements. To claim an award, take it and place it in your district.
Until the starting player's next turn, other players may also claim an award. This ensures that all players have had the same number of rounds to claim an award. Players who share an award take an unused card of the same value.
If you meet the requirements but forgot to claim the award, you will have to wait until the next round.
Hammer – This action may be used once, in the turn the building is completed. It can be used at any time during the turn, but cannot be saved for future turns.
Crown – This actions is only activated during scoring.
Star – Each turn you may activate one star-action.
The useddeck must be looked through at any time by all players.
The game ends when the deck has been played through a specific number of times depending on the number of players.
1-2 players: One time
3 players: Two times
4 players: Three times
You will score by scoring-conditions, judgecards and points from buildings.
The winner is the one with the most points.
Do you have what it takes to find the right strategy and are able to building the best district and thus win Town Builder: Coevorden?
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Rules – Town Builder: Coevorden
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Town Builder: Coevorden
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook and kickstarter page, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Traffic Oi

15-30 min.
Review af Traffic Oi
We played Traffic Oi! a few times the other day. A quick, easy little game from Vietnam Themed Games, that we actually bought when we were Vietnam. In all its simplicity, the game is about reaching 1,000 km first. However, you play against the others, who can throw cards, which makes you have to fix a punctured tire, stop for a red light, fix a hole in the road, run out of petrol or only drive 50 km/h. You need to make sure you're going forward and in the mean time tease others, so that they won't be going forward.
Will you be first?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The cards are shuffled and 6 cards are dealt to each player.
The cards with green in the left corner are cards you have to use to fix your problems, such as puncture, lack of fuel, hole in the road, etc.
The cards with red in the left corner are cards you can throw at the other players, which gives a puncture, hole in the road, max. 50 km/h, etc.
The yellow cards are safety cards that prevent you from being hit by a specific accident. The police siren prevents you from stopping for red, and you can always drive faster than 50 km/h. If a yellow card is played, you get an extra turn.
Finally, we have the distance cards represented by numbers in the left corner.
There is also a ship next turn card, as well as a go-card that applies to everyone. Skip next turn is a circle with arrow on while the go card is a lightning.
Also included with the game is a reference card that gives an overview of all the cards.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player starts by drawing a card and then plays a card. Either a green, yellow, red or distance card. A player cannot play a distance card until the player has played a green go-card (a green light).
A player can also not get a red card until he has played a green go-card.
The player can only have one red card at a time, if another red card is played, the former card canceled.
When a player has played a card, he must have 6 cards in his hand. The player must always have this when the turn goes on.
The next player also draws a card, and then plays a card. This is how the game continues until the first player reaches exactly 1,000 km.
Spillet er også at finde på Boardgamegeek hvor du f.eks. kan finde reviews osv. – Boardgamegeek – Traffic Oi!
Disclaimer: Du kan finde det på producentens Facebookside her: Vietnam Themed Games
Direct link for the game: Facebookpage (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


15-20 min.
Review of Tranquility
We tried Tranquility for the first time, and after that five more times in a row.
The game is, as you probably guessed, a fast game of approx. 20 minutes. The game is played by 1-5 people, and the game is a co-op game where you have to fill the water with islands to guide the ship home before one of you runs out of cards.
I spillet skal I forsøge, at placere kort i en 6×6 ramme, med kortene 1-80. Kortene skal ligges i numerisk rækkefølge fra venstre mod højre.
Can you win before one of you runs out of cards?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Til at starte med lægges der de 6 kort rammekort op på hver side, for at danne rammen på 6×6. Derefter blandet kortene med numrene 1-80, samt de 5 slutkort (finish). Hver spiller får et startkort, mens de resterende startkort tages kommes i æsken.
Each player is dealt a stack, with approximately equal numbers of cards in each. The player picks up 5 cards and then shuffles the starting card into the rest of the stack.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A starting player is chosen at random and you now have the following two options.
1) Place a card on the "game board"
2) Throw 2 cards away
If you place a card on the game board, it must be in numerical order.
If a card is placed next to another card, cards are discarded corresponding to the difference between the two cards. Eg. if card number 5 is placed next to card number 7, two cards are discarded.
If a card is placed between two other cards, you are free to choose which of the two cards that should be the basis for the number of cards you discard.
You can NEVER place a card that forces you to throw away 4 or more cards, as you only have 4 cards in your hand.
When you have either put a card, or discarded cards, you must pick up cards so that you again have 5 cards in your hand.
One's discard pile, does not come into play again.
If a player have the starting card in his hand, it MUST be played as a move.
When the starting card is played, a total of 8 cards MUST be discarded. Here is the exception to the game's primary "do not talk rule" - In this one case you have to talk about how many cards each player will throw away, BUT there can not any mention other than the number of cards, e.g. nothing about where you can put cards, what cards you have, etc.
If a player draws a finish card, the player has the option to end the game, BUT it can only happen when all the fields are filled. This means that the last card to be played in the game is a finish card. As mentioned, there are 5 finish cards, so it is up to the players to judge whether it should be saved or whether it should be thrown out.
The player is not forced to start with 1 in the left corner, or 80 in the upper left corner. As long as a numerical order is followed, you can place the cards exactly where you want.
The game ends when, a player does not have more cards in hand, or a player cannot make a move. The game is lost.
The players win if they manage to fill out the game board, and at the same time have placed both the start card and the end card.
This was a short summary of Tranquility. We have yet to try playing with the expansions that came with the game, perhaps we should try them soon.
The rules downbelow are in English, but the game can be bought with rules in Danish.
Regler – Tranquility
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Tranquility
Disclaimer: You can find their kickstarterpage here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Tumble Town

Review of Tumble Town
We have tried Tumble Town - A game with MANY dice. A game where you as mayor of the wild west must build buildings in your town. This is what you do by using these dice.
At first it may seem quite confusing, but once you have tried playing a few rounds, it is really not that difficult.
Are you the best mayor of the Wild West?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
In Tumble Town, players must use dice to build buildings to make the best city in the West. One round is played over several rounds, and in each round players must go through four phases. 1. Select a construction plan. 2. Take dice and roll. 3. Construct and use abilities. 4. Place and discard it. Players can get points for their constructed buildings that match icons resembling one's horse and meet the layout requirements of their city cards.
- Place the 3 plan-ending cards in a stack.
- Divide the building plans by 1 cactus, 2 cactus and 3 cactus.
- In a two-player game, the dancehall building plan is removed from the 3-cactus deck.
- Based on the number of players, random building plans are taken.
- At 4 players: 13 building plans.
- At 3 players: 11 building plans and 6 of each color dice are put back in the box.
- At 2 players: 9 building plans and 12 of each color dice are put back in the box.
- At 1 player: 11 building plans and 6 of each color dice are put in the box.
- Shuffle each deck separately and place each stack on top of a plan-ending cards. So that there is one stack with 1 cactus, one with 2 cactus and one with 3 cactus.
- Flip over 4 cards from each stack and place them next to the stack.
- Place the dice in stacks so everyone can reach.
Give each player a turn-reference card, an icon reference card, and a random horse card. - Give each player a city cards with the level of difficulty you have agreed upon. There are 4 different ones. Light, hard, cactus and dueling streets.
- Players place their city and horse cards in front of them.
- Without letting the others see, the players look at their horse card and its way of scoring points.
- Give the first player piece to the person who last saw a horse.
- Afhængigt af antallet af spillere bliver der uddelt terninger:Ved 4 spillere: Alle får 2 brune terninger. Spiller 3 må udover dette vælge enten en grå eller sort, mens spiller 4 får 1 guld.
- At 3 players: Everyone gets 2 browns. Player 3 also gets 1 gold
- At 2 players. Both get 2 browns. Player 2 also gets 1 gold.
- At 1 player: 2 browns.
- All dice are rolled and placed in the warehouse.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
A player's turn is 4 phases, 1. Choose a building plan. 2. Take dice and roll. 3. Construct and use abilities. 4. Place and discard.
1. Vælg en byggeplan
The player takes a construction plan from the 12 cards face up.
2. Tag terninger og slå
The player takes the dice indicated on the card in the stack in the same row. If there are not enough dice, take as many as possible. Roll with dice. Flip a new card that replaces the one you just took. If there are no more cards left, the Plan-ending card must be visible.
3. Konstruér og brug evner
I denne fase, skal spillerne bruge deres terninger til at bygge med. For at bygge, skal spilleren matche farve og værdi listet på bygningsplanerne. En bygning skal bygges i én tur, og man kan ikke gemme terninger på byggeplaner til turen efter. Hvis en spiller ikke kan opfylde betingelserne, kan spilleren stadig bygge, men skal tage en Strafbrik for hver betingelse der ikke er opfyldt. Spilleren kan også lade være med at bygge i denne tur.I denne fase kan bygningernes evner bruges, men kun en gang pr. runde. Når en spiller bruger evnerne, kan kortet trækkes lidt ned for, at indikere at denne evne er brugt. Evner kan bruges så snart bygningen er opført.
4. Placér og kassér
Newly built buildings must be placed on the city card. Extra points are awarded here if you build buildings in the right places.
Each unused cube is placed in the warehouse. If there is no space, they are discarded. A player must choose which dice to discard.
The buildings whose abilities have been used are pushed back up so that they are ready to be used again.
Dice Manipulation
A dice can be manipulated and a player always has a few options. A player can:
1. Aflevere 2 brune, grå eller sorte mod at få én valgfri.
2. Aflevere 2 terninger af samme antal øjne mod at få én valgfri.
3. Aflevere 1 guld mod at få en af de andre.
Always remember:
Any cube coming from the stack MUST be rolled before it can be used.
Once a cube is placed as a building, it cannot be changed.
Players will not be penalized for building plans they have not built when the points are counted.
Players may construct buildings even if the requirements are not met, this costs a penalty token.
Players may construct as many buildings as they have building plans.
The game ends when at least two of the dice piles have two or fewer dice. The players play their last turn, so all players have had the same number of turns.
At the end points are counted and players get points based on: Constructed buildings, Extra points based on gold buildings, Points from the horse card, matching buildings from the city card and negative points for each penalty token.
The player with the most points wins is The Best in the West.
There are additional scenarios and other ways to play, in a whole set of rules separately. See below.
This was a short summary of Tumble Town and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Tumble Town
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Tumble Town
Disclaimer: Ovenstående grafik i form af billeder, er lånt fra udgiverens regelbog og Kickstarterside, hvor du også kan finde mere. Se Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)


30-60 min.
Review of Villagers
At long last we got to try Villagers.
This light-engine builder, card-drafting game is all about rebuilding one's city after the recent plague. The surviving inhabitants are looking for new work and it is your job to find a new job for them. If they do not fit, you can always train them to work with something else.
First game is always difficult, and there are many new rules you just have to get to know, but when it is done, it is actually a very simple game. Or simple is so much said, because can you get the right residents in your city fast enough, to be able to get something out of them in the long run, or do you have to pay to get new residents?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
The game takes place over two phases, the Draft phase (draw cards) and the Build phase (lay down cards). The game does not have a fixed number of rounds, but the end of the game depends on when the last pile of cards is taken. From our experience, the game takes approx. 30-45 min.
Spillepladen er 6 kort kaldet Road (vejen), som skal forestille sig, at være der hvor der søges efter arbejde. Disse 6 kort, der i første omgang består af 6 prædefinerede kort med et lille vejskilt i højre hjørne, har spillerne muligheden for at tage op på hånden. Disse 6 kort er med billedsiden opad, som derfor gør det muligt for spilleren, at se hvilke der er at trække.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Spilleren kan dog til en hver tid også vælge et kort fra de overliggende 6 bunker, men her vides der ikke på forhånd hvad der trækkes. Der vides kun hvilken af de 9 forskellige kategorier kortet tilhører.
The players, in turn, starting with the person who has lived the longest in the same place, take a card, after which the turn continues to player number two.
If the player takes a card on the road, the hole is filled with a card from the stack on the far left above.
Once all players have taken one card, you continue to take cards until you are not allowed to take more cards. You can always take two cards, in addition you can take an extra card for each food symbol in your city.
Once all players have taken their cards (minimum 2), a coin is placed on each of the 6 cards along the Road. If a card on the Road has a coin on it after a round (draft + build phase), the card is replaced and a new one from the stack (not the 6 piles). There must always be a coin on each card on the Road when the round starts. (NOT in the first round)
Some cards have this red food symbol printed. Each symbol allows you to draw an extra card during the draft phase.
Other cards have this house printed. Each symbol with this, allows to build an extra time in the build phase.
There are also cards with this card symbol on. This indicates that x number of cards must use this card in order to be built.
Cards with a padlock, must use the specific card, to be built. If no other players have the card in their city, 2 coins are paid to the bank. If another player owns the card, 2 coins are placed on the corresponding card. If the player himself owns the corresponding card, 2 coins from the bank are placed on the card.
In the upper right corner, a small card symbol is printed.
This symbol indicates how many cards can be placed on top of this card. There is 1 card symbol, 2 card symbol and an x card symbol. The X symbol means that the card must be removed from the game when it is used.
The gold symbol on the card means that you get coins after both the first market phase and the second market phase. The silver symbol only gives coins in the second market phase.
The order of the buildings is not random, and it says on each card how the order is.
The first card in the sequence is characterized by the fact that there is a banner under the category symbol.
The game ends when the second market phase has been triggered.
This was a short summary about the game Villagers and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Villagers
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Villagers
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images and gifs are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook, where you can also find more. You can find their kickstarter page here Kickstarterpage
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Waroong Wars

30-45 min.
Review of Waroong Wars
In Waroong Wars, you take the role as an owner of a so-called Waroong, which is a eatery/food stall that is very well known in Indonesia.
In the game you have to fight against other players to become the most successful Waroong owner.
You have to collect different ingredients, make specific Indonesian dishes and score points.
The more ingredients the dishes need, the more points you get for the dish.
When the last menu card is flipped, this triggers the last round.
A quick little filler game that is not particularly difficult to play and does not take alot of minutes to learn. You can quickly play a few games in a row.
A game that gives great memories from that time you were in Indonesia.
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
First just quickly about the setup.
Shuffle the menus and use cards according to the number of players: 3 players, 18 cards. 4 players, 24 cards. 5 players, 30 cards.
Place the menu cards on the table and turn over the first 6 cards that make up the menu deck.
Shuffle the customer cards and place them on the table.
Place the Go Boy and the victory points on the table.
The player who has been given the spiciest dish starts.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
The game is divided into 3 phases: the Shopping phase, the Cooking phase and the Cleanup phase.
In the Shopping phase, 6 ingredient cards are shuffled and dealt to each player. The rest of the cards are placed on the table. Each player now, without looking at the cards, takes 1 of them and passes the rest on. This is done until all players have received 6 cards. Only after all cards have been dealt, one must look at his cards.
In the Cooking phase, it is the starting player who can choose first. The player must have the ingredients listed on the dishes in order to make them. Some dishes have the option to score extra points, by adding extra addons such as chili. These allow to take +2 extra victory point marker. When a player makes a dish, the used ingredients are put in a discard pile and the player takes a customer card. These customer cards can allow you to make an extra move, give points, etc. If you cannot make a dish because you lack ingredients, you must take a Go Boy card. This card can replace any ingredient, but you can NOT make a dish in the same round.
In the Cleanup phase, which starts when the last player has completed the Cooking phase, you must collect all the ingredients, including those that the players have not used. These are mixed and you get the new pile of ingredients.
The last round of the game is triggered when the last menu card has been flipped. Each dish that the players have made, counts as many points as stated on card. Each unused customer card counts 1 point or what is on the card. Extra victory point marker counts 2 points per pcs.
Let the best Waroong owner win.
This was a short summary about Waroong Wars and bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Waroong Wars
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Waroong Wars
Disclaimer: Their website can be found here Website
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)

Welcome To

25 min.
Review af Welcome To
In Welcome To ... you're trying to build your small town, with the right house numbers, swimming pools, forest and much more.
During the game you get the opportunity to choose between 3 sets of numbers and symbols. The numbers should be placed on the housings in numerical order from left to right. Be tactical and be careful not to put them wrong. It can cost a lot of points in the end.
Are you the best city planner and able to win Welcome To…?
⚙️ Setup ⚙️
Each player is assigned a blank city map where house numbers, etc. can be entered.
The cards are shuffled and divided into three equal piles. Then a card from each pile is flipped over to reveal a number and a symbol.
The mission cards are shuffled and 3 cards are selected. These give points when a player has achieved the requirements.
You are now ready to play.
🎲 Gameplay 🎲
Now the player in turn selects a set, and enters the house number and the symbol. After playing it a few times, all players can take moves at the same time. You can always see which symbol will appear on the next card. This is indicated by the symbol in the right corner of the card.
There are 6 different symbols on the cards.
- Green - You are allowed to fill a forest area. They are at the top right of every street.
- Blue - You are allowed to put a swimming pool by a house. It must be palced by the number that is matched.
- Orange - You are allowed to change the number. +1, +2 or -1, -2.
- Pink - You are allowed to fill a spot which allows you to get more points in the end. Eg. your 1-person houses can score 3 points or your 3-person houses can score 6 points, etc.
- Red - You are allowed to fill a spot that allows you to make a matching house with e.g. two 3s, one of which will be called 3 Bis.
- White - You are allowed to put up a fence. The fence is used to make multi-person houses that can score more points and meet the requirements of the mission cards.
If a player can or will not take a move, the player must cross a box in the red area. This gives minus points.
The game ends when:
– A player has crossed his third red box of or
– A player has completed all three mission cards or
– A player has built all the houses on the city map
In the end, points are counted, and the player with the most points is the winner of Welcome To… and thus the best city planner.
This was a short summary of Welcome To... and a bit about the rules.
The rules are in English, but with good pictures.
Regler – Welcome To…
The game can also be found on Boardgamegeek where you e.g. can find reviews etc.
Boardgamegeek – Welcome To…
Disclaimer: The above graphics in the form of images are borrowed from the publisher's rulebook where you can also find more.
You're able to play Welcome To... on See more at: Welcome To… på Boardgamearena
You can find the price of game here (I have nothing to do with the site, and I will get nothing if you press the link. This is just for friendly info)